Thank you for doing this. It was incredibly helpful in making college choices for my non-binary child. We are lucky that we are right next door to a safe state (Illinois). I'm thrilled to be sending my child from MO to Chicago for college next year!

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That’s what I’m doing too. His 1st choice is/was Purdue, but with Indiana now pushing these same extreme hate bills, I’m worried about him staying here. Can’t afford to send him out of state. Did you happen to find any scholarships, aid or any other resources for trans/nb kids to help them go oos for school?

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These maps are incredibly helpful and informative - if also tremendously sad, given that state legislatures seem willing to expend so much effort to take hard-earned rights away, and make the lives of vulnerable people miserable. A healthy democracy would not feel the need to target the rights of its most marginalized residents.

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We live in Florida; our trans male child is 21 and currently lives in Savannah, GA where he goes to school. I am sickened by the legislation and by our FL governor at every turn. We submitted my son’s birth certificate last May to have his gender marker and name changed. The name has been changed, but the gender marker is still not done. It’s supposed to take 2 weeks to update a birth certificate, but the governor is requiring that every request for a gender marker change be reviewed by a state attorney. They stopped reviewing them for several months last year because the legislature was trying to pass a law that gender marker changes could not be done. I guess they were hoping they also could deny them to those who had submitted for them before the law was passed. But the law did not pass and now there is a back log of (apparently) about a year. I just hung up with the state attorney’s office and was told my son’s birth certificate is “in the next batch,” so it SHOULD be about 6 more weeks. There are 200 certificates in a batch. I can’t help but worry that they are still just sitting on them and delaying, delaying, delaying, and it makes me LIVID.

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Thank you for all of your hard work! This map is such a valuable tool!

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Thank you for continuing to do this valuable work! What else (besides subscribing) can we do to help support your work?

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It's like what I expect a modern day Confederacy to look like should the worst happen... and it's amazing that out of all the things to fix in this country, they are targeting us instead of fixing any of those... this may be a sign that if you can move somehow, you may want to try... things in red above are probably best to avoid even if you have to struggle to figure out how. Thanks for keeping us informed. I'm already in the process of moving to a safer state.

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Thanks Erin! Very helpful tool. Heart breaking to see my home state of Florida as the darkest shade of… well shade. Working on it! 💪🏼

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