Ty Erin, a little ray of sunshine amid the recent dark news.

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Of course, this is the proper informed response, backed by science and empirical evidence. It is also the humane response.

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Thank you to the APA and all of the people that made this happen. I know the extremists trying to eradicate us don’t care about facts and reality, but this kind of institutional backing is critical in reaching the people and lawmakers who are merely ignorant to trans issues, not radicalized against us. This is a HUGE story.

Thank you, Erin. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for your work.

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This resolution is timely, accurate, and very much appreciated. It is a huge disgrace that politics has been more and more emboldened to hinder or obstruct best-practice medicine, especially gender-affirming care and abortion care.

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This is excellent and encouraging news! Thanks, Erin, for pointing out that, even though right-wing Republican legislators insistently resort to highly biased and culpably uninformed witness testimony in their deliberations, this declaration from the highly qualified and respected American Psychological Association will help balance, clarify and support the reality, need, effectiveness and legitimacy of gender-affirming care in the courts -- where ultimately this whole frustrating and deeply troubling episode will ultimately be resolved.

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This is the first time in a long while I have shed a few tears of joy at the news. Thank you for sharing. Well done, APA

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

This was a much needed announcement. Thank goodness and thank YOU Erin for your dogged reporting.

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Hi Erin, this is wonderful... I read that the endocrine society is reexamining its gender affirming care policies over the next 3 years, and I would expect the same positive outcome as the AMA since they are evidence based. However, how the can article was presented, it almost seemed like they were reexamining it due to concerns, when in fact this is standard protocol.

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CNN article

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I'm surprised there were 9 against, what are their stories? How do 9 educated professionals make it onto this body to vote against when the evidence supporting our care is so overwhelming?

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I was wondering the same thing! My hope is that they didn’t think the policy went far enough and voted in protest, knowing it would pass anyway as a sort of first step. My fear is that they can somehow disregard the science? I’d really like to know.

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Where was the American Psychological Association when all of this started years ago? As far as I see it, the train has already left the station. Do they think that since they came out with some kind of historic policy now that all of a sudden the hateful and bigoted politicians are going to say yeah you're right, let's reverse all of the discriminatory laws we've already passed? Absolutely not!

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Whew, I really needed some good news. I'm very glad to hear this from the APA.

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This can only help, even if Republicans will just ignore it and keep trying to kill us all anyway where they hold supermajorities. Maybe, at least, this will have some effect on states which are considering shield laws, but haven't managed to get them passed yet- or convince states which haven't swung either way yet to take more positive action, rather than slipping into the haters' camp.

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This is an amazing piece of substantial evidence for our cause!! Of course we cannot and will not change the minds of many of the ignorant and self righteous who are determined to strike down the validity of transgender people, hopefully information and decisions such as this will slowly propagate the minds of society and turn the tide against bigotry being practiced and enforced by those politicians and other groups who's motives are self serving.

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Any problem with this being distributed to all members of S.C. Senate who have heard so much misinformation. Any special way it should be notated.

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If anyone can give advice regarding the best way to share this news to members of our legislature in S.C., please advise. I want to do it in a way that would not violate anyone’s guidelines .

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The fact that people even think this is an issue for resolution within the political rather than than the medical realm pisses me off no end. If I say any more than that I'll just be descending into foul language.

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Erin, first off, thank you SO much for the amazing work you are doing. It's so important and you provide such great information and insight.

This news is that rare piece of good news that just makes my day and gives me some hope that there is a path out of the darkness. Thank you so much for making it available in an easily accessible story that I can use to disseminate ACTUAL information.

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