I can’t even read this those bills make me so nauseous. Give them hell Zooey!

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Same here.

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Rep. Zephyr did a helluva job. She kept her cool and was articulate in the face of a sea of hostile bigots. Well done.

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I know it doesn't need to be said here, but what the FUCK is an "act of transgenderisim"?

Note that the auto correct dictionary has no clue what that word is... I'm so fucking sick of these assholes.

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That one about teans people on the internet sounds a lot like Russian laws against gay people posting on the internet

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I'm so amazed, impressed and grateful for Rep. Zephyr. I just about cry hearing about these. I know the whole "you're so brave" cliche gets thrown around in transgender circles a bit too much, but this is beyond brave. This is strength. I'm in awe, and endless gratitude that we have people with strength like Zooey fighting for us. I cannot even begin to imaging how hard that had to be. This is speaking truth to power.

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These kids and teens…this hurts so much. No matter how much support and hope is expressed on social media etc. from the transgender community & allies, when a kid’s home state introduces and passes these hateful laws, these kids are all too aware of being targeted in the most harmful manner by adults within their communities. Few kids or teens have built emotional and mental battlements sturdy enough to take such direct hits. Nor should they have to.

When a group of adults, like today’s Republicans, disregard their own harm to children, I believe they are lost, and have lost the best gifts of our humanity.

I applaud Rep. Zephyr; the writer of the letter to the MT legislation; the professionals, parents, teachers, kids and allies who have taken a stand in these regressive states to help protect our youth. I hope we may find extraordinary ways to come together in support and action.

Random idea…Maybe health providers for transgender individuals can partner with abortion clinics, some of which I heard were setting up shop in freedom states along the borders of restricted states? And the Irish had abortion clinics on boats in international waters…May be time to get creative.

Please thank Rep. Zephyr for her representation; you are both appreciated. I am sure this is an emotional time for you both; please take care of yourselves. In power and peace.

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I'm sorry, banning "transgenderism" online? And what exactly is an "act of transgenderism" meant to be? Are they going to block all online streaming services, including YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. to accomplish this goal? And all news websites? All educational and advocacy websites? All online academic journals available through libraries? All magazine websites? All book sales websites and library websites where any books or other media available include mention of transgender people (which would also include online academic journals)? Including on smartphones via mobile data? It is literally impossible to exclude only minors from accessing these things without banning them for everyone.

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As incredibly awful as the Montana bills are, they should be looked at as a strong indication of what the GOP wants to do nationally - and will in very short order if given the chance. That is why politically blue states are not necessarily safe in the long term. Very good for Zooey in her testimony - but it must be difficult to stand up against all that hostility

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Well what do you know about that. Braxton Mitchell, the 22 year old Montana "legislator" who sponsored the anti-drag bill, according to Wikipedia was adopted after being abused as an adolescent.

So he's taking out his own personal rage and psychological scars on others and everyone else will have to pay for what he suffered. Every last one of these people who are obsessed with trans folks have issues that they refuse to deal with so they visit cruelty on others. Sad and pathetic.

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These idiots know that any one of their kids can freely access Ru Paul's Drag Race - and content much more "scandalous" LOL - on their phones, right? I don't know what world they're living in since it doesn't resemble anything like reality.

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I hope and wish that medical professionals will start hemorrhaging these states in HUGE numbers. Let the bigots sit back and try to find a medical professional that would like to help them.

Why do we even do medical studies on ANYTHING when lawmaker’s without a medical license can just override best practices? Seriously: maybe they just need to put on a white coat and head over to a hospital themselves?

If I was a doctor I would have already left. And I would try to recruit as many other providers as I could to come along to a blue state (or a purple state with common sense).

This is beyond ridiculous. I can’t even believe this is legal.

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I can't see the entire bill, so correct me if I'm wrong here; but, if "acts of transgenderism" are banned from any platform without age verification, does that mean Rep. Zephyr cannot participate as a legislator, because legislative activities are broadcast on MPAN? Does that mean Montana television stations cannot interview a transgender person on camera? Does it mean that transgender persons cannot post videos to YouTube or on their own websites without age verification for access?

The majority leader's refusal to be shamed for acts of genocide was ironic, to say the least.

I think much of the animus felt by these legislators on the Right is due to their failure to distinguish treatment of gender dysphoria from affirmation of the metaphysical notion that "trans women are women." Trans women conflate these because we believe we are women, and medical treatment affirms our belief; that's why it's therapeutic. But the medical establishment doesn't believe "trans women are women"; they are simply providing the only therapy with any degree of reliability in reducing the negative effects of gender dysphoria and enhancing our quality of life. There is no metaphysical assertion of our womanhood involved. These legislators are reacting to our belief about ourselves, not the treatment per se; they don't separate the two, and that's the problem. They don't have a problem with puberty blockers for victims of precocious puberty because they deem the alleged risks acceptable in view of the alternative -- again, using personal belief of what is appropriate or decent as a criterion of medical advisability. It's ironic that they don't see the inconsistency. If something is dangerous for the victim of one affliction, then it's dangerous for victims of all afflictions -- but the risk/reward ratio is acceptable in the one case because they deem it serves the end of social acceptability, and unacceptable in the other because they deem it does not.

A further irony lies in their persistent belief in psychotherapy as the solution to gender dysphoria. It's as if medical doctors continued to bleed people, as they did centuries ago, regardless of its ineffectiveness and tendency to make their conditions worse.

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Much of this stuff is unconstitutionally vague and will be struck down. But the courts also have to be purged of Federalist Society fascists.

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This is truly vile. I have enormous respect for Rep Zephyr who is doing the work that needs to be done.

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The degenerates at the Transnational Review with another piece by their resident Scottish TERF Madeleine Kearns claiming that "transgenderism" is "woman-face" - like "blackface." That person - I refuse to refer to it by any identifiable gender - is mentally ill having a sick obsession with all issues "trans."

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I read the NT daily. I believe in an afterlife. And I firmly believe that when these malicious, cruel bastards who play pretend "religion" shuffle off this mortal coil they better be wearing an asbestos suit. Because it will be warm where they're headed.

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