It’s all chilling, but perhaps most concerning is the backdoor move to create a trans registry for youth. It seems clear at this point that nearly every anti trans-youth bill is a start toward all encompassing youth and adult anti-trans laws, as we’ve seen in Tennessee, Missouri and Florida, among others.

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General rule #1: If a bill contains the phrase (or something similar) "for the children" it is definitely NOT for the children and most likely harmful for the children.

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I am very concerned that those with autism which is protected disability under the American with Disability Act. How can a law be made that denies transgender care to those with autism. It doesn’t say outright that they will deny transitioning but that is where they are going. I am infuriated.

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That bigot brings up book banning, asking when the last time that happened. Uhh... probably today in every conservative locale in the country

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I'm very confident that these conflicts will only be settled in court.

The two sides have framed the situation in a vastly different way, making dialogue virtually impossible, even if it's wanted, which it isn't, by either side. Maybe when the courts hand down their decisions, people on both sides will start talking to each other.

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If I had to guess he's probably fighting his own attractions. Otherwise he wouldn't be sticking his nose in what other people are doing.

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Someone needs to remind these radical conservatives that it’s their God that keeps on making more Trans people every day.

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I am going to vomit. I just can't understand these phobes.

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Why am I not surprised that inbred hayseed is pushing this sort of nonsense. I swear Ohio has more family wreathes than it does trees. And I say this as a former Ohioan.

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