Anti-transgenderism is clearly a social contagion.

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You can tell a lot about what someone really thinks by their choice of words. The word "contagion" is typically only used when discussing disease; some viral or bacterial malady that requires a cure. I think their choice of words is telling. They think we are a disease, a blight, a plague if you will.

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Social acceptance, meeting other non-binary people, realizing I’m one of them and that it explains so much... 100 years ago I would have continued feeling like an imposter, a broken person of my AGAB, never considering any other possibilities due to social pressure

The other side never believed in freedom, that was always a lie. They’re just being more open about it these days

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Additional considerations for the increase in referrals to trans clinics: 1) expanded diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria in DSM-5. 2) ACA expansion of insurance coverage and removal of blanket denials for gender affirming care. 3) increase in the number of clinics making them more accessible to a larger % of the population. 4) mental health parity helps more people access mental health services.

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The operative word here is "contagion". Queer community requires social transmission in order to thrive, like any identity or subculture, including the cis-het mainstream one. That is why white colonizers prevented Native American kids from learning their traditional songs, rituals, and languages, for example. I don't think the nature-versus-nurture issue even matters as much as the value-judgment that turns communication into "contagion" to justify cultural genocide.

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I don't know how many times we can say this. Being trans is not a trend.

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Thank you for always bringing sound scientific research from peer-reviewed publications with stringent standards for evidence-based recommendations.

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Acceptance seems to be to truly be the key. Though I only have two personal data points - one of my children and the child of a previous partner, I can say they (the kids) chose to come out to the more accepting parent (me in the case of my child).

Both unaccepting parents were brought up in cultures/religions that taught that being gay or transgender is wrong, and they responded from that. Unconditional love? I think not. Ultimately they came to a place of pseudo acceptance, however without "doing the work" to change their beliefs, how true can that acceptance be.

Hopefully a desire to raise EQs will become a social contagion.

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I agree with others that the real social contagion is the anti-trans hysteria sweeping mainly the politically red states. Consider this: Until a few years ago, most such politicians seemed relatively content to live and let live, even if it wasn’t their favorite thing. But then in the mid-2010s there was the SCOTUS Obergefell ruling and NC’s bathroom bill, and while the latter was swatted down, over time these events stoked the attention and ire of the religious right, along with the desire for a new scapegoat, leading to the anti-trans conflagration we have today

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Beautifully written consolidation of the argument. I knew this but it’s good to read again and in this highly accessible and shareable version. Thank you.

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Widespread Rapid onset transgender hysteria :WROTH

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Thank you again for this clear discussion.

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As always, excellent journalism and research. Your voice is tremendously appreciated.

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Another article which is on point. Imagine if all the theories lacking substantiation were published in a an encyclopedia set? Whoa: that would be one large set of books. The great news is our imaginary encyclopedia set would be reduced, and eventually diminish? Hopefully, the notion of learning about the world around us will continue to inspire more folks. Thank you, Erin Reed & Company. Sending lots of Love to Everyone from London, Ontario, Canada.

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Hi Erin, I want to start by saying thanks to both you and to Zoe for all you do. You're my go to source for deciphering recent events effecting all trans people. Thanks.

Now for what might be a minor house keeping question. In your post, you state the following to begin the third to last paragraph:

" The misuse of “social contagion” and “rapid onset gender dysphoria” has led to widespread condemnation by over 60 psychological organizations, including the American Psychological Organization."

My question is about the "American Psychological Organization."

Did you intend to refer to the American Psychological Organization or was it the American Psychological Association to which you intended to refer?

Minor question. Love all you do for all us trans people. Huge respect to you and your very own Montana legislator!

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