The amicus brief of families who have been impacted by anti-trans legislation and forced to split apart was one of many filed on Tuesday in the L.W. v. Skrmetti case challenging TN's trans care ban.
It's very difficult to fully process these stories, to see kids being so brazenly abused by the state. It's very difficult to go have a normal day after reading about what they are currently going through, and hearing the echos of what many of us went through during the early parts of our lives. I cannot imagine getting to the point where both my parents and my doctors are able to give me a medical lifeline for the kind of existentially unbearable dysphoria that many of us experience during puberty, only for a bunch of politicians and weirdos to swoop in and rip that lifeline away while claiming that its for our own good.
It's very difficult to fully process these stories.
Yea, it's always difficult with how relatable the stories are and how preventable the pain being inflicted on these kids is. We know so much more and have better care now than ever before, just for some idiot bigots (who haven't even bothered to try and understand what being trans is like) to take it all away.
I just make sure that I only read stories like these when I'm in a good mental place. If I read too many too frequently, it's just so overwhelming.
My family is one of those that had to move from TX. We landed in WA. The cost of that move was immeasurable to our bank account and to our credit. We had to borrow money from family to make it happen.
We also worried for the months leading up to that move, as I went to Austin multiple times to meet legislators and to give testimony during the SB14/HB1686 committee hearing, that we’d become one of those split families. Our cisgender son was in the middle of his own mental health crisis that included two attempts to take his own life. He had a while support system in TX that we were terrified to remove him from in order to protect our trans daughter’s rights.
The only reasons we didn’t ultimately make that difficult decision to split apart, was our son didn’t want to be the reason we split up and because he came out as gay two months before the end of the school year in 2023. That made it clear we needed to get all of us out of TX if we wanted stability and safety for the whole family.
The decisions being made by families in this anti-trans, red state world, are impossibly hard. We find political safety, but lose our local safety nets from our daily grind. The friends and allies we’d found in our struggles. The family that accepted our kids for who they are. We lost of all of that to build these new lives.
And when we get where we are going, it’s hard to rebuild that kind of community. When people talk to us about our moves, when we do find those support groups in our new homes, we suck the air out of the room when we share our story and that sucks, too.
We’ve been in WA for a year. Our credit is in the toilet. And we continue to struggle with repairing our finances. It’s taken this long to fully accept our new home, and to accept that this is where our kids will graduate high school. That these are indeed our new roots.
God Bless anyone else going through this.
And if you’re reading this and contemplating your family’s next decision about moving or traveling for medical access, and you live in north TX or know someone who is in that area and in need of help, please tell them to go follow TENT on social media, and that there’s a small but helpful grant from the North Texas TRANSportation Network out there that can help in some small way with those costs for moving or traveling.
Thank you for sharing your story, you and your family deserved better. I'm glad you and the kids are now safe in WA.
My family is in the middle of making a similar move---from Indiana to Minnesota. My teenage son was already receiving gender-affirming care through our Indianapolis children's hospital for six months when our state legislation banned it. I've never seen a physician cry at an appointment before, but I saw my son's doctor shed tears while expressing her fear about the safety of the families in her practice.
The moving process has also almost bankrupted us, and we've had to leave everything & everyone we know behind in Indiana. My teenage son starts school here in Minnesota in a few weeks, and I'm still holding my breath to see if this really is going to be an overall positive change for him.
Know you're not alone, and I hope that all of our stories will push forward some kind of positive change for queer kids everywhere.
I have an adult transdaughter and an adult bisexual daughter who live with me and my husband. We're planning on moving from MO to MN in the spring, unless some unthinkable crap happens in the meantime. Was just making a timeline and list of all the things we need to do and hoping we can pull it off. Worried about the finances as well.
I'm 'liking' this post not for the heartbreaking content, but because it shines a light on something that should be widely reported. These bans cause harm! And the advice of, "just move" isn't always an option. Thank you, as always, Erin for your diligent reporting! The work you do is invaluable to so many!
Though we don’t know for sure what SCOTUS will do next year, the safest assumption is that they will probably uphold the Tennessee law (using whatever convoluted reasoning they want to in order to justify), leaving a Dobbs-like environment where states can freely prohibit GAC if they want to (and MANY will), but where states can also allow it if they want. That seems the most likely outcome, though scenarios both better and even worse than that can be imagined. That will further entrench the divide between the states on the issue, creating a country of haves and have-nots wrt gender affirming care, and further promulgate the suffering and life stories highlighted by Erin’s article.
Erin’s article also highlights something else: that these horrible GAC bans restrict care not only in states with bans, but also in permissive states too. That’s because of the lengthy waitlists and resource crunches that are created within the latter. It is unfair, abusive, and hopefully SCOTUS will find it unconstitutional as well (but don’t get your hopes up). If Trump and the GOP get their way, they will try to ban it in all 50 states, both for minors and adults; the only hope there is that blue states, which comprise some of the largest and most politically powerful states in the country, would try to resist it.
And yet the mainstream media continues to make articles about detransitioners, never mentioning the lived experiences of trans kids. I remember these stories being told 10 years ago, except back then it was "my kid got gender affirming care and I got them back, now I've got a happy healthy child where I once had one that was really struggling". They don't want to post these stories, I guess because they don't drive clicks. But people think now that detrans is the norm and trans kids aren't actually transformed by receiving care. Meanwhile, families come and beg in front of legislatures to not take the light from their kids eyes they recently got back.
Erin has published articles debunking that detransition bullshit. It doesn't happen at the rate the GQP says it's happening. Something like less than 3%? I forget the number, but it's tiny. Probably even far less for children, because that number is for all trans people.
I found it: "Detransition rates are estimated to be between 1-4%." Also, Erin noted, "The claim that 80% of transgender youth will change their mind has been widely debunked and is contradicted by modern research, which indicates regret and detransition rates of 1-4%, according to a review of newer peer-reviewed studies by Cornell University." This is from her article:
If they won't believe Erin, they should give some cred to Cornell University IF they are truly just misled. Otherwise, they will ignore all the facts to continue to spread their bitter hatred
Us: Actually, that study is flawed because it conflated gender nonconformity with transgender status, and was from a time where LGB children were often roped into gender services because of nonconformity. None of the kids in that study had modern definitions of gender dysphoria. Even if they did, the study only looked at how many did not return to their clinic - it's unknown if they just went somewhere else. This study from Cornell University says the rate is closer to 1-4%.
Them: I don't want to believe you, so I'm going to come up with excuses as to why I refuse to do so.
Thing is they don't care about the truth. The cruelty is the point. They know the harm they are causing, there's no confusion. Which is why they'll discard all supportive sources, no matter how expert and reliable their reputations show them to be. Look at every major medical association in America in support of the availability and access to gender affirming care. If all of them together aren't convincing to these in people, what could be?
Oh yeah, I know, and she's awesome. But she's hardly "mainstream" media, unfortunately. She's a trans voice, and trans voices are not lifted up - we're silenced. The rates of detransitioners, whenever an actual study is done, is something like 1-3% I think. So you'd think there'd be 99 stories in the news of happy trans kids for every detrans kid, but there isn't. It's the other way around.
Corporate Media only cares about clicks/views and are owned by right-wing CEO's. Musk is public enemy #1, but so are all the others, including TV. There are folks that are trying to fight back against Corporate Media. Not on behalf of trans people, but because they've caught on that these people are major liars and aren't journalists anymore. The DNC had a special place for Independent Journalists, and that's how we'll get the word out ... through them. They will replace those clowns. Bet? LOL
Hey, why do you think VP Harris was avoiding them, but opened the door to the IJ's? She knows they're full of shit and only want to ask her questions related to Chumpy, her race, stupid questions, not policies. VP Harris is pro-Trans, but probably won't say that until after she's elected.
We’ve been in Minnesota for 2 months now, after leaving our home in TN. We’re some of the “lucky ones” who had the ability to pack up and move. But it has taken such a toll on us. My 4th grader cries himself to sleep often because he misses his friends and feels lonely. We’ve been ripped apart at the seams, but knew we couldn’t protect our trans daughter or give her the life she deserves if we stayed in TN. I’m so full of anger at the people who did this to us, and to families like mine across the state. And my heart aches for the kids whose families don’t have the means to escape, or who lack supportive parents in the first place. I try not to imagine what our life would be like back home in TN, but I miss so many things about the life we had built. At the end of the day though, my children are worth giving it all up for.
As a QUEER ally reading these stories makes me want to speak out louder and more often. Currently my time is being spent trying to get out the vote. I am quite disappointed in our Queer community by the amount of negativity, I hear concerning trans. I would like to think that it’s just a small portion of my local community. Of course, I always speak out loud and proud. I live in Oregon so it totally different situation than so many of you and other states. You’re on my mind and in my heart.
I don't understand why some in the queer community have issues with or have disavowed trans people? Heads up to those folks, if they win and legislate us out of "official" existence, they'll be coming for you too! You might not be NEXT, but you're certainly in line to be removed from their view of society.
We ALL have to stick together! When WE fight, WE win! It's not just a campaign slogan. It's the truth!
OMG, my first emotion is typically anger at these things. You're determined to bring tears to my eyes, Erin. It happened. As I look at my long life and think about the hard times I had being part of the LGBT+, I can't process this shit at the moment. I got an instant headache reading this, but THANK YOU for writing it ... just like you did.
You humanized these people, me, and all of us who didn't have an easy time with our transitions in life. Coming out twice in a lifetime? To be honest, I was more horrified between 2011-2015. But the 2nd time, I was 58, much wiser, more mature, independent, and not a kid anymore. I dealt with my transitions in silence and alone. But I knew what to do and got immediately involved in trans groups, organizations, had great pro-trans doctors at the VA, and had a gentle therapist.
Thank God for them, because I don't know if I would've made it without them. They're picking on our children because they're the most vulnerable. They know adults might fight back harder, but they ARE coming after us, too.
I'm going to share this in the places I frequent. You hear this Massachusetts (Mis)Informed Parents? Y'all need to get a grip and look at what you're causing. SMFH
#Omelas Always remind any person you know who might vote GOP who is not a Social Conserative of what they are voting for, the torture by law of transgender adults and children! And if you have not, please read the short story by Ursule K. LeGuin, the parallels are clear.
If anyone is moving to the San Francisco Bay area especially north east bay and Sacramento, I will try to help in whatever way I can. I am self employed and have many contacts in addition to offering my services for free if the need arises. My kids graduated high school in this area and we came from the east coast. I came out as a trans parent while they were in school.
I'm a little more hopeful about the outcome of the election now. But if it goes bad, I'm in Eastern Michigan, and I might be able to set up a trans underground railroad into Canada. Let's hope we don't need it.
It is absolutely heart breaking as a woman who is trans to read accounts of so many adversely impacted by these hateful laws. The rates of depression and self harm are difficult to see rise and the unseen toll on this generation of trans children, regardless of the future Scotus decision, will last for decades if not a lifetime. It is hard not to see the parallel of Jewish families who had to flee Germany in the 1930s and the lifetime effect this had on those that survived. Even more currently the adverse effect on those families or just agonizingly sending just their children in order to flee violence and coming to the US or Europe will last for decades. All of this to do what? To protect those who fear change or fear those who are different, want power and/or money, or in the name of religion? Where is the outrage by those who remain silent in the face of such evil?
I often hear people say something like, "not all ( insert religious affiliation here) are bad, I know some personally." Well if they don't speak up about the harm that their religion and monetary donations are doing, then they are bad. To stand by while your money is used to support organizations like the Heritage foundation and many others is to passively participate in the destruction of of other people's lives. Would your God be happy with you enabling the suicide of children ?
Agree. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." "Someone who hates one group will end up hating everyone". Elie Wiesel
We had to support our transgender daughter, child, a 25 year old with Autism, OCD, and Dysprexia moving to a safer state because Texas became a danger to her mental health, despite the fact that we could not move yet. The constant push by Governor Abbott and State Attourney General Paxton made it crucial as the constant threats to her access to necessary health care were impacting her mental and physical health. There reign of terror is constant and make clear they will keep pushing until she has no rights. Now there is a ban to getting trans folks Tx id even with a court order of gender and name change like she had. They are loosing a brilliant young woman and two experts in our friends - IT development and Psychotherapy - due to their hateful policies. Shame on them!
wow this just brings tears to my eyes that families have to split and leave a place that they love just to get the right healthcare.. We went through this last summer as we had to leave Florida for same reasons and it just broke our hearts. Being a family of 7 and uprooting all of us was absolutely heartbreaking... Prayers and well wishes to all that are suffering due to these awful laws..
It's very difficult to fully process these stories, to see kids being so brazenly abused by the state. It's very difficult to go have a normal day after reading about what they are currently going through, and hearing the echos of what many of us went through during the early parts of our lives. I cannot imagine getting to the point where both my parents and my doctors are able to give me a medical lifeline for the kind of existentially unbearable dysphoria that many of us experience during puberty, only for a bunch of politicians and weirdos to swoop in and rip that lifeline away while claiming that its for our own good.
It's very difficult to fully process these stories.
Yea, it's always difficult with how relatable the stories are and how preventable the pain being inflicted on these kids is. We know so much more and have better care now than ever before, just for some idiot bigots (who haven't even bothered to try and understand what being trans is like) to take it all away.
I just make sure that I only read stories like these when I'm in a good mental place. If I read too many too frequently, it's just so overwhelming.
My family is one of those that had to move from TX. We landed in WA. The cost of that move was immeasurable to our bank account and to our credit. We had to borrow money from family to make it happen.
We also worried for the months leading up to that move, as I went to Austin multiple times to meet legislators and to give testimony during the SB14/HB1686 committee hearing, that we’d become one of those split families. Our cisgender son was in the middle of his own mental health crisis that included two attempts to take his own life. He had a while support system in TX that we were terrified to remove him from in order to protect our trans daughter’s rights.
The only reasons we didn’t ultimately make that difficult decision to split apart, was our son didn’t want to be the reason we split up and because he came out as gay two months before the end of the school year in 2023. That made it clear we needed to get all of us out of TX if we wanted stability and safety for the whole family.
The decisions being made by families in this anti-trans, red state world, are impossibly hard. We find political safety, but lose our local safety nets from our daily grind. The friends and allies we’d found in our struggles. The family that accepted our kids for who they are. We lost of all of that to build these new lives.
And when we get where we are going, it’s hard to rebuild that kind of community. When people talk to us about our moves, when we do find those support groups in our new homes, we suck the air out of the room when we share our story and that sucks, too.
We’ve been in WA for a year. Our credit is in the toilet. And we continue to struggle with repairing our finances. It’s taken this long to fully accept our new home, and to accept that this is where our kids will graduate high school. That these are indeed our new roots.
God Bless anyone else going through this.
And if you’re reading this and contemplating your family’s next decision about moving or traveling for medical access, and you live in north TX or know someone who is in that area and in need of help, please tell them to go follow TENT on social media, and that there’s a small but helpful grant from the North Texas TRANSportation Network out there that can help in some small way with those costs for moving or traveling.
Thank you for sharing your story, you and your family deserved better. I'm glad you and the kids are now safe in WA.
My family is in the middle of making a similar move---from Indiana to Minnesota. My teenage son was already receiving gender-affirming care through our Indianapolis children's hospital for six months when our state legislation banned it. I've never seen a physician cry at an appointment before, but I saw my son's doctor shed tears while expressing her fear about the safety of the families in her practice.
The moving process has also almost bankrupted us, and we've had to leave everything & everyone we know behind in Indiana. My teenage son starts school here in Minnesota in a few weeks, and I'm still holding my breath to see if this really is going to be an overall positive change for him.
Know you're not alone, and I hope that all of our stories will push forward some kind of positive change for queer kids everywhere.
I have an adult transdaughter and an adult bisexual daughter who live with me and my husband. We're planning on moving from MO to MN in the spring, unless some unthinkable crap happens in the meantime. Was just making a timeline and list of all the things we need to do and hoping we can pull it off. Worried about the finances as well.
I will never understand the mental gymnastics republicans have to go through, to torture children and still believe that they are good people.
I'm 'liking' this post not for the heartbreaking content, but because it shines a light on something that should be widely reported. These bans cause harm! And the advice of, "just move" isn't always an option. Thank you, as always, Erin for your diligent reporting! The work you do is invaluable to so many!
Though we don’t know for sure what SCOTUS will do next year, the safest assumption is that they will probably uphold the Tennessee law (using whatever convoluted reasoning they want to in order to justify), leaving a Dobbs-like environment where states can freely prohibit GAC if they want to (and MANY will), but where states can also allow it if they want. That seems the most likely outcome, though scenarios both better and even worse than that can be imagined. That will further entrench the divide between the states on the issue, creating a country of haves and have-nots wrt gender affirming care, and further promulgate the suffering and life stories highlighted by Erin’s article.
Erin’s article also highlights something else: that these horrible GAC bans restrict care not only in states with bans, but also in permissive states too. That’s because of the lengthy waitlists and resource crunches that are created within the latter. It is unfair, abusive, and hopefully SCOTUS will find it unconstitutional as well (but don’t get your hopes up). If Trump and the GOP get their way, they will try to ban it in all 50 states, both for minors and adults; the only hope there is that blue states, which comprise some of the largest and most politically powerful states in the country, would try to resist it.
And yet the mainstream media continues to make articles about detransitioners, never mentioning the lived experiences of trans kids. I remember these stories being told 10 years ago, except back then it was "my kid got gender affirming care and I got them back, now I've got a happy healthy child where I once had one that was really struggling". They don't want to post these stories, I guess because they don't drive clicks. But people think now that detrans is the norm and trans kids aren't actually transformed by receiving care. Meanwhile, families come and beg in front of legislatures to not take the light from their kids eyes they recently got back.
Erin has published articles debunking that detransition bullshit. It doesn't happen at the rate the GQP says it's happening. Something like less than 3%? I forget the number, but it's tiny. Probably even far less for children, because that number is for all trans people.
I found it: "Detransition rates are estimated to be between 1-4%." Also, Erin noted, "The claim that 80% of transgender youth will change their mind has been widely debunked and is contradicted by modern research, which indicates regret and detransition rates of 1-4%, according to a review of newer peer-reviewed studies by Cornell University." This is from her article:
If they won't believe Erin, they should give some cred to Cornell University IF they are truly just misled. Otherwise, they will ignore all the facts to continue to spread their bitter hatred
It usually goes like this:
Them: 80% of trans kids desist!
Us: Actually, that study is flawed because it conflated gender nonconformity with transgender status, and was from a time where LGB children were often roped into gender services because of nonconformity. None of the kids in that study had modern definitions of gender dysphoria. Even if they did, the study only looked at how many did not return to their clinic - it's unknown if they just went somewhere else. This study from Cornell University says the rate is closer to 1-4%.
Them: I don't want to believe you, so I'm going to come up with excuses as to why I refuse to do so.
Thing is they don't care about the truth. The cruelty is the point. They know the harm they are causing, there's no confusion. Which is why they'll discard all supportive sources, no matter how expert and reliable their reputations show them to be. Look at every major medical association in America in support of the availability and access to gender affirming care. If all of them together aren't convincing to these in people, what could be?
Oh yeah, I know, and she's awesome. But she's hardly "mainstream" media, unfortunately. She's a trans voice, and trans voices are not lifted up - we're silenced. The rates of detransitioners, whenever an actual study is done, is something like 1-3% I think. So you'd think there'd be 99 stories in the news of happy trans kids for every detrans kid, but there isn't. It's the other way around.
Corporate Media only cares about clicks/views and are owned by right-wing CEO's. Musk is public enemy #1, but so are all the others, including TV. There are folks that are trying to fight back against Corporate Media. Not on behalf of trans people, but because they've caught on that these people are major liars and aren't journalists anymore. The DNC had a special place for Independent Journalists, and that's how we'll get the word out ... through them. They will replace those clowns. Bet? LOL
Hey, why do you think VP Harris was avoiding them, but opened the door to the IJ's? She knows they're full of shit and only want to ask her questions related to Chumpy, her race, stupid questions, not policies. VP Harris is pro-Trans, but probably won't say that until after she's elected.
To be fair it might likely hurt her chances, and I rather her end up in office vs express public support to us first and then lose
'Regret after gender affirming surgery is less than 1 %'
We’ve been in Minnesota for 2 months now, after leaving our home in TN. We’re some of the “lucky ones” who had the ability to pack up and move. But it has taken such a toll on us. My 4th grader cries himself to sleep often because he misses his friends and feels lonely. We’ve been ripped apart at the seams, but knew we couldn’t protect our trans daughter or give her the life she deserves if we stayed in TN. I’m so full of anger at the people who did this to us, and to families like mine across the state. And my heart aches for the kids whose families don’t have the means to escape, or who lack supportive parents in the first place. I try not to imagine what our life would be like back home in TN, but I miss so many things about the life we had built. At the end of the day though, my children are worth giving it all up for.
As a QUEER ally reading these stories makes me want to speak out louder and more often. Currently my time is being spent trying to get out the vote. I am quite disappointed in our Queer community by the amount of negativity, I hear concerning trans. I would like to think that it’s just a small portion of my local community. Of course, I always speak out loud and proud. I live in Oregon so it totally different situation than so many of you and other states. You’re on my mind and in my heart.
I don't understand why some in the queer community have issues with or have disavowed trans people? Heads up to those folks, if they win and legislate us out of "official" existence, they'll be coming for you too! You might not be NEXT, but you're certainly in line to be removed from their view of society.
We ALL have to stick together! When WE fight, WE win! It's not just a campaign slogan. It's the truth!
OMG, my first emotion is typically anger at these things. You're determined to bring tears to my eyes, Erin. It happened. As I look at my long life and think about the hard times I had being part of the LGBT+, I can't process this shit at the moment. I got an instant headache reading this, but THANK YOU for writing it ... just like you did.
You humanized these people, me, and all of us who didn't have an easy time with our transitions in life. Coming out twice in a lifetime? To be honest, I was more horrified between 2011-2015. But the 2nd time, I was 58, much wiser, more mature, independent, and not a kid anymore. I dealt with my transitions in silence and alone. But I knew what to do and got immediately involved in trans groups, organizations, had great pro-trans doctors at the VA, and had a gentle therapist.
Thank God for them, because I don't know if I would've made it without them. They're picking on our children because they're the most vulnerable. They know adults might fight back harder, but they ARE coming after us, too.
I'm going to share this in the places I frequent. You hear this Massachusetts (Mis)Informed Parents? Y'all need to get a grip and look at what you're causing. SMFH
#Omelas Always remind any person you know who might vote GOP who is not a Social Conserative of what they are voting for, the torture by law of transgender adults and children! And if you have not, please read the short story by Ursule K. LeGuin, the parallels are clear.
Fuck. Just... 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬.
If anyone is moving to the San Francisco Bay area especially north east bay and Sacramento, I will try to help in whatever way I can. I am self employed and have many contacts in addition to offering my services for free if the need arises. My kids graduated high school in this area and we came from the east coast. I came out as a trans parent while they were in school.
I'm a little more hopeful about the outcome of the election now. But if it goes bad, I'm in Eastern Michigan, and I might be able to set up a trans underground railroad into Canada. Let's hope we don't need it.
It is absolutely heart breaking as a woman who is trans to read accounts of so many adversely impacted by these hateful laws. The rates of depression and self harm are difficult to see rise and the unseen toll on this generation of trans children, regardless of the future Scotus decision, will last for decades if not a lifetime. It is hard not to see the parallel of Jewish families who had to flee Germany in the 1930s and the lifetime effect this had on those that survived. Even more currently the adverse effect on those families or just agonizingly sending just their children in order to flee violence and coming to the US or Europe will last for decades. All of this to do what? To protect those who fear change or fear those who are different, want power and/or money, or in the name of religion? Where is the outrage by those who remain silent in the face of such evil?
I often hear people say something like, "not all ( insert religious affiliation here) are bad, I know some personally." Well if they don't speak up about the harm that their religion and monetary donations are doing, then they are bad. To stand by while your money is used to support organizations like the Heritage foundation and many others is to passively participate in the destruction of of other people's lives. Would your God be happy with you enabling the suicide of children ?
Agree. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." "Someone who hates one group will end up hating everyone". Elie Wiesel
We had to support our transgender daughter, child, a 25 year old with Autism, OCD, and Dysprexia moving to a safer state because Texas became a danger to her mental health, despite the fact that we could not move yet. The constant push by Governor Abbott and State Attourney General Paxton made it crucial as the constant threats to her access to necessary health care were impacting her mental and physical health. There reign of terror is constant and make clear they will keep pushing until she has no rights. Now there is a ban to getting trans folks Tx id even with a court order of gender and name change like she had. They are loosing a brilliant young woman and two experts in our friends - IT development and Psychotherapy - due to their hateful policies. Shame on them!
wow this just brings tears to my eyes that families have to split and leave a place that they love just to get the right healthcare.. We went through this last summer as we had to leave Florida for same reasons and it just broke our hearts. Being a family of 7 and uprooting all of us was absolutely heartbreaking... Prayers and well wishes to all that are suffering due to these awful laws..