Ohio's gender affirming care ban for trans youth was passed out of committee on Wednesday. In it, provisions targeting mental healthcare demand for "screening" of "causes" that don't exist.
I'm quickly losing my faith in humanity. I simply cannot comprehend how such hatred is supported by so many people.
I work as an election judge in my county which means constantly working alongside life-long Republicans. These are mostly normal, friendly people who won't even blink an eye at supporting this garbage. I just don't get it.
They will and they do. Perhaps they have none in their circle who are LGBTQIA+, but often they just pretend it a fad. My trans son deals with his father and family constantly dead naming him. I am a bitch defending his name and pronouns. Keep fighting against bigotry, much love!
I agree; it’s really astonishing. People who support cruelty may still be able to act friendly, but that’s just external behavior. Their inner lives are most likely miserable and devoid of depth of feeling. This cis mom, me, sends you tons of loving support. There are millions of people like me you’ll never even meet who care very deeply.
I don't think the vast majority of support comes from haters. It comes from people who cannot accommodate our existence in their view of man, and retreat to mental illness as the explanation. Most of them that I have talked to in the past have not objected to adults doing and living as we choose, but the issue with minors ("children") sets the hair of many people on fire. They are being told, either explicitly or by implication, that we support genitals being removed from "children"; when a bill focuses on trans care for minors, banning a list of things including surgery as well as HRT, if we object to it we are painted as defending this kind of surgery. IOW, we are being misrepresented for political reasons by their influencers, and they trust their influencers because they're ignorant, scared and outraged at what they are being told we support.
Fucking devastating and a wildly dangerous aggressive attempt to strip not only trans people but anyone with the correlating mental health issues out of any kind of medical autonomy. This isn’t where they’ll stop and it’s chilling (but unsurprising) to know this is my home.
Thank you for the tireless important work you do to keep us educated and informed on the hate movement.
Autism has no “cure” & is often runs in families. It so cruel to punish a person who is born with autism from getting transition care. Who cares why (“the cause”) someone wants to transition. Do we make a person with diabetes get screened for the cause before we treat it? They are attacking autistic trans. As if life wasn’t already hard enough. So pissed. I can’t even get my thoughts down correctly. Please know my heart is with the autistic trans community.
My trans son and I are watching. At this point, both he and his younger brother want to leave the states. I'm fighting, tooth and nail against this insanity. Erin, thank you for all you and Zooey do!!!!!
Oh, how lovely. I was waiting for it. I mean, legislatures have already taken on the roles medical doctors... now they are mental health experts. My stance is this...yes, it is aimed at the largely old white cis male pols making these rules. I question if ED is actually physical. I suspect it might be more psychological... and so before those lil blue pills get handed out, we must treat for any mental health condition that is present - it's likely anx, depression, ptsd, trauma, etc. But don't worry, after a 2 year mental health/behavioral action plan, I am sure you will be perfectly able to perform sexual activities! ...and if not, then obv, after we have worked tirelessly to expose any other possibility "causes," you may have your lil blue pills... after 2 years. And no insurance can pay for it.
Trying to make children go through the wrong puberty will result in more suicides. I'm sixty and going through the wrong puberty is still the reason I consider suicide, and considered it at thirteen.
What on Earth is being trans other than the trauma of being born into a body that you are at war with and having to fight toward harmony with it? Being assigned wounded at birth, if you will? Not to mention all of the harassment and discrimination and everything else.
One of the worst perversions of our current society is to knowingly fabricate information, when the actual documented studies are based on historically, established, pure factual sciences.
This awful legislation needs to be defeated and/or challenged in court as soon as possible. Politicians should not be in the business of selectively denying care to patients who have, in their view, politically incorrect diagnoses. Stripping select citizens and their families of their medical autonomy is a very hazardous path to go down. Plus, we know they don’t intend to stop with care for minors. They want to come for adult health care too, and this is just a first step.
Yeah, I'm 53. Don't think I'm gonna "grow out" of it, Chuck. 🙄
Sending love, you be you!
I'm quickly losing my faith in humanity. I simply cannot comprehend how such hatred is supported by so many people.
I work as an election judge in my county which means constantly working alongside life-long Republicans. These are mostly normal, friendly people who won't even blink an eye at supporting this garbage. I just don't get it.
They will and they do. Perhaps they have none in their circle who are LGBTQIA+, but often they just pretend it a fad. My trans son deals with his father and family constantly dead naming him. I am a bitch defending his name and pronouns. Keep fighting against bigotry, much love!
I agree; it’s really astonishing. People who support cruelty may still be able to act friendly, but that’s just external behavior. Their inner lives are most likely miserable and devoid of depth of feeling. This cis mom, me, sends you tons of loving support. There are millions of people like me you’ll never even meet who care very deeply.
its important to remember that the MAJORITY of people in america support transgender and lgbtq people! dont lose hope! peace and love🫶
I don't think the vast majority of support comes from haters. It comes from people who cannot accommodate our existence in their view of man, and retreat to mental illness as the explanation. Most of them that I have talked to in the past have not objected to adults doing and living as we choose, but the issue with minors ("children") sets the hair of many people on fire. They are being told, either explicitly or by implication, that we support genitals being removed from "children"; when a bill focuses on trans care for minors, banning a list of things including surgery as well as HRT, if we object to it we are painted as defending this kind of surgery. IOW, we are being misrepresented for political reasons by their influencers, and they trust their influencers because they're ignorant, scared and outraged at what they are being told we support.
And many of their “causes” are simply things trans people suffer under because of lack of care. Depression, abuse, trauma, anxiety, etc
But it’s not really about helping people of course
I said this earlier to my trans child. He just shook his head, muttering the same..."Depressed, Anxious, what the hell you think I'll be in this body"
Fucking devastating and a wildly dangerous aggressive attempt to strip not only trans people but anyone with the correlating mental health issues out of any kind of medical autonomy. This isn’t where they’ll stop and it’s chilling (but unsurprising) to know this is my home.
Thank you for the tireless important work you do to keep us educated and informed on the hate movement.
Autism has no “cure” & is often runs in families. It so cruel to punish a person who is born with autism from getting transition care. Who cares why (“the cause”) someone wants to transition. Do we make a person with diabetes get screened for the cause before we treat it? They are attacking autistic trans. As if life wasn’t already hard enough. So pissed. I can’t even get my thoughts down correctly. Please know my heart is with the autistic trans community.
My trans son and I are watching. At this point, both he and his younger brother want to leave the states. I'm fighting, tooth and nail against this insanity. Erin, thank you for all you and Zooey do!!!!!
Oh, how lovely. I was waiting for it. I mean, legislatures have already taken on the roles medical doctors... now they are mental health experts. My stance is this...yes, it is aimed at the largely old white cis male pols making these rules. I question if ED is actually physical. I suspect it might be more psychological... and so before those lil blue pills get handed out, we must treat for any mental health condition that is present - it's likely anx, depression, ptsd, trauma, etc. But don't worry, after a 2 year mental health/behavioral action plan, I am sure you will be perfectly able to perform sexual activities! ...and if not, then obv, after we have worked tirelessly to expose any other possibility "causes," you may have your lil blue pills... after 2 years. And no insurance can pay for it.
Trying to make children go through the wrong puberty will result in more suicides. I'm sixty and going through the wrong puberty is still the reason I consider suicide, and considered it at thirteen.
What on Earth is being trans other than the trauma of being born into a body that you are at war with and having to fight toward harmony with it? Being assigned wounded at birth, if you will? Not to mention all of the harassment and discrimination and everything else.
One of the worst perversions of our current society is to knowingly fabricate information, when the actual documented studies are based on historically, established, pure factual sciences.
This awful legislation needs to be defeated and/or challenged in court as soon as possible. Politicians should not be in the business of selectively denying care to patients who have, in their view, politically incorrect diagnoses. Stripping select citizens and their families of their medical autonomy is a very hazardous path to go down. Plus, we know they don’t intend to stop with care for minors. They want to come for adult health care too, and this is just a first step.
So sad. Because being gay is not a phase and neither is being trans.