Thank you so much for the work you do! (And sorry your comments have attracted the dumb of ass😬)

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Thank you for doing this work to bring forth the truth.

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You are a liar and your own worst enemy.

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Please, feel free to have an intelligent discussion in which you lay out your basis for these claims in a calm and educated manner. If not, go away.

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Nobody gave a crap about us til the activist hons and pooners came along and made us “visible.” Now society is pissed. When our healthcare is banned in the future, we will nobody to blame but ourselves.

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Nobody gave a crap about us. THAT’S THE PROBLEM. Over 100,000 people died during the AIDS crisis because no one gave enough of a crap about our community to learn and to challenge their own beliefs. Our community had to come to our own aid.

Nobody gave a crap because people in our community were (and still are) hiding themselves out of fear. People like Erin give others’ courage. And when people become visible, even if it’s just by coming out of the closet, they will inevitably be targeted. Assimilation only works until the wrong person looks around and goes “hey, when did all these LGBTQ people start coming out of the closet? Guess it’s time to start fighting to stuff them back in.”

Unless you’re now considering coming out an act of activism, we have been targeted simply for existing in greater numbers than ever before.

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Til the WHAT? I hate to inform you but you are no fucking better than anyone else. AGP/HSTS is a myth, and you're going down along with the non-passiest trans woman you personally know.

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Liz, who is this comment in response to?

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