Jun 16, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

What a great way to threat those that serve and defend our country.

Nothing like a big FU to our service members who are serving, and those who served.

Being an Air Force veteran who served during the ban on gays in the military, prior to don’t ask, don’t tell, I can tell you there were many gays serving. I’m sure that there were trans individuals too, but that’s long before my egg cracked.

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What is not surprising in this pride month is the hate filled, militant ignorance of the conservative right wing. What is disheartening is the lack of support and silence of the rest of the country reminiscent of the 1930's fascist Germany. The amount of money for care is minuscule compared with the potential loss of skilled service people. Is this for what I served 20+ yrs?

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Fuck the military budget first of all.

But I just know Biden itching to cave to this too. So Biden. What are you going to do? Cave to fascists in the name of your god damned “moderate, hand across the aisle” approach? I bet you will.

Fuck Biden. And fuck dems for not getting their heads out of their asses on this.

Fuck our leaders. Fuck this country.

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Had a good cry after reading this. It's going to impact me and my kiddo so badly if they yank our care, but even if we don't lose it there's going to be plenty of harm done. It's been rough the last 10 years or so when the end of the fiscal year approaches and Congress starts fighting over defense appropriations and we're left wondering if we'll even get paid on time, but all those times the fight is over the dumb stuff that you'd expect. This year there's a very real possibility that we don't get paid October 1st and every one of my coworkers knows it's because of me. I dread the resentment and blame that I imagine the rest of my team might feel, and I hate to think this is going to repeat every year until the Rs find a new car to chase.

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Another reason, to say the least, to get registered to Vote in next year’s elections! Many people will throw up their hands and say it doesn’t matter my Vote does not count...but it does!

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What is stopping the republicans from doing the same thing nationally to every insurance company that has any dealings with the federal government in any way (i.e. all of them)? Seriously, this is some bad **** blowing our way.

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I’m just glad and a little surprised they didn’t try this with the debt limit bill that would have put the Dems in a bad position

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I don’t think this has much of a chance and there are appropriations red state republicans won’t sacrifice for this , we are just at the beginning of the budget process expect a lot more of this nonsense

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Transgender service members? Or transgender service members AND dependents?

I truly hope they don’t give in 🤬 (Democrats that is!)

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I really don't see how they can actually get this made law, until Biden leaves office. He's not been perfect, as president, but there's no way he signs this garbage. I trust him at least *that* much. He's not just an old boomer without a clue about LGBT folks, he knows how genuinely needed these treatments are for trans-identified people.

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