I wonder what they’d think if people were advocating through law to treat THEIR gender like an “addiction”, and tried to torture them until they stopped presenting as their true gender? What about torturing them for other aspects of their identity, like their religion?

This is SO wrong.

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So true❣️ The addiction part really stuck out to me--thinking of how a lot of recovery spaces are so so filled with christian-influenced undertones (like the stepwork in AA). Theyre pushing a ‘religion heals’ agenda through several outlets here...I’ve been in plenty of these recovery rooms. Often, the recovery is not geared towards the person’s well-being, and instead focuses upon shaming or pressuring them into a christian-centric belief system. I dont see how that wouldnt be the case here, too.

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It's tempting to approach it with that kind of empathy, but there's no hypocrisy from their perspective. They *already* believe that progressives are abusing children and persecuting adults to make them change. They believe anyone different from them needs to be made to *stop*, pure and simple.

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I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t think empathy is something we should abandon altogether. There is humanity in every single person, even bigots. Should we employ other tools also? Absolutely! But empathy isn’t just a tactic that I’m “tempted” to use, it’s part of what makes us human

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"Let's have a closed hearing about this bill."

"But don't we need to hear all views represented as part of a democratic process?"

"Do you want to pass this bill or not?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Shut up and lock the door."

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Election Day is coming. They only wanted to hear from proponents at this hearing. They’ll hear from the rest of us at the ballot box.

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Ohio used to be a very politically balanced state, but wrt culture war issues, it seems more and more to be circling the right-wing-media drain lately. I am very worried one or more of these anti-trans bills will pass there. Opponents of trans care will not hesitate to distort facts and spread misinformation to advance their cause.

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Mom of a non-binary trans young adult here. My child, and their peers, had ADF and a whole list of right wing elected high officials come after them - think governors,senators, attorney generals etc - when they dared oppose ADF being invited to speak on their campus. It was terrifying and ADF just flat out lied about what occurred & the mainstream media picked up and repeated the right wing spin. On a more positive note my child is so much steadier, less reactive as they live out their authentic gender. And yes they had suicidal ideation when they were younger and not living as their authentic self. I'm so glad they survived and it is my privilege, honor and joy to affirm them. My kiddo and their partner just hosted my other child my husband and myself for Thanksgiving out of state - it was a small, fun, loving time. Kind of a relief to be away from the larger extended family in this era.

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Whenever I hear the name Alliance Defending Freedom, all I can think of is what's next on their proposed agenda. Like maybe theraputic blood letting with leeches?

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So a pastor’s involved in pursuing this ban? How many pastors have been charged/convicted of grooming, child abuse etc? You wouldn’t be looking to them as role models. Same goes for far right republicans and cranks.

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I find it hard to believe - well, no, that's a cliché to express opposition because unfortunately I can believe - that so many people lay such importance on the tales spun by the professionally detransitioned, those who have turned their personal dissatisfaction with their gender experience into a right-wing funded career of touring the country implying their experience is a standard one rather than the extremely rare occurrence it is.

It's a re-run of the big surge in stories about "abortion regret" during the years preceding the Dobbs decision, a wave of orchestrated personal testimonials from women who later expressed regret over having had an abortion, some of them describing being tortured by their consciences because "I killed my baby." It was a campaign to stampede the public into opposing abortion by playing on fears and any shred of doubt a woman might have about having the procedure.

"Transition regret" is the same tactic with the same goal: to stampede people through the creation of "FUD" - fear, uncertainty, and doubt. The stories don't have to reflect the real numbers, they don't even have to be true, they just have t be real enough, true enough, to rouse the level and sort of feelings the reactionaries can exploit to their own ends.

(Sidebar: Before anyone asks, yes, I know where the term "FUD" came from. It's a worthy story, but too long for the comment. :-) )

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These conservatives in Ohio need to experience a night a la Ebenezer Scrooge where Tiny Tim is a trans boy.

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Thanks Erin but Prischa Mosely testimony bothered me the most. I go to unc myself in the trans program (8 or 9 years) and I've never been lied to or blackmailed by any of my physicians and they run the pediatric program pretty much in lockstep with the adults program. I have received probably the best healthcare there than i ever have in my entire life. She posted just a crap ton of ludicrous allegations. And I even warned her about posting that stuff in a public forum while she has pending litigation and you know she put me on blast because I called her out. The thing she does come off as is starved for attention. It may be why she initially transitioned to start with and she's getting a shit ton of it now. 🤔 I unlocked my account btw. I think I'm gonna take this weekend

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