I live in MO and am so angry and disheartened by what is happening here. We've been putting up the good fight, but I'm concerned MO has gone down the rabbit hole too far to dig their way out. Just a day or two before this latest fiasco, Senator Mike Moon pushed through a law that says a 12 yr old can legally get married, because somehow they are mature enough for that, but NOT to decide who they are as a person. I cannot even wrap my head around this madness. We are very worried about our adult daughter being cut off from her HRT. I'm very angry that we may be forced to move because of this.

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Thank you! I contacted my state representative to see why vermont has not passed a shield law yet. I got a great response. He is presenting his bill and a speech on Tuesday, and given the climate is confident they will pass in the house and senate! Hopefully, vermont can join your 'safe state' list soon!

"The two companion bills are H.89 and S.37; I will be presenting H.89"

Edited: the senate bill name was incorrect.

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In Florida, the Florida House is taking up SB 254, the gender-affirming care ban bill, and the sponsor of the House version of the bill has introduced a strike-all amendment to the SB to insert the language from the House version of the bill, which includes, among other things, a blanket ban on health insurance coverage of gender-affirming care, and amending the grandfather clause that allowed youth already receiving care to continue doing so to include a forced detransition provision with a December 31st deadline, as well as only allowing grandfathering in of youth who started puberty blockers or HRT before January 1st, 2023, disqualifying any youth who started care after that date, which is likely quite a few of them who have tried to get in under the wire before the Board of Medicine and Board of Osteopathic Medicine rules went into effect in March. Oh, and it would take effect immediately upon signing instead of on July 1st, which is when most Florida legislation takes effect after session ends. This amendment will be heard in a few days when the bill has its second reading on the House floor and is, sadly, likely to pass. It's so bad. And this is just one of several incredibly bad anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ bills being pushed through the legislature at warp speed right now. Sigh.

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Sending all the love to the trans family in Florida

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Thanks for doing your best to keep us up to date, Erin. I'm grateful for your work! <3

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Unfortunately North Carolina is now VETO-proof as well, and 3 healthcare bills have been introduced. HB43, SB639 and SB560.

So your map needs to change the color of NC unfortunately.

I do appreciate Dan Rather’s post on Substack today though, calling out the travesty.

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No. North Carolina’s healthcare ban has not even passed a committee hearing yet.

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I know. But I think we all know it will unfortunately 😢😢😢

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Red states are becoming laboratories of fascism. I’m observing this from Wisconsin, where we’ve largely avoided it so far and continue to avoid it because Wisconsinites understand who the real enemy is.

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Thank you so much for continuing to bring these issues to light!

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