Apr 3Liked by Erin Reed

He’s literally accepting an endorsement from someone who has committed treason. By his logic, then……..

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Good point!

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Somebody who literally went against the Constitution of the United States.

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Exactly. Hypocrite. No, all the haters need to be rounded up and executed. SMFH

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Can we redo the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark but with the GOP irl? I want to see their fascist faces melt.

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Guess we need a Special Edition now...

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Someone call Lucas! He loves to tinker.

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On a more serious note, Lucas was also quite the leftist during the 60s/70s and supported the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. He even praised the Soviet Union. He's also quite anti-racist.

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A fact complicated by some of his creative choices in the prequel trilogy lol

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This is true, ahahahahha

Though the prequel trilogy was also about a capitalist bourgeois Republic turning into a fascist Empire and the Trade Federation (err, I mean, Walmart) taking over an entire planet over a simple trade dispute was quite topical.

Also, in The Clone Wars CGI series, the Separatists are very much corporate overlords whereas the Republic is portrayed as corrupt.

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Well, here we go. We can see how the dropping of limits for inhumane action elsewhere in the world may lead to similar reprehensible actions here. After backing the heinous genocide in Palestine, the far right becomes more open to injustices here within the U$. If this extremism is taken up by others, then we are truly facing Nazis. And, since we know our history better than does Jk Rowling, we are very aware that the Nazi cleansing started with the Trans and the gay. I still think we will win in the end, but we may see some very rough years between now and then.

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But wait, it gets worse! Burns is also trying to open a "Military Christian" school (translation: victim factory): https://www.friendlyatheist.com/p/mark-burns-preacher-who-lied-about

There's just 𝘯𝘰 angle from which this guy looks like good news.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

There will be lots of pedophilia in such a "Christian" "schools."

Lots of abuse.

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This is just one of many acts of craziness that Trump is brandishing. We all need to start calling him out on this and other issues. Speak to anyone who is on the fence and let them know that voting for a third-party candidate or not voting may lead to having a demented, pathological liar leading our country more than he already is.

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He's a "Pastor"? What a DESPICABLE & dangerous mindset!

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LGBTQ Nation started off a recent article about media controversies with a very accurate headline, it read, “They Just Simply Hate Transgender People”.

And they’re right - that’s what it really comes down to, pure and simple. Hatred directed against a tiny group of people under 1% of the population.

The only comfort in this is that such extreme politicians usually don’t get elected.

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Our biggest problem with this idiot bigot is that he is running virtually unopposed. Aren’t there any Democrats in SC? Why is he running unopposed? SC has a Democrat Senator who helped Biden get elected. What does he have to say about this pastor? Why is he not saying anything about this or pushing a Democrat candidate, or at least a more moderate Republican for that matter?

Why does anyone have a complaint about this languish coming from such an idiot, when the Democrats party in SC isn’t even trying to put up a fight against him in the first place? I live in NC and I’d pledge money to support a candidate against him, who isn’t as radical. I’ve already contributed against Robinson in my state. I wouldn’t hesitate to do the same against this bigot.

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South Carolina Democratic Senator?

I think you're thinking about the 2 Georgia Democratic Senators.

Both of South Carolina's US Senators are Republican.

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I'm sharing this with a lot of friends and getting the message out.

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Pastor Burns is another in a long line of 'race men' in the Black community who grift on the opportunities available to them in an oppressed /oppressive society.

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Yep, that would be it. Black people like that are vicious about people THEY can oppress. BTW, I'm Black and see the hatred in them. Fear too. We're harmless. SMFH

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This man literally wants me dead.

I'm transgender and I publicly support transgender rights and visibility.

It's not just me, of course. He would also like to see the wonderful author of this blog executed, along with many of the readers and commenters here.

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It’s really really scary :( I don’t know what will happen

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WTF is "grooming" and/or "indoctrination"? I'm getting the impression that those mean anything that considers being gay or trans acceptable. Or, on the contrary, anything that does NOT demonize everyone who is not cis-gendered. If you don't want to jail or execute non-cis people you must be a groomer. But those reactionary clowns never say what they mean.

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It's a dog whistle like wokeism meant to demonize us inspite of there being no truth nor a clear definition to it.

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Truly dangerous men.

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Trump is an odd one since he waffles on trans issues but then, does this. Meghan Kelly was recently unhappy to his response to her question, "Can a man become a woman?" He appeared to waffle. It is possible he is going all in with these public endorsements of lunatic bigots, just to shore up his street cred as a bonified trans hater. It is pretty horrific. We are in trouble. I am ever the optimist, but the signs are all there that my optimism would be misplaced.

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Trump is a coward on many issues and prefers to have a hatchet man do his ugly work.

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No REAL Christian, who follows the teaching of Jesus, could support t rump.

Only a Christian in name only can overlook the many, many reasons to NOT support him.

If t rump supports you, that is all that is needed to NOT support you.

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I wish the" real Christians" would call out the Christians in name only for destroying democracy and turning the clocks back to the 40s

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👆🏼 THIS!!! 👏👏👏

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As a communist, the re-instation of HUAC does indeed scare me..

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