Which states and which foreign countries do you consider not only safe but likely to remain so for a long time? (and thank you so very much for your essential work).

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Hey Erin, I’m the mother of a transgender child here in Florida. I’ve been to the Board of Medicine meetings, and it’s truly terrifying watching these people seemingly intentionally misinterpret data to justify their decisions. Are the researchers whose work is being falsely used to create these new rules and laws, here and elsewhere, speaking out directly to these board members and politicians and pushing back? Are major transgender medical organizations asking for meetings with these boards/politicians? Why isn’t the AAP and other similar organizations speaking out loudly against what is happening? I would think it would be in the interest of every medical institution to get involved… these boards are setting up a dangerous precedent that they can change guidelines at the whim of whatever politician places them. Who’s to stop them from suddenly saying best practices for cancer are no longer acceptable, ban them, and then say that their buddy’s pharmaceutical is the only treatment allowed?

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Who's to stop them indeed? Best practices for cancer treatment are already being withheld in some states for people of childbearing age.

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Hi Erin: I live in Ohio and am utterly horrified by what our State has become and is becoming. Where are the major medical players in all of this? Cleveland Clinic is the largest employer in the state with 56,000+ employees. Healthcare overall is one of the top 3 employers in the State. Why aren't these institutions not leaning on the Legislature not to criminalize healthcare, not to deny services, not to . . . ? What do you know?

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A lot of people, myself included, find it hard to dig into the news of the day especially when regarding these horrible anti-trans bills that have been coming out recently. As someone who is very involved and clearly always stays well informed of the newest updates, what do you do to stay sane and hopeful for things to come?

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What are the few best pieces of legislation for trans rights that you have seen this year? (Thought maybe we could use a positive one 😅)

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What is something that the average person can do to help fight these laws from passing next year? A lot of these red states have big Republican majorities. It looks a little bleak sometimes.

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What are the current “sanctuary” states?

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I live in Utah and am so upset to hear about these horrible laws being passed. What can I do in my state to help protect trans kids? I've never been very political, but I am ready to fight!

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How can we get the big companies to support us by testifying as a group that anti LGBT laws are an impediment to attracting bright diverse people who won’t relocate to a state or city with oppressive laws? That approach worked in Texas to stop the bathroom bill a few years ago. Texas was afraid that companies and tourists would stay away.

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What are the most effective trans-supporting charities to donate to right now? Are there any that are supporting transgender people and their families who need to relocate to other states/countries? Are there any other ways I can help? I moved outside the US 2.5 years ago because I could see things were getting bad and I feel so worried for everyone who doesn’t have that same option to pick up and move.

Thank you so much for your work.

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What is your advice for dealing with transphobic family members during the holidays? I’m pre-transition (first Endo appointment Jan 3rd! 🥹) but I live in a RED southern state and it can be so hard here some times.

Thanks for all you do btw! You prob hear this all the time but your work and activism does more for more people than you will ever know. Your posts have helped me tremendously and I can’t thank you enough for that!!!

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Thank you so much for your work. I’m wondering if people are successful in getting their trans related health care (including surgeries) actually covered by insurance. We have had issues based on inadequate reimbursement from BCBS (less than 10% on a “covered,” preapproved procedure) and now are having issues with pre authorization. Are other people getting the promised/advertised coverage from their insurance companies, and what can be done to improve this situation?

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Hi Erin. First, I want to say thank you for the work that you do. Second, I’m hearing rumors that my state, Indiana, may be about to to consider a “don’t say gay” bill, but not having much luck finding info. Have you heard anything on this?

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Who are the most effective group fighting these trans legislative bills? I'm familiar with Equality Texas, Equality Floriday, and Chase Strangio with the ACLU. Who else is organizing to fight them? You mentioned some people in Ohio were exceptionally effective in getting their bill stopped.

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Just completed my first research study about the experiences of trans and non-binary teachers in K-12 education. What data would be most helpful to fight the wave of anti-trans education discriminatory legislation?

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Do you see hope in Millennials and Gen Z when it comes to future legislative victories? As the boomers get older and either just quit voting or die off, is there enough support for trans rights in the younger generations to finally let us have the freedom we need?

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