No modern healthcare is deeply rooted in our nations history or tradition. This argument is so f-ing ridiculous and transparently bigoted. Just disgusting.

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Exactly! Like heart transplants :-\

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These policies are founded upon the current “vibe” as defined by the woke scolding media, there is nothing scientific about them

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Also, I live in Florida and am friends with folks from Spektrum. They are desperately seeking an MD to join them so they can continue care to their patients, so if you know of anyone please, please point them in their direction.

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This is disheartening, terrifying, and just plain awful. I absolutely agree, it was never just about the kids. Anti-trans activists will stop at nothing, and their goal is national adult GAC bans, unless some path can be found to counteract it. Let’s not forget, Missouri tried to do the same thing back in April. It would still be in effect if not blocked by a court. Ten years ago, it would have been inconceivable to me that best practice medical care, freely chosen by consenting adults and their doctors, would be restricted or banned because of a political culture war.

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I feel like this is one of those things where those who are neutral or don’t care about what’s happening to trans rights, and lgbtq rights in general will be pretty shocked when the gop comes for them next. They won’t stop with this. And the progression from “trans people in youth sports” to “eradicate all trans people” was pretty swift and reveals their entire playbook going forward. Do you know how hard it was to type this comment without saying nazi once? Oops.

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> I feel like this is one of those things where those who are neutral or don’t care about what’s happening to trans rights, and lgbtq rights in general will be pretty shocked when the gop comes for them next

The Germans have a saying: “When there are ten Nazis and two people willing to sit at the table with them then there are twelve Nazis altogether.” We fail to learn the lessons of history at our own risk.

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Thank you as always. Erin, consider connecting what's happening to fascism. Controlling women's bodies is one of its practices. There are so many who don't see fascism in the Republican Party because they can't imagine it is possible just like so many of us couldn't imagine Trump getting elected.

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Republicans are filth. Every last one of them.

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So terribly disappointing and upsetting. Adults have always been a target of the Florida law, just like grades 4-12 were also a target of the don’t say gay law, even though the focus was on K-3. So embarrassed for my state and disgusted by its governor. Fascism at its finest.

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This is very bad news. I'm surprised that the 11th district wen this way. The ghost of Dobbs is going to haunt us for generations, the subjective requirement that any right must be "firmly" rooted in history will have us all living in the 19th century.

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Every policy, every book banned, is intended for adults. It stands to reason, in the conservative minds, if the book is degenerate they're not going to allow them in your houses, either. Your right to "Privacy" is on the line again.

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Consider the fact that our community, as it is, and the progress that it has made in the last 50 years, appears to non-trans people as the model for progressive change in their eyes, and a movement that they must stop. So they will try.

Also consider that there isn’t one single GLBTQI+ group that we have on our side exclusively. The ACLU has gone silent, and by this time they should have dozens of challenges in the courts right now. There is no Transgender legal defense making a difference right now. Nothing that can even challenge or file law suites against the Federalist Society or someone liked Matt Walsh’s hateful rhetoric. Until someone actually mounts a defense on our part, with meaningful teeth we have little choice but to do what we are doing now, simply moving out of their way and absorbing the abuse. We don’t have a group like HRC that is willing to pool their resources in one direction to help trans people. The only national groups for trans people that have any coherent and cohesive stand to fight are trans Veterans groups....but they are having their own cat fights at present.

So there is little we can do right now, except to watch, wait and complain. I wish I was wrong, but our best bet is to vote Republicans out everywhere we can. Until trans leaders can act together and support each other by supporting trans legal groups to become actively engaged, we are watchers and hopers at the national level.

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Thanks for the updates as always Erin! Dear Rama-a-llama-ding-dong-Swamy, let’s look at your Hindu religion (has transgender individiduals in a high position within the caste system) and the mutilation he describes is found in places where names like his are more common, Asia/Middle East and he’s misleadingly talking about female circumcision. Apparently the ticket to legal equality is providing Nazi artifacts to judges, America’s legal system is and has been broken since the 17th Century. There is peace and safety in the Middle East compared to America. I was safer in a war zone with no rifle outside the FOB than on any domestic U.S. Soil...Biden needs to call upon the French protestors to help invigorate an end to this Apartheid nation

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At a hearing on a GAC ban in Georgia this spring, the sponsor introduced his bill with the familiar rhetoric about child safety: “This is just a pause for young people; after they turn 18, what they decide is their business.” And then literally just half an hour later in the same hearing - after another R suggested extending the ban up to age 25 - the sponsor thanked her & said “I couldn’t have said it better myself!” He admitted that he & his collaborators had initially considered a higher age but then decided to “try 18.”

It was pretty shocking to see the curtain being pulled back THAT fast. Just 30 minutes from “I’m just trying to protect children!” to “I’d love to ban adult care too, maybe one day.”

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Thanks once again for helping us see the reality we're facing. Sobering, but motivating.

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And still LGBTQ folks vote Republican.

I don’t get it at all.

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There are a lot of government policies and programs that are not “deeply rooted in our nation’s history and tradition.” Like, the US Air Force.

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I don’t give a crap anymore these judges are going to be reported to the world court we have to find European citizens or dual citizenship that feels threatened to file the complaint but we can find those

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