I've said it before and I'll say it again: People like Charlie Kirk are openly calling for genocide of Trans people the same way Adolf Hitler called for genocide of Jews. When they tell us who they are, we better believe them.

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Yeah? Well, Charlie Kirk is a throbbing you-know-what to God. (Sometimes it's just too easy.)

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So glad I'm an atheist.

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It’s RED LETTER Gospel. Words of Jesus. Matthew 19:12 “For there are eunuchs who have been eunuchs from birth. And there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by other people. And there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs because of the kingdom of heaven. Those who can accept it should accept it.” --- The concept of eunuch, including what was termed natural eunuch was broader in the ancient rhetoric than now. I believe the lesson was, hey, the old customs and authorities don’t have everything covered. Get real. It’s all out there among humans. He also seemed to be saying he recognizes some people will struggle with the reality. Modern religious bigots are not attuned to Jesus.

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That is plainly true to see. Not only that, they dismiss the words of Jesus outright as "weak" and "liberal". I wish I were kidding:

> Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

> “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”

Source: https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak

They may call themselves Christians, but they don't follow the words of Jesus anymore (if they ever did).

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Thanks, i will check the link. I recently read a book titled UNCLOBBER. Scholarly study of anti-gay passages; OT and Pauline. Quite interesting.

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I liked how he triumphantly references f'ing Deuteronomy, as if like "oh, well, I will shut up now, if it's in there" - FUCK Deuteronomy. This is the year 2023 A.D., I am a believer in God, but also in his creation, which includes transgender folks.

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Charlie's god is an abomination to society.

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This intensely hateful rhetoric has no place in a civilized society, and I just hope voters are intelligent enough to see (and deeply fear) where this type of rhetoric leads if followed to its inevitable conclusion.

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the pathology of these people would probably be funny if it weren’t so deadly serious c r e e p y

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I feel bad because it's terrible, he's the absolute worst... but my brain can't stop going "why *throbbing*?"

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Charlie Kirk's God is unworthy of worship and reverence. A petulant child who gives humanity free will but demands they ignore it and worship without question, punishing them with eternal damnation if they don't. I'll roast in Hell over bowing to that tyrant and denying my true self.

Honestly, In a lot of cases I can't help but wonder if it's as much a desire for control or not. And I figure that in some circles, there isn't even necessarily any actual hatred for trans folks for Me. We're just the latest high profile minority to paint a target on. We're convenient. And I'm not sure which insults me more. Being hated, or being a convenient target. There absolutely IS plenty of true blue hate for us. It's out there and very real. But stoking that fire is very much purposefully directed in a lot of cases. Bigots being used for some greater purpose.

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That is precisely why I left. Xtianity is a hate filled death cult,

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Great reporting on a despicable movement.

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This is a premier example of how far-right Christians have destroyed so many lives with the way they love to weaponize scripture and brutalize those whom they believe outcast and inferior to themselves. It’s so much easier for them to believe they are doing God a favor by hating trans people in his name rather than loving their neighbor as themselves. They don’t have to face their own inner darkness as long as they can feel superior to people who sin differently than they do.

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Um, being LGBT isn't a sin. So knock that sh*t off right now, mmkay?

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Didn’t say it was. It’s not a sin to be LGBTQ+. However, when scripture says we all sin and fall short, “all” means all…straight and LGBTQ + all fall short. That’s why the Second Greatest Commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

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Well, it sure sounded like it. 😡

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One only has to review his history from college dropout to the repetitive lies from I couldn't get into West Point because it went to a "less qualified person of a diff't gender and persuasion" to false claims about a whole series of topics from human trafficking and French yellow vest mov't to misinformation about Covid, George Floyd, race baiting, climate change and now marked transphobia and advocacy for violence against us. Of course he gets well paid by Turning Point. He is a Goebbel's reincarnate.

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IMHO, Charlie's a whore who'll say or do anything for money.

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That's an insult to sex workers, who do honest work for honest pay. Charlie Kirk is a defamer and a grifter.

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Damn. Fucking. Straight.

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Thanks for this story. I agree that TPUSA should be taken seriously, even though I have heard some argue that their influence is waning and they are having a hard time attracting college students. Their "Professor Watchlist" targets professors across the country, for harm and harassment. If nothing else, it is a silent always-on-the-internet threat that suppresses academic freedom. I am on the list for my book about the politicization of trans identity. Putting me on the list basically proves the point of the book. (https://www.professorwatchlist.org/)

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Charlie can't admit he wants to be a girl, so we all have to suffer.

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Well if it's such a "fck you" to god, he should get off his ass and do something about it.

So far he hasn't, so I'll take that as a sign he supports it. 🤷‍♂️

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Oh, he is, his time is not as linear as ours, but he is not satisfied with the attitude toward his creation, by these antichrist "Christians". There is no question of how this will be resolved, but we have to do our part, and keep from getting kept down by our opponents. And I know that's what will win this fight.

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"he is" referred to God doing something about it, I meant.

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Where can one find the Mother Jones emails?

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I go to a Christian University and quite often remark that I am trans. So far that has been met with either no comments or supportive comments. I am attending online so I only get comments when people post them on the discussion boards. This is the only way I am able to realize that not all christians believe that trans people are bad. That being said, I only reach a small number of people and it does not show the majority of christians.

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