DeSantis Offered Libs Of TikTok The Governor's Mansion Guesthouse - More Revealed In Hate-Filled Interview
After two years of terrorizing the LGBTQ+ community, Chaya Raichik appeared on Tucker Carlson with a message of hate and a few bombshells, including Florida's Gov. DeSantis message to her.
We finally have her face. Chaya Raichik is the creator of Libs of TikTok, the hate account that has spawned violent terrorism around the country targeted at LGBTQ+ teachers, medical providers, and parents. Today, she appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show for a one hour interview where she revealed her face for the first time. On the show, she dropped several bombshells and hate messages - completely in line with her posting strategy on Twitter. She revealed her philosophy on LGBTQ+ people and called them “evil,” used dehumanizing language such as calling LGBTQ+ people and allies “cockroaches” and a “poison,” and revealed her role in anti-trans legislation via Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. She even revealed that Gov. DeSantis offered her the governor’s mansion guest room for “as long as she needed it.”
In case you have somehow avoided knowledge of Libs Of TikTok, I have documented her actions extensively both on this platform and on others. Earlier this year I covered her tweets against Boston Children’s Hospital. Multiple anti-LGBTQ+ terrorists have been arrested in bomb threats to that hospital made shortly after she tweeted about them offering gender affirming care to trans youth. Earlier this month she directed her audience at a drag show in North Carolina. The night of the drag show, nearby substations were attacked right as the show was slated to begin and 40,000 people went without power for days. Earlier this year, she targeted schools in Kiel, Wisconsin for investigating a Title IX complaint against students bullying a trans teen. After her targeting, the town was beset by bomb threats for months, causing many missed school days. Recently, disinformation Kris Goldsmith and his team Task Force Butler published research showing that Chaya Raichik’s targets received real world violence 66 times, and half of the time it occurred within 5 days of a Libs Of Tiktok tweet:
Today, Raichik has decided to step into the light and increase her visibility and platform. Although the interview starts off slow and meanders through spats she had with Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz, it becomes clear quite quickly that she harbors hate and resentment towards the LGBTQ+ community and uses language that should frighten anyone familiar with eliminationism and genocide. At 21:34 in the video, Chaya Raichik compares LGBTQ+ people and allies to cockroaches (timestamped):
The interview continues and Chaya then reveals that she is not acting alone. She has gained a significant institutional presence among the Republican party and has been in contact with numerous legislators and high profile political figures. We learn that Chaya Raichik, when bragging about how many teachers she has gotten fired and how many drag shows she has gotten cancelled, was also credited by Ron DeSantis himself as inspiration behind the “Parental Rights In Education” bill, otherwise known as the Florida Don’t Say Gay/Trans law. She has also been in touch with other legislators who credit her with inspiring their own laws that they are drafting targeting the trans community. This comes as more anti-trans bills have been proposed in 2022 than any other year in history - 2023 looks to be even worse. Here is Chaya discussing her role in teacher firings and her contact with Gov. DeSantis and other legislators (timestamped):
Towards the end of the video, she fully leans into hate speech. She calls LGBTQ+ people a cult and claims that LGBTQ+ people “pull people in, brainwash them to join, and convince them to be trans.” She then calls transgender acceptance “poisonous.” In return, Tucker Carlson laments over the loss of the “Destruction of the family line.” This logic has appeared before and is part of the connection between anti-trans legislation to anti-abortion legislation and great replacement theory - the conspiracy theory that “our kids are being transed” in order to reduce white people’s presence in society through population control. See this segment of the video (timestamped):
The interview then closes with Chaya Raichik being calling LGBTQ+ people and their allies “just evil people” who “just want to groom kids” and even says that LGBTQ+ people are “recruiting.” That last word has a loaded history in anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry. In the late 1980s and 1990s, gay people were accused of “recruiting” kids through GSA clubs and there was a reoccurring claim that nobody was born gay but that people become gay through “homosexual indoctrination.” This was the subject of the surge in conversion therapy and Exodus International along with the ex-gays in 1990s and you can see some of this language being used in another article I wrote on this topic. See Raichik use these words here (timestamped):
At the very end of the interview, we also learn more about her closeness to the Governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis offered Chaya Raichik the governor’s mansion guest house “as long as she needed.” Governor DeSantis has seen Chaya Raichik as politically useful, and previous reporting has shown that there was contact between Raichik and DeSantis’ office as early as March 8th, when Raichik reached out to target KinderCare for LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum in Florida. See Raichik talk about the governor’s offer here:
Even Tucker Carlson seemed taken aback by the offering. Chaya Raichik is a rising voice within the Republican party, and her attacks on LGBTQ+ people have continued to spawn violent threats. Even mere hours after the Club Q shooting in Colorado, she posted a new tweet targeting a separate venue in Colorado that was hosting a drag show and called out the state’s only transgender legislator. She revels in the violence that she causes, and political forces around the United States are leaning in and doubling down. This interview is just the latest in a series of actions that the far-right is taking to cement their stance that transgender people must be eliminated as “evil,” and things revealed in the interview show both her hatred as well as the right-wing political establishment fully embracing her, which should be cause for alarm to everyone.
Stochastic terrorists like this Raichik weasel should be prosecuted and put in jail. Her lies, her calls to violence, and her irrational hatred mark her as someone perverse and immoral.
With that name and background I think she might not be aware of how much hatred the people she thinks like her would have for her if she wasn't spewing their brand of hatred too.