I have to also say that most transgender pornography is deeply and intensely transphobic, and can be very triggering to trans people, even in the egg state.

It is the source of many of the harshly negative libelous stereotypes about us, in particular this "predatory trap" thing. Saying that it created us is a ludicrous departure from reality.

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The fact that they think that that slop could make anyone *want* to be trans just shows how they aren't interested in even the most basic logic.

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Certainly not interested in doing the research.

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Most "trans" porn is just porn for chasers that features a trans body as a sex toy.

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Frankly, most porn is made by cishet men.

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Yep, can't watch it anymore myself. Especially knowing what I now know about the cost of surgeries and that these women are basically financially coerced into it to pay for them.

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deletedMay 15
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It's very much like reefer madness.

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Excuse the shit out of my French but fuck this bitch.

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je suis d'accord

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De acuerdo.

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I don't like the word, but honestly, I can excuse peoples' anger in this case.

She has done a lot of harm...

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This made me laugh because if porn made people trans, most men would be trans 🤭

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I've never looked at porn, and I ended up trans anyway!

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This is the second time in the past couple of months that On Point has given a softball interview to a gender critical guest pushing a "social contagion" narrative as an explanation for the existence of trans people.

I'm beginning to wonder if Meghna Chakrabarti has decided to rebrand as a "just asking questions" style TERF.

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Ugh!!! I hope not, but I do fear you're onto something.

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If porn made people trans, my egg would've cracked about fifteen minutes after I discovered the internet. Possibly even quicker than that, considering '90s-era search engines' penchant for serving up smut in response to even the most innocuous queries.

I'm also pretty sure that if watching porn made people trans, there wouldn't be a cis person in the whole of the bible belt.

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Ahh, so the cisgender fetishization (dehumanization) of trans people, which is reflected in their obsession of trans porn, is being projected onto us and used as a justification for why we aren’t valid? Just like how employment discrimination which results in trans people being pushed into sex work is used as justification to claim our existence is inherently over-sexual in some insidious or predatory way. In reality it’s a moral panic — puritanical nonsense thats a reaction to their own sexual attitudes toward trans people — and at no point do the realities of trans people enter the equation. These people are despicable

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"Transform and function" is a line in a song by Neil Young on his album "Trans". I especially love the song "like an Inca"

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Very well written response! Cass is a house of cards! Thank you Erin!

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Thirteen times? Hmmmm, someone seems a little preoccupied with porn.

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Porn, Dr. Cass? Show me the data.

Your ideological slip is showing, Dr.

Get lost!

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Re: Republicans searching for trans porn - I’m sure it’s all just “research,” right?

/s in case the sarcasm isn’t obvious.

The overlay between the porn map and the “we’ll take your rights away” map is remarkably similar.

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It's almost as if they think that if they work hard enough to stuff us back in the closet, they'll be able to lock their shame away with us.

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It's really an age old Catholic coping mechanism as dysfunction as it is merely wishful thinking. Denial and hiding painfully defer the inevitable.

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Just because *your* bigoted ass obsesses over us in a sexual way doesn't mean we do lol. What a moronic take.

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I find Cass' opinions to be low quality.

Does that mean we get to ignore her?

According to her own methods, yes, yes we do. So kindly fuck off Cass.

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The institutionally powered Cass hate campaign being run out of Westminster and the NHS basically means that the rubbish various USA red states are pulling is getting a test run in the UK before bringing it to the national level in the USA. The Christofascists are shockingly international for how parochial their dupes are. This goes well beyond Europe with connexions to e.g. Añez of the 2019 Bolivian coup, Bolsonaro, and even Argentina's right wing (note the recent heavily spooked up Lava Jato -related disqualification of Kirchner), though I can't remember the specifics offhand. I'm not very optimistic about it all. I'm mostly expecting a theocratic auto-coup after they get a demagogic caudillo elected into office with majorities in both houses and the SCOTUS.

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On a different matter: I am catching up with my email and want to extend heartfelt Congratulations for your GLAAD media award. Well-deserved! Thank you for your steadfast reporting and advocacy for the transgender+ community.

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Oh, seriously?? Dr. Cass should just be laughed right out of the room.

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So let me get this straight. Cass who is not currently employed as a physician or in any capacity of treatment of patients. Makes claims in favor of transgender folk only after shopping the evidence based studies for a select few that she finds to be of sufficiently high enough quality to use in making a conclusion. On the other hand when it comes to statements that she makes in favor of the transphobic agenda, no vetting of evidence nor even a single study is necessary in order to make her claims. In fact rumors, assumptions and lies spewed by religious groups are sufficient to make the cut.

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Yes, that's about right.

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