So tired of these worthless loser politicians who can't solve a damn thing or help anybody so instead they bully little people and beg their supporters to cheer them on while hemmorhaging tax payer dollars to do so. Worthless. Evil. Scum.

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They are morally bankrupt and it pains me to see any of these hateful politicians holding any amount of power. What kind of country will this be in a decade?

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This is an f'ing nightmare. I don't know what to tell my poor trans son who is graduating high school this year. Does he attend the college of his dreams in Chicago where he has a scholarship or do we sent him to college in Canada so he can breathe while trying to move forward with his life and education? I'm so scared for him (and this entire community) all the time. A Trump presidency would mean many will end up as refugees from the USA. Can you imagine? Did you ever think our own people would be the refugees? We are all living in a nightmare. And I can't believe how scared, pessimistic and overall worried I am on a daily basis. For us, for you, for everyone.

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Do these idiots not know wtf a bathroom is FOR? It's for getting in, doing what needs doing, and getting out. I'd like to be able to do this in a place where I'm not jumping at every sound men make as they knock around the bathroom (no offense guys I'm traumatized, it's not you.)

Point being, I'm a girl. I should not be in the men's room....

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If you're in a restroom looking around to see whether anyone is "likely [to] cause affront" to you then I would suggest that you are (1) in the restroom for the wrong reason; (2) really don't have to go as badly as you thought; or (3) are a fucking loser "conservative" pervert who's looking for an excuse to bash people you don't like.

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This would seem to conflict with FAA/US DOT nondiscrimination requirements for grant recipients at airports.

I’ve passed along to my colleagues in the FAA office of civil rights.

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We need a national law that all public restrooms be gender neutral. End of discussion. Stop the madness. Let everyone relieve themselves with dignity. Just as Erin mentions, this bill makes going to a public restroom in Utah unsafe not only for transgender/non binary people but everyone. No one is safe. No one should travel to Utah if this is passed and Utah residents best relieve themselves only at home, until they make a law about that as well.

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So now we want to be Russia and Hungary? Fat chance, Republicans. You are digging your own political grave, but not before causing suffering among our most vulnerable citizens. Reprehensible.

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Weirdly (for Utah) it has previously been relatively easy to change the gender marker on your birth certificate. When I changed mine (I think it was in 2015) all I needed to do was submit an affidavit. When I received my corrected BC in the mail it was one of the happiest moments in my transition. I guess now I'll be carrying that document with me when I visit my aging mother and other relatives there. Because for better or worse, Salt Lake is home ground for me. And if they start reversing previously made BC changes (which I fully expect is coming), at least I'll still have my current copy.

Everyone: get your name changes and other documents updated as soon as you can! I can't stress this enough. While previously permitted gender marker changes can always be rolled back (and I have no doubt that they'll try), you're still in a much better position if you've already made those changes.

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Flush these pieces of shit down the motherfucking toilet.

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Denying a vulnerable group their legal identity is intensely cruel, and seeing this concept (as applied to trans people) spread to multiple red states is absolutely sickening. Reversing previously allowed legal identity changes (as Kansas has moved to do, but it is not clear if Utah also wants to or not) is even worse. These awful measures must be resisted in courts with the full effort needed. Once you have denied someone legal recognition, it seems only a short tenuous step to denying them their very existence, and genociding them. Didn’t the world learn that lesson in WW2 just 80 years ago?

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Red states are in a race to the bottom.

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What are these bozos afraid of? Do they fear being attracted to a transgendered person because it's for sure that no transgendered person is going to attack them in the restroom while they're evacuating their bowels.

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These attacks on trans rights and abortion rights serve as a wedge to force democratic voters to flee to safer states, ultimately entrenching the unearned electoral college and senatorial power of low-population states. This feeds the false narrative of America being split 50/50, which the general media happily proffers up as defense of horse race politics and both-sidesism. Polling on issue after issue shows that America’s split is between a minority who want fascism and a supermajority who want civil rights, human rights, and economic rights.

Where the fuck is my inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness? Where the fuck is my inalienable right to liberty?

I’m so. Fucking. Tired. But I’m even more angry and determined to punt the Republican Party into permanent irrelevance.

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Turns out there's additional privilege when it comes to queer people in general and trans people in particular.

I already know the privileges of:

1. having a blood family that loves and accepts you for who you are

2. passing as cisgender

But now there's an additional privilege of

3. being born in a progressive state

I'm privileged in senses 1 & 3, I have yet to transition, so 2 is TBD.

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This is a link to Kera Birkeland's conflict of interest form:

https://disclosures.utah.gov/Search/PublicSearch/ViewConflictOfInterest?year=01%2F02%2F2024%2013%3A20%3A00&sooId=1415121 If I'm reading this correctly, she's employed by SkinFX in Clinton, Utah. Contact info: https://skinfxutah.com/contact/ Maybe people should no longer patronize this spa. Maybe they should hear that Birkeland is a transphobe who seems to have an obsession with other peoples' use of restrooms.

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