Even though an individual has private insurance, they could not receive care through their HMO/PPO providers practice received government funding for Medicare patients?????
These wads will find any loophole to kill us off. Are we really that threatening to society?
I’d love to see a comparison of population percentage of CIS vs Trans individuals for all categories of violent crimes, and sexual assault crimes.
Maybe then they will realize that they should outlaw CIS healthcare.
While this is true, we should never take it for granted they would overrule this garbage. That’s the sort of thinking that tripped us up over Roe. Besides with this court I’m loathe to place my well being and future in their hands.
I am going to speculate in an effort to open dialogue within our community. Please bear with me.
There is an even bigger picture here. These people are getting this directly from the nazi playbook. Villify a long reviled minority and persecute them to the point of genocide. The crimes committed will subjugate the population with ignorance, complicity, and guilt. It will also serve as an example to any dissidents.
Okay. So why are they doing this? Let's avoid any tendency to spout conspiracy theories. I won't offer any suggestions as to intent here. I'm sure any honest survey of those who oppose us would turn up a multitude of personal reasons, from religious beliefs to xenophobia to latent homosexuality.
The nazi takeover of Germany had any number of causes. But behind it all was the need for resources. Kropotkin called it the conquest of bread. Many are not aware that we currently face a similar crisis of resources, now on a global scale.
I was a geologist, a scientist with decades of experience. For over twenty years, I have been shouting about a confluence of crises. Overpopulation, climate change, mass extinction, and many others, a delapidated and inadequate infrastructure. Within the next couple if decades, we will the problems of resource depletion and environmental destruction and economic contraction written large across the entire planet.
Over the last two or more decades, we have seen the abrogation and consolidation of wealth to one percent of the population while the rest of us suffer from growing stagflation.
Could this current attack on transgender people be a ruse to tie the remaining popultion under a repressive system of totalitarian, aristocratic fascism? I will not offer an answer to this question. As a scientist, I find that conspiracies theories tend to rub me against the grain. Anyway, they seem to be the provenence if right-wing reactionaries.
I will tell you that over twenty years ago, I spoke of three potential outcomes to this confluence of crises. 1.) A descent into a miltaristic police state where a few control the resources while the vast majority must do without. 2.) A technofix. (This situation will most likely lead to option one anyway.) 3. The revitalization of local community and application of decentralized technologies.
The fast approaching confluence of crises are all symptoms of a single underlying problem: the perception of duality and the ignorance underlying this perception. We conceptualize a world of the subjective and the objective: self and nonself. It is this conceptualization of duality that allows us to manipulate and abuse anything wr perceive as separate from self. In a way, this duality was neccesary for the development of civilazation, science and art. It is the development of ego identity. It was necessary to the evolution of 'civilized' humanity.
Now, however, this conceptional evolution has played itself out to the limits of its own shortcomings. The perception of duality and self-intent has led us to terminally exploit this planet, other living creatures, and our fellow human beings. We will fight each other playing king of the mountain without realizing that the entire mountain is eroding under our feet, or we step out of our limiting conception of duality.
LGBTAI+ is ultimately an evolution of equality, inclusion, and acceptance or kinship. It is an event lution beyond duality in line with the cutting edge of science. The only thing separating self from nonself is our own limited perception of duality. There is no place where self ends and nonself begins. We think of our identity as limited to this physical body by the boundary of the skin. Yet the skin is not a boundary but a communicative interface.
Beyond the body degined by our skin, there is the exchange of matter (food and excretion, water and air). There is our biochemical body, which extends far beyond our perceived physical form. There is our electromagnetic body, which extends around us in an electromagnetic torus that eventually gradates into the electromagnetic body of our community and environment, couched within the electromagnetic field of this olanet, this solar system, which is couched within the electromagnetic field of our galaxy, like a set of Russian eggs until the entirety of physical existence is couched within the electromagnetic field of the universre. And let us no longer ignore the implications of quantum physics, which suggests that all matter is the collapse if a probability field due to the influence of conscious observation.
There is no self other than an artifice of perception. The ancient seers seem to be correct. All is one: it is our own ignorance that defines us. I see the LGBTAI+ community as a part of a new evolution beyond the constricting limitations of duality. Could this be the true reason why the ignorant and those who have benefitted the most from exploitation want to see us exterminated?
If so, then we are the future of humanity stepping beyond our long-standing conceptual limitations. As such, could we represent the solution of the confluence of crises? In that case, it is small wonder that those who benefit most from, as well as those most deluded by, our ignorant conception of duality would seek to exterminate us.
If this is so, then we need to stand our ground. Yet, our stance must be inclusive, taking pity on those who suffer most from their own limited conception. We must be open-hearted, welcoming all without judgment, recognizing all as inextricably interwoven with ourselves, seeing all existence as the facets of a diamond, a grand rainbow community of one.
Just to add to this, I think the issue has a lot to do with money. The "American Dream" for white people in the 20th century promised that a life of hard work will be met with a guaranteed comfortable retirement due to pension plans/IRAs/401Ks. In our economy today, that just isn't the case. Older white generations had privilege and opportunity carry them through the workforce for decades, only to still be struggling to retire in our hyperinflated economy.
Now they're taking it out on anyone they can. The thing is, they can't blatantly target black people like they did in the past (I mean Jim Crow was way more horrific than the anti-trans legislation bubbling today). Therefore, they moved to smaller minority communities like Muslims, Hispanic people and gay/lesbians. Not to say these groups are completely off the chopping block, but in mainstream media it is not ok to attack any of these groups anymore.
That brings us to today. Old white people (and non-whites dedicated to white supremacy) have become increasingly outraged by the system no longer protecting and caring for them like it used to, and they're running out of people to take that out on. Unfortunately for us, they've found a target small enough to still get away with the same things they've been doing since the beginning of this country, but with more ferocity since as I just mentioned, the system no longer upholds white supremacy so economically they can't retire after decades of hard work and privilege in the workforce.
Sen. David Bullard if you want to be an insurrectionist go ahead but don’t be surprised if you and your donors aren’t exposed to everyone you do business with , I can’t say this on Twitter but I can here Senator you do not want to go to war with our communities Erin is an Activist a very good one I on the other hand am an ethical hacker that takes the term Ethical very seriously
Absolutely. And the talking heads are feeding on this dissatisfaction to focus there and you're against us while at the same time galvanizing them into a political and social Force.
Even though an individual has private insurance, they could not receive care through their HMO/PPO providers practice received government funding for Medicare patients?????
These wads will find any loophole to kill us off. Are we really that threatening to society?
I’d love to see a comparison of population percentage of CIS vs Trans individuals for all categories of violent crimes, and sexual assault crimes.
Maybe then they will realize that they should outlaw CIS healthcare.
Sorry for the rant.
They just keep going after adults, bad.
The courts tend to overrule stuff like this even the conservative ones
While this is true, we should never take it for granted they would overrule this garbage. That’s the sort of thinking that tripped us up over Roe. Besides with this court I’m loathe to place my well being and future in their hands.
Would be nice to see the state level courts strike this down.
I agree with your comment.
It’s hard not to get triggered when you read the crap they are trying.
Government funding also means federal government it’s time that feds stand up to these illiterate politicians it’s our Tax dollars too
I am going to speculate in an effort to open dialogue within our community. Please bear with me.
There is an even bigger picture here. These people are getting this directly from the nazi playbook. Villify a long reviled minority and persecute them to the point of genocide. The crimes committed will subjugate the population with ignorance, complicity, and guilt. It will also serve as an example to any dissidents.
Okay. So why are they doing this? Let's avoid any tendency to spout conspiracy theories. I won't offer any suggestions as to intent here. I'm sure any honest survey of those who oppose us would turn up a multitude of personal reasons, from religious beliefs to xenophobia to latent homosexuality.
The nazi takeover of Germany had any number of causes. But behind it all was the need for resources. Kropotkin called it the conquest of bread. Many are not aware that we currently face a similar crisis of resources, now on a global scale.
I was a geologist, a scientist with decades of experience. For over twenty years, I have been shouting about a confluence of crises. Overpopulation, climate change, mass extinction, and many others, a delapidated and inadequate infrastructure. Within the next couple if decades, we will the problems of resource depletion and environmental destruction and economic contraction written large across the entire planet.
Over the last two or more decades, we have seen the abrogation and consolidation of wealth to one percent of the population while the rest of us suffer from growing stagflation.
Could this current attack on transgender people be a ruse to tie the remaining popultion under a repressive system of totalitarian, aristocratic fascism? I will not offer an answer to this question. As a scientist, I find that conspiracies theories tend to rub me against the grain. Anyway, they seem to be the provenence if right-wing reactionaries.
I will tell you that over twenty years ago, I spoke of three potential outcomes to this confluence of crises. 1.) A descent into a miltaristic police state where a few control the resources while the vast majority must do without. 2.) A technofix. (This situation will most likely lead to option one anyway.) 3. The revitalization of local community and application of decentralized technologies.
The fast approaching confluence of crises are all symptoms of a single underlying problem: the perception of duality and the ignorance underlying this perception. We conceptualize a world of the subjective and the objective: self and nonself. It is this conceptualization of duality that allows us to manipulate and abuse anything wr perceive as separate from self. In a way, this duality was neccesary for the development of civilazation, science and art. It is the development of ego identity. It was necessary to the evolution of 'civilized' humanity.
Now, however, this conceptional evolution has played itself out to the limits of its own shortcomings. The perception of duality and self-intent has led us to terminally exploit this planet, other living creatures, and our fellow human beings. We will fight each other playing king of the mountain without realizing that the entire mountain is eroding under our feet, or we step out of our limiting conception of duality.
LGBTAI+ is ultimately an evolution of equality, inclusion, and acceptance or kinship. It is an event lution beyond duality in line with the cutting edge of science. The only thing separating self from nonself is our own limited perception of duality. There is no place where self ends and nonself begins. We think of our identity as limited to this physical body by the boundary of the skin. Yet the skin is not a boundary but a communicative interface.
Beyond the body degined by our skin, there is the exchange of matter (food and excretion, water and air). There is our biochemical body, which extends far beyond our perceived physical form. There is our electromagnetic body, which extends around us in an electromagnetic torus that eventually gradates into the electromagnetic body of our community and environment, couched within the electromagnetic field of this olanet, this solar system, which is couched within the electromagnetic field of our galaxy, like a set of Russian eggs until the entirety of physical existence is couched within the electromagnetic field of the universre. And let us no longer ignore the implications of quantum physics, which suggests that all matter is the collapse if a probability field due to the influence of conscious observation.
There is no self other than an artifice of perception. The ancient seers seem to be correct. All is one: it is our own ignorance that defines us. I see the LGBTAI+ community as a part of a new evolution beyond the constricting limitations of duality. Could this be the true reason why the ignorant and those who have benefitted the most from exploitation want to see us exterminated?
If so, then we are the future of humanity stepping beyond our long-standing conceptual limitations. As such, could we represent the solution of the confluence of crises? In that case, it is small wonder that those who benefit most from, as well as those most deluded by, our ignorant conception of duality would seek to exterminate us.
If this is so, then we need to stand our ground. Yet, our stance must be inclusive, taking pity on those who suffer most from their own limited conception. We must be open-hearted, welcoming all without judgment, recognizing all as inextricably interwoven with ourselves, seeing all existence as the facets of a diamond, a grand rainbow community of one.
So, what are your thoughts?
Just to add to this, I think the issue has a lot to do with money. The "American Dream" for white people in the 20th century promised that a life of hard work will be met with a guaranteed comfortable retirement due to pension plans/IRAs/401Ks. In our economy today, that just isn't the case. Older white generations had privilege and opportunity carry them through the workforce for decades, only to still be struggling to retire in our hyperinflated economy.
Now they're taking it out on anyone they can. The thing is, they can't blatantly target black people like they did in the past (I mean Jim Crow was way more horrific than the anti-trans legislation bubbling today). Therefore, they moved to smaller minority communities like Muslims, Hispanic people and gay/lesbians. Not to say these groups are completely off the chopping block, but in mainstream media it is not ok to attack any of these groups anymore.
That brings us to today. Old white people (and non-whites dedicated to white supremacy) have become increasingly outraged by the system no longer protecting and caring for them like it used to, and they're running out of people to take that out on. Unfortunately for us, they've found a target small enough to still get away with the same things they've been doing since the beginning of this country, but with more ferocity since as I just mentioned, the system no longer upholds white supremacy so economically they can't retire after decades of hard work and privilege in the workforce.
Sen. David Bullard if you want to be an insurrectionist go ahead but don’t be surprised if you and your donors aren’t exposed to everyone you do business with , I can’t say this on Twitter but I can here Senator you do not want to go to war with our communities Erin is an Activist a very good one I on the other hand am an ethical hacker that takes the term Ethical very seriously
Absolutely. And the talking heads are feeding on this dissatisfaction to focus there and you're against us while at the same time galvanizing them into a political and social Force.