"...ghouls and empty husks of people..." This is the new Halloween costume. I'm about to have major surgery (an old, white, cis, straight MAMA of A GORGEOUS TRANS KIDDO!!!) BUT I'M JUMPING UP AND DOWN OVER THE SWELLED NUMBERS OF us who opposed all this today. God, I love y'all. I wish I could hug all 10,000. Erin, you are one of my kiddos and thank you for the incredible work that you do every minute of the day. We ALL belong here!

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Y'all did SO WELL!

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Love you, Sweetheart!

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

"All the doctors and scientists who have devoted their careers to helping people are wolves, but I have an old study, so you should believe me instead." Right. I particularly liked the legislator pointing out that the bill was written by out of state special interest groups. At least the governor promised to veto any of the bills that pass. Ugh.

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Yup, this was absolutely pointed out, the idea that "why should I believe your one quack doctor over the AMA"

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

I wasn’t able to be there, but this made me proud to not only be a Wisconsin native, but a transgender Wisconsin native. This really drove home to me that this is a safe and welcoming place for a person like me and that there’s plenty of allies, at all levels, to help fight against the bigotry and intolerance of the right. I genuinely hope this wakes a lot of people up to who they vote for and that, in spite of how gerrymandered this state is, there’s a considerable backlash against the Republican Party in the next state election.


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This crap simply cannot stand. Sending you all the love!!! We gotta keep going.

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As a neighbour to the north, in Manitoba we just trashed a provincial government that was making “parental rights” noises. Go Wisconsin, these ghouls and empty husks (love it!) cannot stand. Love will win!!!

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So then your name, Hadass, is really BAD ASS!!! Good on y'all for putting up the correct fight when it was needed. Keep going. Love you!

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LOL. Can’t take credit for a whole province, but yeah, Manitobans are pretty badass (and don’t appreciate extremes at either end).

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On a side note, I have high hopes for your new premier!

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We all do. Thankfully, it would appear he is capable of handling the burden of expectations.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

My wife was there with our two pages of testimony about the massive success of our now 19yr old son. She waited all day, didn't get to testify. And that's OK because there was so much support!!!!

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Y'all did SO well

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The same fat old white f-cks who can't give birth but insist on ordering women around with respect to their reproductive choices insist on telling trans folks what they too can and cannot do in terms of seeking medical care. And a pox on the houses of every TERF who lines up with these chuds while seeking support for preserving their freedoms.

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Now, let's get historians to reveal that Trans Folks have been on the planet forever, with the earliest archaeological evidence being at circa 7,000 B.C. Let the folks who say that Trans Folks are "new" and being Trans is a "Media-Driven Social Contagion". You've been here since before there was even.... um....MEDIA! (That's unless you count clay tablet and stylus as media)

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Even if you do count clay tablets and stylus.

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Chills and tears here from a mama bear neighbor in MN. So good to see signs that progressive WI is coming back, I've missed you ❤️🫂

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Damn, I wish I was stil in WI, I would have loved to show up! Props to the straight up THOUSANDS of people who showed up to represent–if you would've told me a decade ago that this many people in my home state were actually supportive and cared about whether kids like me lived or died... I don't know if I would have started laughing or crying. Thank you for the wonderful reporting as always, Erin!

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They’re playing political games and trying to mess with people’s lives. I’m so proud of those who showed up to fight this

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As a worker in Wisconsin, this gives me hope.

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Thank you! It warms my heart to realize how many allies we have!!

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Stick with me here because I promise this is going somewhere.

I was watching Deadline:Washington yesterday. Nicole Wallace's panel of guests included Rick Stengel of Time Magazine and Eddie Glaude of Princeton University.

Rick Stengel was raising alarm bells about how Trump's calls to violence parallel the early 20th century road from democracy to fascism.

Nicole Wallace asked Eddie Glaude how we counter that. He responded with a passionate appeal saying that the MAGA vision needs to be countered with what stands in opposition to it. "A democracy that affirms the standing...of every human being no matter the color of their skin, no matter their gender, no matter their zip code, no matter who they love, no matter their ability. If we don't confront it we are going to lose it." (Or I might add no matter their gender identity).

This is exactly what Erin witnessed in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin confronted hate in an affirmation of democracy. It's what they were lamenting must happen on Deadline:Washington.

The New York Times-- not exactly a consistent friend to us, has a motto that states: Democracy Dies in Darkness.

Yet Deadline:Washington did not report on what happened in Wisconsin. Neither did the NBC Nightly News. Did the New York Times? I don't know but I doubt it. I haven't seen it on my news feed this morning. Erin was my only source. Anyone else see or hear from any other sources?

Darkness. That's what this is. That's what it has been for transgender people since the beginning of this pogrom.

I agree with the sentiment they expressed yesterday on Deadline:Washington. But if they don't step up and shine a light in the darkness, democracy and transgender rights will be a footnote in history. A footnote incidentally that no one will be allowed to read.

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How can I support your work directly, funding or otherwise. I would like to do so. You do excellent reporting.

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Fantastic news! Way to go, Wisconsin! (sharing to social media)

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This is the response there should be to all the transphobic aggressions!

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