Sep 29, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

As a Trans-person that is a federal employee, I feel particularly targeted by this.

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God I'm sorry. I really hope these riders don't come into effect.

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Same, except also a vet. The riders would basically eliminate all access to gender affirming care for me, via insurance or the VA.

Already hired an attorney.

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I'm in the same position as you. It's incredibly disheartening to have us make so much progress in the recent past just to not only have it all taken away but to roll back our human rights to the point of being legislated out of existence. On a good note, there are countries on a multipartisan basis, passing legislation to protect transgender rights. Hopefully, that momentum can help our fight here.

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I will be dead before I let them do this shit. I am not pleased with the attitudes of phobes, going so far as to legislate their ass-backward "morality".

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I hear you. It's really sad that resorting to violence seems like it might be part of the solution. I desperately hope not.

We do have other avenues, though they take calmness, patience, and effort to pursue.

I have bought firearms for defense of myself and others. But my primary focus is on legal remedies, advocacy, and engagement with folks. Studies have shown that a single 1 hour conversation in a group setting with a transgender person can decrease animus against trans people by 25 %. That's actually pretty huge.

I was in the ER on Monday to get treatment for an infected dog bite. The waiting room was pretty full, as they tend to be. After waiting only 20 minutes a nurse came to bring me back for treatment and kept saying "Let's just get you away from the waiting room.". I found out later someone had been threatening hospital staff because of my presence.

A. Like wtf people.

B. Nice self-own. You're complaining of worsening chest pains and think you're having a heart attack. But your threats got me seen first and fast for a dog bite.

Fwiw the staff were wonderful.

Oh, and the dog bite is much better now.

Some friends and I are starting a group we call Presence Patrol. (One way we are pushing back). Whenever we hear of discrimination or phobia we plan a time where a bunch of LGBTQIA+ folks, allies, supporters, and accepting people go and hang out at that place. We (re)claim the space. We're vets, and the idea is drawn from the military "Show the Flag" type of operations.

We hope to flex our individual, group, and cultural economic and social strength. And also create pop-up safe spaces for anyone to join, where they know they will be supported and can relax and have some fun.

I hope that you can find a measure of peace even a bit of joy amid all the chaos

Warmest regards,


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You are doing the Lord's work, anytime you protect someone, anytime you stand up to discrimination. That's where the rubber meets the road.

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Same here. AD Army. They want to kick me out at going on 22y just for existing.

I have two gender affirming surgeries lined up in the next 6mo and now I wonder if they are going to get cancelled.

I hate this country, I really do. We don't deserve this. I've done more for this country than half of the Rs in Congress have done put together.

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Agreed. I was 6 years AF, now 4 years Federal employee. And I want to love my country

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The absolute worst. I hope for the best with you with all this chaos going on.

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Same. At least I'll still have insurance during the shutdown. What comes after makes me anxious.

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Yeah, FEP Blue stay strong

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Absolutely yes, the propaganda is going to enrage the base into a murderous frenzy. The goal is to cause as much damage and chaos as possible

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Not hyperbole, unfortunately. The threat of war is all too real.

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The danger is real for those in red states. Keep your head down and be aware of your surroundings

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As someone who is transitioning, shall we say, later in life, these types of actions scare me. Will I have access to my endocrinologist and medication?

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We have only begun to fight this. This is the centerpiece, now, we've already had Dobbs, we already have Trump making a comeback, potentially - I can only tolerate so much abuse. We'll never relent, in making lifesaving, proven care available, and making this an issue people understand. It isn't the easiest concept, but people can be persuaded eventually. People, who look at the evidence, come to the right conclusion, if they're being honest.

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That is a fair question. It might be time to Walter White this thing.

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The tactics regarding gov’t shutdown and the anti-trans provisions are utterly deplorable, and intensely degrading to those involved. There are just no other words for this. What is happening to our country? And yet, these measures pale in comparison to what will (not may, but will) happen in 2025 if the GOP gets control of congress and the presidency. The only glimmer of hope that I’d have in such a situation is that some of the largest states are politically blue, “safe haven” states, and maybe they could somehow resist the federal onslaught.

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I do have one more word for it. Depravity.

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This scares the day lights out of me. I just got the green light for FFS and am going in on the 5th, on less that 2 weeks notice because what if they somehow manage to ban this before the end of the year? Not taking chances. My partner though, I worry about, her insurance is fighting her and dragging out her own, probably in the hopes that it'll get banned soon and they can avoid paying for her own surgery. If that happens, I very much fear she won't make it through it. Then there's the other issues of gender affirming care, like, if I ever get reassignment done, will I be denied hormones I HAVE to have to stay healthy afterwards? I'm hesitant to ever do that because who knows what'll happen in 10 years.

I absolutely hope the Democrats dig their heels in too and don't cave to this, I have some hope, I read in the news that some of the GOP is about ready to switch to voting on measures with the Dems to get a spending bill passed to avoid a shutdown again. Of course, if that doesn't happen, and it drags out for months even, the GOP will 100% shift blame to their opponents to avoid accountability with their own voter base. We'll just have to see.

Waiting with bated breath. I just want to live my life without fear of people who don't even know me policing my body.

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I really don't have any personal beef with former VP Pence - he is willing to at least work within the system, which would block him from enacting this bizarre promise, I am reasonably sure, but nevertheless, *HE* is the one with the "ideology", here, we all know what these types say, God doesn't make mistakes, so transgender can't be a thing (but meanwhile I have a trans GF, but whatever). He's ignoring the evidence, just like phobes do.

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God doesn't make mistakes. God made me a trans woman. I'm just finishing what he started.

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Amen. That is the actual and real truth. God has a purpose, in this, not easy for a guy like Mike Pence to discern, but it's very much true and correct.

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Glad I'm an atheist!!!

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God likes atheists better than a lot of, self-proclaimed, Christians, these days ...

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No evidence that any god exists. That's what I believe as an atheist

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No evidence that Love is, in fact, a battlefield. That doesn't mean it can't be used in a song. There's no evidence that there is, in fact, a "Mother Nature". Do you think people actually think there's an actual deity called "Mother Nature"?

That's how I believe in God, not as an actual supernatural being, but as a metaphor describing the forces of nature.

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To be sure, if you are looking for concrete evidence, it's a mystery. It would be wrong, for a believer, to contradict the attitude of an atheist, we should agree to disagree, and not think that it's an issue worth being divided over. But tell that to these right-wingers, who want a theocracy.

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I had the unfortunate obligation to spend several days in a pediatric ICU when my oldest child was young. I walked around and talked with some of the other parents. It is my firm belief, based on that experience, that the Goddesses and Gods of this world do not involve themselves in anything biological. I am no more a "mistake" than someone with red hair who is left handed.

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Amen! Shouts the red headed, left handed (well, ambidextrous), transgender girl in the back pew.


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Democrats better hold firm on this

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As a co-founder of TAVA (Transgender American Veterans Association) over 21 years ago, we have been working over that time to secure equal rights for all Trans Veterans, and we have been very successful, working with the VA hand in hand, until today when we see that Trans rights to healthcare is exactly in the same position that all Trans rights were during the right to work and ENDA legislation, which was dropped rather than staying inclusive of all GLBT people.

The Republican statement of “dying on that hill” against gender rights, if familiar to Trans people who have already been dying on that hill for many years due to Republican policies to erase Trans people.

Of course we look at this fight for Trans Veterans Rights as pivotal, because we know it doesn’t end here. In fact, if the succeed trying to discriminate against Trans people, we know that this is just the beginning of their war to deny all GLBTQI+ people the right to serve in the military. After that Republicans will attack Same Sex Marriage, and then on to stripping GLBT of their rights to teach in schools, job protections and the public in general.

They must be stopped right here and now while they attack Trans rights to healthcare or all GLBTQI+ people will suffer in the future.

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The answer is yes. Yes, they will.

As much as they froth at the mouth over trans issues or educational funding or food aid to children in poverty or whatever, that's not their real agenda. They want to cause chaos, and they're going to get what they want.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

I disagree; I think they really want to cause genocide, not unlike what Adolf Hitler wanted (and succeeded but not entirely) to do with Jews. They've said who they are; we don't believe them at our own risk.

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Fear and panic can be infectious. We have to show, and manifest in this community, the same strength that those of the Jewish faith did during World War II. We have to learn breathing and self-care techniques so that we can manifest strength when we need it. We are in a fortunate public relations spot in that the people who agree with Republicans are not necessarily the most numerous - just the most noisy. It is easy to mistake the two. Sisters, be strong.

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Yes, they will, but the real question is will the centrist Dems hold their ground, or "compromise" and abandon us? I fear the answer to that.

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Dumb question. How is this constitutional? In light of Bostock, I can't see how this could be.

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I’m not legally trained, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think Bostock was a relatively narrow ruling that covered mainly employment law. Besides, when it comes to anti-trans zealotry, when have the facts or human decency ever mattered?

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