I just want to thank you for the work you do. Your reporting is essential and unique. And as anxiety-provoking as all these bills are, it really helps to have it organized and all in one place so we can see what we really have going on.

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Another year, another season of rising aggression against our rights. Each legislative session we only stand to lose more rights. Biden and the democrats are doing nothing or worse to protect us from the federal level. SCOTUS is a cesspool of conservative majority with zero faith that they have the gumption to NOT endorse discriminatory rulings and legislation. I don't aim to be pessimistic, but each year gets darker and scarier...Here I am, born and raised Texan, seriously considering uprooting my whole life, as many of my trans friends here did last year and many more considering it, and moving to a new state or even to a new country.

The republicans of this country are evil. They intend no kindness or equity for us, only cruelty and eradication..

Thank you for your vigilance and diligence in keeping us informed. You and your team deserve humanitarian medals and recognition. Information gathering and its dissemination is important in fights against tyranny and fascism.

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What I think we need is a massive act of civil disobedience with all our allies, hospitals, businesses, everything and everybody simultaneously refusing to comply with legislation. This looks like it needs to be Civil Rights Two. We need some of the billionaires to fund us and plan. Because, if they take us down, they will start rolling over the next group and the next. The rest of the world takes cues from the U.S., and just as civil rights in the 60's, it's once again necessary to take to the streets because working within the system is not much better than a defensive posture and only takes us so far. We are a nation deeply divided. With the middle-class being squeezed out, what remains is a mass of people who are become increasingly ignorant and hostile due to lack. Verses those who embraced every imaginable type of greed in my boomer generation and sold everything and everyone for their selfish souls. Boomers will go down as one of the most immoral generations earth has ever known.

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This is an act of war against an innocent population with our borders! They are seeking to destroy as many of us as they can. The last time it was this horrific was when the indigenous population in our country was attacked and two spirit people were forced to conform with the consequence of being murdered by the U.S. government if they didn't. This is so radical and outrageous it's a clear indication our country is under attack from within and this will mean rebellion. I swear I will never enter a church again because religion is at the epicentre of all this hate and terror, as history has shown it generally is. I want desperately to get out of this country for somewhere where people respect each other. But, I know I won't because I must stay and fight for every last one of us. I want to HATE, but I also know that keeps the cycle of hate alive and is not my way. We need a leader so badly...

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The recent outcomes in Ohio have convinced me that no GOP-leaning state can be considered safe for trans people. Most of them have already passed regressive legislation, and the few that haven’t can pretty much be counted on to do so sooner or later. The events in NH are evidence that even states that are light blue on Erin’s map cannot be consistently trusted. I feel like lately, the only states that can be considered reasonably safe for trans people for the foreseeable future (say, until early 2025) are the ten or eleven dark blue states on Erin’s map. Beyond that, of course, it depends on the election outcomes. A GOP presidency and congress has the potential to turn every state dark red. It’s just a horrible situation.

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I agree with Valerie L. > Massive civil disobedience. Combine this with getting our allies in the entertainment industry to speak out more, on camera during interviews. Deliberate calling out of every single bad actor from the various religious groups by media outlets. Also, open comparison of the language in every single bill, so people can see that it's a concerted effort. Finally, continuous reference to and side-by-side comparison with the stages of genocide graphics that are floating around on FB. We must bring up the Eugenics movement AND the BS they used during the 60s to insinuate "Grooming" by the gay folks. The wing nuts have tried this before and failed, we have to duplicate the resistance tactics from those times again. Make them crawl back into the holes that Die Gropenfuhrer has pulled them from.

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This is all horrific and not a great way to start our new year on a positive note. Ugh. With that said, do any of the current or decided court cases ruling against these types of laws come into play that may affect this proposed codified hatred? I'm just looking for SOME glimmer of hope here.

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FFS. This is obscene. They are OBsESSED. On behalf of cis-het straight white male American Christian culture, I am so sorry. This is positively inhuman.

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You might want to add Florida SB 1372 - Educator Preparation Programs and HB 1027- Single-sex Student Organizations.

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Keep up the important work! Has anyone looked into how many of these bills (if any) are written by ALEC?

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I am so glad my best friend and sister is letting me move in with her in Denver. Texas is getting scary.

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What's happening in Illinois?

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Gee, will Moms For Liberty’s bridget ziegler be charged with grooming due to her having sex with other women during her 3-way sexcapades? 😂

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Gee, will Moms For Liberty’s bridget Ziegler be charged with grooming because of her having sex with another woman during her 3-way sexcapades? 😂

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What we need is for people who don't want trans people in the world to calm. Down.

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I don't see any bills in Illinois. Curious why it's now shaded red/pink. Thanks!

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