I love ya for putting all this out there! It's so helpful and while I know the toll for this emotional labor is high, it makes a difference. Thank you! Also please consider mentioning Missouri next time! They have SIX bills in the works (3 banning healthcare 3 banning student-athletes) https://www.losangelesblade.com/2023/02/03/rabbi-11-year-old-son-testify-against-anti-trans-legislation/

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I’m watching Missouri closely! Please message me if it looks like a committee vote is coming up, and I’ll also edit and add Missouri to this list!

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Made sure to add Missouri! Thanks!

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I appreciate your work SO much, Erin. This week many of us have been making public comment in North Carolina on Senate Bill 49 - a terrible "parental rights" bill which will have devastating effects on LGBTQ youth. It is going to the rules committee on Monday at 5:30 pm in Raleigh, expected to go to the Senate on Tuesday, will likely pass. https://webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewBillDocument/2023/204/0/DRS35021-TC-20

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Yeah, I've heard about that one. There are so many moving around the country right now, it's literally like a war room with triage. This is precisely where the local orgs are so important because national pictures can't account for every one of these.

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yes! and this one is moving insanely fast through the legislative process; we knew nothing about it until Tuesday evening

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I didn't hear about this one in the Senate till now, but I was just looking at NC H43, healthcare ban (under 18) just introduced on the first. Guess they finally got around to coming for us here.

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Thank you Erin.

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It’s really scary what the fascists are doing

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