Stochastic terrorists like this Raichik weasel should be prosecuted and put in jail. Her lies, her calls to violence, and her irrational hatred mark her as someone perverse and immoral.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 28, 2022
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“the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.”

She did that, in her own words, coming out of her own mouth.

You just told us.

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With that name and background I think she might not be aware of how much hatred the people she thinks like her would have for her if she wasn't spewing their brand of hatred too.

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Thank you for the excellent coverage. It’s critical to highlight, as much as possible, how broadly accepted this hatred has become. Especially when it is endorsed so readily by presumptive presidential candidates.

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At least her showing her face helped her get identified as a Jan. 6 terrorist. Maybe she took care of herself for us.

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Raichik & her supporters are the cock roaches of our society, not the LGBTQ+. At best, this woman is covering up for her own fear of exclusion by those she has attracted to follow her. If she wasn’t attacking the LGBTQ+ community, these very same supporters would be ostracizing her for her heritage. At worst, Raichik is an evil, self-loathing person who refuses to acknowledge that we are all human beings, entitled to love who we want to love, and be who we want to be, without persecution. Raichik is unAmerican as are those who support her.

I am especially concerned about those in elected office who are giving this unAmerican a voice and support. We cannot allow people with her mentality who are in elected office to remain. Ron DeSantis is eyeing a run for the presidency. Can you imagine having a homophobic President? It’s bad enough that he is on his second term as Governor of Florida. I am hopeful this is a game changer for moderate Republicans and Independents. Not only do Americans need to unite to save democracy, but to also work to expel racists and homophobes from our government no matter which Party!

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If it weren't for Libs of Tik tok. PLEASE. I don't agree with teachers calling my kids they but there's a respectful way to have this conversation. Listening to these clowns isn't the way to do it.

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Teachers only call kids “they” who ask to be called they. It’s language. It changes all the time. I used expressions my parents didn’t and 20somethings use language I don’t. Throughout history language has changed - that’s why we don’t all speak like Shakespeare. No cap fam, that’s jokes.

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