It's getting increasingly difficult to tolerate people's HP addictions when it's literally fueling this useless transphobe. There is no separating the art from the artist - she's tainted everything.

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First thought would normally be, "god what a hateful POS". Honestly, it's really sad and I feel a bit sorry for her. How miserable do you have to be to just keep harping on it.

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Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to write stories. One day, she wrote a story that a lot of people really liked, and the woman sold a metric fuckload of books. Movie studios bought the film rights, her stories became ever more popular, and she became positively filthy stinkin' rich. Perhaps it was around that point, but perhaps a little while later, she discovered that rich people can pretty much say and do whatever they want free of any meaningful consequence... and approximately 50 milliseconds after that realization struck her, she became a colossal raging bigoted asshole and never looked back.

The end.

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Joining Elon Musk in the Billionaire Bigot Brigade

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The saddest death in Harry Potter is my respect for JKR.

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You would think she has an advantage here, but Rowling is cosplaying a woman. And doing it badly.

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She ain’t even trying to hide her transphobia anymore.

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Sometimes I can't find the words to express. I have decided not to give her anymore of my attention. If someone brings her up in conversation I will educate. Without Erin's work I would never have had any idea JK was such a disgusting thing.

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It's really sad and pathetic. Makes me sad when I think about how much my daughter loved Harry Potter as a kid.

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It usually starts small, like an ”off” comment at work. So you decide to pay closer attention to what that person says in public. Sure enough, before long, you hear them fling a racist joke or whatnot. The person will eventually show their bigot card and become irrelevant to me.

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Back in the mid-2010s I read several of the Harry Potter books with a friend. This was a long time before the current controversy. I would not want to touch any of those books now. Her remarks against trans people are disgraceful, hurtful, and disgusting.

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I always thought Harry Potter was overrated. My refusal to watch Harry Potter movies at Christmas time led to me being held a virtual prisoner in my room by my housemates, peeing in empty water bottles while they stood outside my door and said I was a man pretending to be a woman. Then they found my dead name on line and started using that like it was a dark secret. Crap, I still get royalties on books published under that name. When I finally moved out, one of them tried to cut my throat with a box cutter. I'm still dealing with the PTSD. Thanks JK Trollin.

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JK Rowling / Robert Galbraith has been cosplaying as a cis woman for most of their life.

Their own gender identity issues are obvious and self-documented, and their internalised transphobia has morphed over time into ever more overt and ever more vicious externalised transphobia.

In the Harry Potter novels, many of the blood purists were themselves self-hating half-bloods (Voldemort, Snape, Dolores Umbridge). The latter novels’ treatment of gaslighting, media propaganda, ideology, and the way they facilitated a fascist takeover of an open society was rather instructive.

But apparently not to their own author, who has now become very like Umbridge: the character they hated most.

Rowling might as well be going around screaming “Mudblood” at this point.

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Hate corrupts the soul. She is utterly twisted. I try to just ignore her, now; she feeds on attention and what we need is for her to be silent. Unbelievable how malevolent she's become. And cringe story time - I chose both my chosem

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I am so disgusted by anything this poor excuse for a human being does any more. I am seriously sick of anyone who still spews transphobic crap and no longer willing to tolerate anyone being a fan of her work. 100% DONE!

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I guess the mask is fully off since people had her pegged as a transphobic piece of shit anyway. No reason to pretend anymore. I want to hear another person defend her.

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