I can't wait until they start claiming "biological advantages" when a trans woman wins something at a raffle.

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This was really really frustrating two years ago, now it’s beyond parody.

I know they’re just water trash at everything, but have they ever tried, oh I dunno, getting good?

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They're doing this because they desperately need an enemy to point the finger at and blame for all the worlds problems. If they didn't, they'd have to own up to the fact that they have no policies that actually help or serve their constituents. so this is how they handle it, jingle the keys in front of their gullible base and hope it riles them up enough to squeak in a victory at the ballot box. Though considering electoral outcomes this year, its not exactly going their way. expect to see more outlash from them, but don't lose focus.

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They’re running out of excuses for being awful. The story Gaines caught in NC is about a “trans” volleyball player who hit another kid in the head with a volleyball. That story broke and then picked up steam and there wasn’t any indication that the player even was trans - not that it mattered... the story was set, and no one talked about the awful defense the other player was playing when she got knocked in the head. I have played and coached volleyball for 25 years and have been hit in the head a few times and NEVER blamed the other player. As a hitter, I’ve hit others in the head... it happens. But, for the volleyball player who got hit, she was able to testify at an anti-trans hearing in NC with Riley Gaines. I did find other videos and the player just seems like a well-coached girl who plays club ball in addition to playing against crappy high school teams - that area of NC is not known for volleyball. Anyways... rant over.

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It was encouraging to read that some of the competitors and some parents actually spoke out in support. The silence from the "straight" community is deafening and adds to the hate filled messages and behaviors. When haters speak out they identify themselves. When supporters are silent it angers and saddens me. I am not sure that a dance competition has to be two categories defined by how one identifies. Perhaps all dancers no matter how they identify compete in the same dance routine.

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TERFs are the antithesis of feminism. Their only goal is destroying trans people, otherwise they wouldn't demean women as inferior to cis men in every single aspect of everything they do. They wouldn't reduce the definition and identity of women to their reproductive organs and fertility. They wouldn't reduce femininity to the toxic beauty standards that have plagued women for centuries. There's nothing feminist about misogyny, as if that ever needed to be said. The anti-trans movement screams "protect women!" while being the embodiment of misogyny and never raising a finger to actually protect, help, or lift up women.

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The GOP is notorious for gerrymandering, restricting access to the polls, rigging the court system, attempting to overturn legitimate elections so why wouldn't they try to overturn the legitimate results of an Irish dance competition? They will stop at nothing to get rid of us. By definition, that's genocide.

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There's a "trans menace" in Irish Dancing? I will not stand for it! Man the ramparts! Batten down the hatches! Yes, these people really have descended into self-parody.

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Thanks Erin....I would never have been aware of this without your reporting it.

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So basically, conservatives are sexist.

But we already knew that lol

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Signed the petition. Made sure they knew that I was a member of Trans Family in Cleveland, Ohio. Since my friend Andy shared his transition with me, I have met and befriended +/- 100 Trans and NB folks. Hearing their stories, spending time with them, becoming an accomplice for the escape from a Red State for at least one young Trans Girl have been the greatest joys of my life. Never back down, never stop fighting, never let them take anything away from you.

Hormonal advantage, my arse! For this type of dancing, being light on your feet and coordinated is the key, not having some magic sauce in your bloodstream. I'd love to see some beefy weightlifters try these steps!

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Doncha know, we have a "biological advantage" in everything! MUHAHAHA. The rest of the world has no choice but to bow down in recognition of our evident superiority.

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There's generally a gender disparity where women are much more numerous in ballet. I knew a girl who lost her entire ballet career when she transitioned because of that atop the obvious non-seamlessness that making the move would have entailed in terms of training. I'm less familiar with Irish Dance, but suspect there may be some similar economic disincentives in terms of labour competition for transitioning to womanhood. Though this appears to have been scholastic (children), so I'm even less knowledgeable about its dynamics than that.

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