Heard a right wing radio host who is anti-trans (typical middle aged cis white male) this morning interviewing a doctor who provides medical care to older men in order to avoid male boobs. The treatment consists of hormone replacement therapy and breast reconfiguration surgery. Isn’t that also gender affirming care? Treatment for cis men to avoid female appearing breasts? The irony of this was lost on the idiot radio host.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

The people standing up for us and fighting these bills every day really are our heroes. I hope they continue to have the strength to fight the good fight.

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She is definitely a hero in my eyes.

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Note to self: do NOT watch heart wrenching videos of parents & siblings fighting these horrendous genocidal bills right before heading to a meeting.

EqualityNC has their Lobby Day at the NCGA on the 29th. You bet I’ll be there. Hope other folks in NC will as well.

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I cried so much for that video.

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Y'all, Senator Hunt is a friend and also my senator and I bawled. I sent her an email shortly before she stood up to share what she shared, thanking her for her fierce advocacy she responded and then she gets up and does this! I lost it.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Thank you Erin. I wish I could thank Megan and the Nebraska Democrats but you are a hero too and I can thank you!

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You can send Senator Hunt an email thanking her for her efforts here: mhunt@leg.ne.gov

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Thanks Eli. I have sent her a thank you email.

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She will be happy to have received it! Thanks or taking the time to send one.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

I live in Colorado, but surf on a lake in Nebraska when the perfect Summer storm hits. The place reeks of conservative, but it's been so heartwarming seeing these Senators do everything they can to defend us. No matter what happens, they have been heroes in my eyes.

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I stand in solidarity with my younger brothers and sisters in the States. Even though Gender affirming care in the UK sucks we aren’t presently banning youths the care they need to live. I wish I could do more.

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Senator Hunt also has a transgender child. She made an impassioned vulnerable plea to her colleagues and shared about her child who they all know. And the republican senators skipped right over it. Today the filibuster continues because yesterday they voted to advance the bill. Senator Cavanaugh is a machine, so proud of her! As a transgender Nebraskan watching her has made me so proud to be an American.

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I’m so glad you have these Senators fighting for you! Know there are so many of us who want you to be empowered, free and loved. Pls don’t let the bastards grind you down.

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Nebraska is my birth state, but not my home. These two legislators are amazing human beings.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

How is the age of majority not AT LEAST normalized to 18 nationwide? I think certain rights - eg medical privacy from parents - should hit earlier than that, but how in 2023 are highschool-grad-aged people in at least one state not considered full adults???

I also fear for the detriments of forced detransitian. Props to NE DEMS for standing firm. I just hope that, WHEN this bill goes down, Republicans don't use the same tactic against whatever progressive priorities may have majority support in the chamber.

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Everyone who can shoudl go to their lobby days. Or just show up at their represenatives office and talk about this stuff, in whatever context makes sense for their state.

I'm a tran in Texas, and I have to say that showing up there was the difference between feeling like the lesbians in V for Vendetta and actually feeling like maybe there's hope. Our stories, told with honesty and conviction, are extremely powerful, especially if we can get in a room with someone and look them in the eye. That's why they sneak around and make sudden proclamations, and turn the microphones off, and hide. They can't stand to look us in the face.

Make them. And if you're in a safe state, go just the same, and say "my siblings are in peril, do something".

Believe me, you will feel better about everything.

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We need to let them know how much we appreciate their efforts.

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Cis gay dude married to an immigrant. Also college teacher. My trans students are scared AF with all the crap going down. This bright light in Nebraska gives us hope. Thank you for sharing this news.

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Flippin’ heroic! 💗

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Senator Hunt has been a committed advocate for the LGBTQ+ Community within our Nebraska Legislature since she was elected. She is my senator and I know her personally. If you feel inclined to send her an email letting her know that you appreciate her efforts it will help fuel her as she continues to advocate for the trans youth of Nebraska and her child. send her an email at mhunt@leg.ne.gov

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