Dec 6, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Purely intentional misinformation and willful ignorance. I noticed an article today in the Guardian that refers to transgender women as biological men--completely in line with the comments in this hearing. And now according to your reporting there are people actually referring to our existence as pornographic. Positively dystopian.

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I would rather die, than stop being trans. There’s nothing to switch back to. I am who I am. My body doesn’t even produce testosterone anymore. These assholes are going to push this right to the end.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Yup, they want us to detransition, which will likely result in suicide.

This is why I say what the GOP is doing is Genocide. It's not only happening to Palestinians in Gaza; it's also happening to trans people in the US.

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Thank you for the reporting on this farce. Watching these clips has me absolutely INCENSED. The way they trot out fake statistics and smugly throw out hateful talking points that fly in the face of all the science that supports trans folks is as maddening as it is unconscionable. These soulless monsters will do anything to make our lives more difficult just for daring to exist. I'm so ground down by hatred, but also am appreciative that there were good, strong voices on that committee like AOC and Jasmine Crockett that were pushing back against this unabashed hatred.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

i am sufficiently angry at this that I finally subscribed.

I wonder if this could prompt a class-action civil rights suit against the whole "basket of deplorables," Moms for Liberty, Heritage, American College of Pediatrics. The plaintiffs are legion, the defendants are easily identified, and the damage is both incalculable and palpable.

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What is the legislative context for this hearing and why is it even being held? Surely one would hope and expect that with a Democratic President and Senate, a national sports ban would not be able to pass at this time.

Aside from that, trans sports bans are cruel, unfair, and run the risk of being invasive to privacy in their enforcement mechanisms. Also they could ensnare cis athletes who don’t conform to expected gender norms.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Anyone who thinks that a man will willingly undergo hormonal and/or surgical castration just to compete in an easier sports division, fundamentally misunderstands the culture of masculinity in this country.

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"Another notable moment came when Republican Congressman James Comer stated to Riley Gaines that she “worked so hard to be the best” and that she was “the best at female swimming, there was no question about that.”"

Setting aside the tied for 5th = best... 'female swimming'? Reading that, I swear my entire body contorted in pure cringe. I don't know how one comes away with "yeah this is totally about gender *equality*".

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Some terrorist don’t use guns and rockets just paid politicians and judges

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Alot of us keep getting frustrated because "They realize many of us will face detrimental health issues and kill ourselves if forced to detransition, right?" And the answer is simply yes, they do, and that's exactly what they want. Conform or die.

It's appalling to see how much we've back slid in the past 7-8 years regarding individual freedoms, especially medical, social, for women in general, and the LGBTQ+ community.

I specifically won't get a vaginoplasty because if hormones get taken away in the next year or two somehow, I'll hit menopause, and face major physical health issues. And do we really think they'd allow me to take Testosterone if I chose to comply and detransitioned? It's doubtful, and it wouldn't happen anyway because if I was ever forced off of hrt, I'd probably kill myself within 6 months.

I'd leave the country, but like most people, simply can't. And even then, I don't want to. This is my home, and we don't deserve to not exist or to have to flee just because we didn't allign with the bodies we were born with.

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Ah yes famous loser Riley Gaines. Republicans have probably latched onto a narrative that first place was “stolen” from her but yeah, 5th place isn’t even close

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Just when I thought the stupidity, ignorance, and hatred couldn't get any worse... this comes along.

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Absolutely despicable. Thank you, Erin.

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It’s so depressing that this cycle is starting again, and it’s doubly depressing that they are doing after it’s become clear what a political loser this is for them. They aren’t pushing these bills in a cynical push for power; they’re pushing these bills because they just really want a world without trans people in it.

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Thank you, Erin, as always. Sending energy to help fill you up as you work the front lines. More people care about you and the work you are doing than you will ever know as you go about your day separating lies from truth for our community. On a global level, however, earth is dying at mankind's greed and ignorance, while politicians debate the best way to make a small group of people like us suffer. We are simply the chosen scapegoats and human sacrifice for "God's love".

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“Gender Identitarian surgery”. That’s a new one for me. Is the fucking ADF trying out a new buzzword?

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