This makes me sick. I hope there is enough time to get my queer family out of the red state we're in and get to Minneapolis. Trying to sell/move in the next 2 months is such an ordeal.

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Join us! It's cold and soon enough it'll be hot'n'muggy but we have pride flags in all our coffee shops where I live 🏳️‍🌈

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TY! I'm looking forward to that!

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Tragic we have to flee due to transphobic politicians.

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This is so true. I'm very angry and pissed about that, and about the GOP that has had control of my state for way, way too long. When I was a kid (and it was NOT run by the GOP) it was a decent enough state. They have literally run it into the ground. Someday they will get theirs--hopefully sooner than later.

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My country was the most LGBT+ friendly country there was in Eastern-Europe, e. g. being gay was and has been decriminalized in December, 1961 - and so on -, that was ahead of even a lot of Western countries. Now an incompetent, hateful and kleptomaniac idiot politician comes and we have to flee...

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And now, you may have to flee yet again. I’m so sorry that your adopted country is so hateful and nasty now. Big mama hugs to you, Gyula!

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Thanks hopefully the storm will pass...

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Come on in, the water's blue! I live right next door in Wisconsin. Best wishes to you on this journey!

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TY! You make me feel a lot better!

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You're welcome!

I can't speak to Minnesota, but here in Wisconsin, I haven't had a single negative experience dealing with the general public or health care workers since I came out 1.5 years ago. I don't pass perfectly and I don't even live in a known liberal stronghold in Wisconsin. I'm not in a rural area but not in a major metro either.

Minnesota gets the top rating on state level transgender legal protections on Erin's map, so if I were moving just for that reason, I'd probably choose Minnesota over Wisconsin, but the two states have a lot of cultural similarity (ala Tim Walz "mind your own damn business") so hopefully you'd have a simular experience there.

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We will be happy to have you here. Good luck, and if you need any local recommendations, please ask.

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I definitely will. Our youngest daughter went to college for a time in Minn and that's when we fell in love with MN. It's everything I wished my red state could be.

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Amazing that this is the NUMBER ONE legislative priority of the GOP. Whatever happened to the moral outrage over the price of eggs?

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The GOP loves culture wars more than economic issues.

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You see calculating GDP is difficult, while this fearmongering bullsh*t is simple and successful for simple minds...

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The moral outrage over the price of eggs and other icons of inflation evaporated as soon as the election results were in.

Meanwhile. there is still political gain to be had in screeching, wailing, and rending of garments over the thoroughly distracting HORRIFYING THREAT of trans folks and "woke" politics.

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Distraction is always the GOP's priority. They rile up their supporters to distract from the fleecing and blame everyone else for their economic troubles.

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It’s time for us to hold our elected officials to account. We knew this was coming. Time to stand up for our marginalized communities.

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True that! For anyone else who is looking to get involved, check out your local mutual aid. We keep us safe!

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I'm thinking of that Ursula Le Guin quote: "Injustice makes the rules and courage breaks them." With all three branches of federal government colluding to make rules meant to annihilate us, we will need to dig deep. Solidarity and strength to our community. 🏳️‍🌈 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🏳️‍⚧️

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Love you, Erin. Thanks for your continued good work. Thank you for sharing a tool/resource.

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I’m fucking furious. What a hateful, spiteful little man.

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Even though I live in a blue state, I will be attending the school board meetings to be sure nothing is banned! I am very happy to say that there are gender neutral bathrooms in all schools in the county where I live!

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Thank you! Same here!

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Wow. Reading about the removal of the gender neutral language was such a gut punch for some reason. Jfc.

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I thought the same thing. Maybe because, as Erin says, it's so petty. They're just reveling in being assholes for the fun of it.

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That's really how it feels. It's so unnecessary and they're doing it just to make us feel that punch in the face. It's so damn hateful. Just wow.

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They're chipping away and boiling the frog, same as they did for abortion rights. They're insidious and patient, it's a troubling combination.

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Petty Bullshit. In 17 Days America ends. The Out and Proud Nazis are being red carpet walked into $Power. It is a Declaration Of War against Our BrainBody. We do not Comply.

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Can't say I'm surprised that Johnson was unfortunately re elected as the US Speaker of the House.

I thought it be another round of clown house the sequel but still bad, all joking aside for LGBTQIA+ Rights, Minorities/BIPOC Folks, And more important groups that deserves to be highlighted but not mention is at risk as well.

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They really put on a good fake face on all this time. Had me fooled

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Two points. Trans people serve in the military at twice the rate of the general population, 20% vs. 10%. I've seen these numbers more than once.


Also, of course insecure men like Johnson feel the need to remove gender neutral language and specify that it's done in such a way that the male label always comes first. Father, mother, son, daughter, etc.

Sending all of you strength and courage.

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On parental rights - I suspect the answer will be that they'll support parents' who want to block their kids from transitioning, while making it functionally impossible for any supportive parents' to help their children 😡

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This post made me so furious at Mike Johnson that I decided to become a paid subscriber. Thank you for keeping us informed!

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I got nothin . . .

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The State of Washington we welcomes the LGBTQ+ Community with warm embraces and love. Welcome all! Come in peace, live in freedom

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The western part of Washington state. Eastern Washington is just west Idaho.

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Very true, Ivy. But, they don't openly "F" with you.

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