Ask Erin In The Morning Anything: Trans Legislation and Life Questions Open
Periodically, I host an AMA for subscribers where they can ask me anything. Next week, I will go through the questions and answer many of them on camera.
Hey everyone! A couple of weeks ago, I launched an Ask Me Anything called “Erin Answers” geared at answering your questions about trans legislation, life, and just about anything. I want to be able to speak to all of you about legislation as it happens and to do so in depth. All of my videos will be open and not paywalled - the questions will be open to paying subscribers only. So if you subscribe, thank you so much for supporting my work, and if you don’t but would like to ask a question, please subscribe today!
So go ahead, ask away in the comments!
Which states and which foreign countries do you consider not only safe but likely to remain so for a long time? (and thank you so very much for your essential work).
Hey Erin, I’m the mother of a transgender child here in Florida. I’ve been to the Board of Medicine meetings, and it’s truly terrifying watching these people seemingly intentionally misinterpret data to justify their decisions. Are the researchers whose work is being falsely used to create these new rules and laws, here and elsewhere, speaking out directly to these board members and politicians and pushing back? Are major transgender medical organizations asking for meetings with these boards/politicians? Why isn’t the AAP and other similar organizations speaking out loudly against what is happening? I would think it would be in the interest of every medical institution to get involved… these boards are setting up a dangerous precedent that they can change guidelines at the whim of whatever politician places them. Who’s to stop them from suddenly saying best practices for cancer are no longer acceptable, ban them, and then say that their buddy’s pharmaceutical is the only treatment allowed?