I’m someone who transitioned in their 40s, and I have a lot of regrets and disappointment about how my life has turned out. Knowing that some young people can experience childhood and puberty in their own gender is one of the sources of joy in my life that keeps me going. I’m so grateful to this wonderful little girl, her parents and supporters, and the judge and legal system that is protecting her now.

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I did a very slow rolled transition starting in 2009, with my first pills in 2021 at the age of 41. I have a lot of sadness on missing out on the younger femme me, but I have to say that I have a lot of joy in having my eyes opened so wide in adulthood. It's a perspective, and having this visibly trans body is a challenge to cis people that you don't get with the much more complete transitions that people have in their teens and early 20s. I hope that you can find some peace in where you ended up, too.

It's impossible not to see yourself in these kids and to just want to fly into a rage at what is happening to them. And it's so exhausting hearing this "debate" play out amongst two sides that neither of which really understand what they're talking about, with "your right to exist in public" hanging in the balance.

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I know what you mean. I'm so excited that this is the first generation of our trans brothers and sisters to be able to grow up as themselves. It's beautiful to see.

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Being around young persons transitioning... I see their struggle everyday & know their commitment. They are so very brave. 🙏🏼

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YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! So happy to see my home state doing the right thing!!!!! Still some tall orders ahead before Wisconsin can be truly a safe place for LGBT people (like undoing how badly gerrymandered the state is) but any step, no matter how seemingly small, in the right direction needs to be celebrated and built upon

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State scotus win was huge for the state. I only hope they are able to roll back ALL of the bs they’ve passed this last decade+.

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This is a huge win, and the trend is encouraging. The supportive parents' comments are heartening. Reading about the school board's policy and some of the ignorant parents' comments in the article you referenced makes my blood boil. For example:

"Parent Jen Fritz stood in solidarity with other concerned parents.

'I do not want biological males sharing restrooms, locker rooms, or other private places with my daughters,' Fritz said."

This brings me back to the 90s and Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I was in the USAF at the time, and I had to listen to a lot of ignorant comments about how problematic it would be for gays to be in the "same foxhole" as straight soldiers. The assumption that every gay soldier was automatically attracted to them was comical. Then to assume that somehow, on the front lines, the opportunity for sex would even come up. That they were already serving with gay and transgender people without incident didn't even dawn on them.

Similarly, the idea that transgender people are visiting the bathroom to do anything other than use the toilet isn't based on anything real. There were no incidents related to her behavior. And since this girl hasn't presented herself as male at any time since she started school, it's likely her schoolmates didn't know or care. No, it takes a warped adult to sexualize a child and make it all about "safety."

Further, Jen Fritz does not even live in the Mukwanago school district where she spoke out about the the issue. So she made a point to visit a school board meeting in another district just to get her bigotry on record. This is also happening here in Los Angeles, where people drive hundreds of miles from up north to protest against trans inclusion at school board meetings.

The good news is that increasingly, it seems like people are beginning to see through the bullshit.

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FWIW, Judge Lynn Adelman is male and uses “he” pronouns.

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Whoops! Changed!

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The girl’s note is so sad.

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How could any decent adult, especially one who made a career choice to work with children, be so actively cruel to an eleven-year-old child?

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It's been 8 years since I weighed in on this exact subject in a college publication at UW Milwaukee. I shared in front of everyone I knew just how humiliating and emotionally draining it was to be a literal teenager and have a group of adults police the mere act of peeing while also claiming to care for my safety. I've never been actually proud to say this is my home town before now. This is my state. The fight isn't over, but it feels so good to see a W come in from WI. I don't even have the words.

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This story froze my blood. The cruelty manifest against this eleven year old sears the heart. I'm very grateful to you, Erin, for your fantastic reporting.

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The cruelty of these bigots know no bounds. My heart broke reading that poor girls message. If I were the parent, oh the stink I would have raised. (I’m sure they did; thus the law suit) it makes me so angry that people are heartless and needlessly cruel. For what, an election?

Screw your politics conservatives. You all deserve to lose power and NEVER hold any kind employment again. These people are too dangerous to interact with society.

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Thank you for reporting these rays of light as they happen, it’s so refreshing in the midst of so much gloom! Cannot believe they’d treat a little 11 year old girl like this, how cruel and unnecessary. They shouldn’t even have had the conversation with her without her parents being present.

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We are winning. This round we are glad the judge referred to the U.S. Constitutional rights in this case. These rights apply to all U.S. Citizens from birth? Oh, and before I forget again; thank you, Erin & Co. for setting up those links to the various platforms. This makes the exercise of sharing that much easier for old cats like yours truly. Everyone, please stay as safe, and healthy as possible. Sending lots of Love from London, Ontario, Canada.

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You (& Zooey) are brave too, Erin. Thank you for what you do for our community. Enjoy your well deserved vacation. Namaste 🙏🏼

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Title IX gives us great things, like this awesome ruling and an Amazing Women's Association Football Team!

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