New Hampshire's Senate passed HB396, repealing some discrimination protections for transgender people that the state passed in 2018. It is one of the first states to repeal previous protections.
NH is going in the wrong direction. If Sununu signs these bills, my decision to move back to MA will be made. My daughter is trans and I won’t stay in a state where she doesn’t know if she can use the bathroom or not. Will they be allowed to press charges and put trans women in jail with men? This is messy and so wrong. It will get even worse if another Republican wins in the governors race. Both R candidates have anti-trans records. I feel sick about this.
We're all sick about this, Ms. Carol. Even if we don't live there, because this bullshit is moving around the country at lightning speed and we are targets through no fault of our own. Nobody can get in front of it and are forced to move around the country. No place is guaranteed to be safe, and please vote like your life depends on it because it does. For you and your daughter.
The discouraging thing is that NH, with its ostensibly fierce independence of thought, is actually not so much a typical "group-think" conservative place like either Alabama or Idaho (as an example). We expect backwardness and shallow thinking from the south, unfortunately. I had expected a little better from NH. It reinforces the stereotype of rural and small-town antipathy to human understanding. 🙁
Yeah, told everybody that they weren't just after trans children. If they got away with that, they'd come after adults too. This is getting critical and no clear way to fight back. Legal LGBTQ+ organizations are too small to take on entire States ... all over the place. SMFH
These Republithugs know exactly what they're doing.
Take a deep breath. We all need to do that and hang on. We're not proactive because we don't have the numbers (or money) to fight back. I do see a wave coming, because I don't just live in the trans world. They've got a bunch of cisgender people pissed-off about them and their hateful antics.
This is true-- I'm cisgender with an adult transdaughter and 2 other gay adult kids, and I'm definitely pissed off. I've been educating other cisgender people about what's going on and trying to get them to take action. I live in MO but we are making plans to move. Not sure it's possible for us but we are fighting whether we stay or leave.
Is this what New Hampshire voters actually want? Hard-right voting in a state that's a lot closer to the political median? Imposition of explicitly Christian values on a Republican voter base that has historically been much more libertarian?
New Hampshire can either be the Live Free or Die state or the northeastern outpost of MAGA authoritarianism. It can't be both.
I guess we'll find out at the ballot box in November.
I have difficulty accepting that a majority of NH voters supports this. But NH was always the backwards, backwoods backwater of New England. I used to live in Mass and there was no shortage of yahoos in that state, but we always knew we were at least not New Hampster, as we called our northerly neighbor. The Klan used to gather on overpasses on 93 North, waving their flags at passing motorists. NH has beautiful scenery and a lot of forward thinking people. But they’ve long had a lot of a$$holes too. Meanness seems to be a primary trait of these folks.
Imagine thinking "we really ought to allow people to discriminate against some other humans [again]" and proposing that you've morally done a good thing.
A party so self-righteously pompous to call themselves the "party of morality" and yet regularly displays moral, ethical, and empathic bankruptcy, cruelty even, on the daily.
I live in NH and my son is transgender. I helped lobby the legislature to pass the non discrimination laws in 2018. The reversal of these laws is cruel and devastating. Members on the trans community and allies will be holding a rally on Wednesday 5/29 at the state house to try to encourage Governor Sununu to veto these hateful bills. I doubt he will listen. He’s not running for governor again. He’s a Trump sycophant trying to set himself up for a future presidency.
This is disgraceful and sad. What is up with NH? The legislature out to be deeply ashamed of what it has done, especially given that NH sits in an otherwise very protective and affirming region of the country for trans people (the Northeast).
Are there specific penalties meted out in the legislation for bathroom violations, and how will they be enforced? Also what about post-op trans people who literally cannot use another bathroom besides their new, reassigned sex? (Both for safety and anatomical reasons)….even Iowa was willing to make an exception for those people.
Any chance the governor will have some compassion and veto this?
I'm not sure fully transitioned trans people should worry about the bathroom. Unless you obviously look like the gender assigned at birth, they have no way of knowing. All ID must match your transitioned gender, though.
Until they make it illegal to be trans, I doubt they'll look deeply into any ID issues. I do think those fools are leading up to that. How dangerous for a transwoman to be stuck in jail with a bunch of men when she has a v-jay-jay. SMFH
Project 2025, the MAGA authoritarian wet dream, is coming if he is assigned POTUS, after the election. I think that should be the correct designation, since it’s unlikely he will win a majority of the popular vote, even if he scores the majority of the Electoral College. As Rachel Maddow says: “Watch this space.”
Sigh ... what a hot mess. I'd say something obtuse about Ms. Maddow, but I don't feel like giving her attention at the moment. I do know one thing. Famous LGBTQ+ people aren't pushing back, for themselves or anybody else, very hard.
“…a hot mess.” The New Hampshire mess or the Project 2025 abomination? I have colleagues and even family in the news and entertainment biz and some are afraid of being savaged by MAGA. It’s tragic and shameful, but I do understand their perspective. That’s a hot mess, to be certain.
ALL OF IT! Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation are terrorists. They're the ones that will push all this if douche-bag gets elected again. The maggots are a hot mess as well, and I'm not afraid of them. This cowardice attitude is bullshit. Do they think we had it when we fought for our rights in the 1960-1980's? No-no, I'm not letting people off the hook like that. I've got something for their ass if they come anywhere near me. I'll die for my human rights, and people are forgetting history. When will enough be enough to FIGHT?
That is the truth, here - the very notion of a dictatorship in this country is unthinkable. DJT cannot usurp democracy itself, without sparking unrest we haven't seen since the 19th century. I don't want that to have to happen, but it's why I'm willing to give Biden a pass on the Gaza war and a handful of other issues. Defeating DJT is the paramount concern, right now.
I agree, my point exactly, and thanks for the comment. The reason for my concern is that in Florida, the bathroom law there, if I’m understanding it correctly, makes it illegal for even post-op trans people to use the bathroom corresponding to their new, anatomical sex - which is just mind-numbingly cruel, illogical, and impractical. However, to be guilty of anything there - again based on my limited understanding - you would have to be recognized as trans by someone, told to leave, and then refuse to leave, which seems like a relatively unlikely series of events, especially for someone that passes well.
As a final point - it is deeply unsettling to have this kind of hate establish a beachhead in the Northeast, which otherwise has been such a good region.
Yes, that is virtually the only way to get detected in the bathroom. They've legally appointed illegal deputies to rat folks out. Florida's Governor is crazy. Transmen fly under the radar anyway, but can you imagine the ruckus it will cause for a fully transitioned transman to use the ladies room with his feet pointing at the toilet and coming out of the stall with a full beard? Pohleece will be called and yes, I spelled their job-title like that on purpose.
I had a relative say this happened at a courthouse when a transwoman went to the bathroom standing-to-pee, and another juror was looking under the stall to see it. That relative is no longer in my life, because she agreed with the peeping Tom and also witnessed this as another juror in that trial. Those nutjobs are empowering more than GOP bigots.
Everything is going haywire, and for what? Hate-mongering? I'm disgusted.
If the only way someone could be “detected” were those ridiculous examples that didn’t happen then you wouldn’t see cis women being accused of being trans- which we obviously do on the regular.
I was arguing with my cousin for 2 hours about that issue and others. Yes, it did happen. They saw her feet under the stall and complained to the clerks of the courthouse. SHE (my cousin) was one of them. That is why I dismissed her with prejudice. Come again?????
I see you slightly changed what you said and got rid of the 'right wing propaganda' remark. Either I misunderstood what you said, or you were out-of-line with me. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, but beware that I have a very low tolerance for misinforming people about what I said. I consider that microaggression and that kind of behavior has gotten out of hand around the internet.
But in these crazy ass states like NH - well, anywhere now, really - do you not worry about being confronted and attacked in any public bathroom, no matter what the law says? My 18yo trans son never ever goes to the bathroom when we’re out bc of this fear, even tho he easily passes as male. It breaks my heart that he’s so terrified of simply peeing.
Keep in mind that having had bottom surgery (or any other surgery) doesn't necessarily mean someone passes. After all, it's not like most people use the genitals as the way they clock trans people in daily life
Of course not. Why would anybody think that? Transwomen are way more clockable than transmen, because they're looking at features, not genitals. Height, hands, feet, Adam's Apples, facial structure, muscular structure, hair, presentation, maybe behavior, etc. They're looking at everything BUT genitals. The world pays more attention to all that with women than men. Maybe just a tiny bit with genitals, because I do notice women looking at my imprint. God only knows what they're thinking ... LOL.
With that little thing that happened when my cousin was in court, it was a combination between the t-woman's features & what happened in the stall. Had she not peed standing up, facing the toilet, they would've just kept wondering if she was trans (or gay) and not known. She kept calling that woman a gay man. SMFH
Before you jump on me, hear me out. Why not flip this on its head? As trans people, we have an interest in seeing that this bathroom law is enforced fairly. Since it can be really hard to tell who is trans and who isn't, everyone using the bathrooms in question should undergo genital inspections. You cannot be too careful. I suggest we gather volunteers to set up genital inspection stations at all public bathroom facilities. We set up tables outside the bathroom doors. To be considerate, we do a round stall like curtained area where genital inspection can take place in privacy. Those of us at the tables can take turns asking people to please submit to a genital inspection. If they aren't willing, the presumption is that they are probably trans. Sorry, you can't enter the bathroom without an inspection. Can you imagine what an uproar this would lead to? And this is the practical result of their laws. I live in Washington State, but it might be worth a trip to NH. Others willing to volunteer? It seems like it is time to call bullshit on all of these bathroom laws.
NH is going in the wrong direction. If Sununu signs these bills, my decision to move back to MA will be made. My daughter is trans and I won’t stay in a state where she doesn’t know if she can use the bathroom or not. Will they be allowed to press charges and put trans women in jail with men? This is messy and so wrong. It will get even worse if another Republican wins in the governors race. Both R candidates have anti-trans records. I feel sick about this.
We're all sick about this, Ms. Carol. Even if we don't live there, because this bullshit is moving around the country at lightning speed and we are targets through no fault of our own. Nobody can get in front of it and are forced to move around the country. No place is guaranteed to be safe, and please vote like your life depends on it because it does. For you and your daughter.
New Hampshire living up to its reputation as “Alabama of the North”
The discouraging thing is that NH, with its ostensibly fierce independence of thought, is actually not so much a typical "group-think" conservative place like either Alabama or Idaho (as an example). We expect backwardness and shallow thinking from the south, unfortunately. I had expected a little better from NH. It reinforces the stereotype of rural and small-town antipathy to human understanding. 🙁
Yeah, told everybody that they weren't just after trans children. If they got away with that, they'd come after adults too. This is getting critical and no clear way to fight back. Legal LGBTQ+ organizations are too small to take on entire States ... all over the place. SMFH
These Republithugs know exactly what they're doing.
"Live free of die! Unless you're trans, in which case just die." This is awful.
Take a deep breath. We all need to do that and hang on. We're not proactive because we don't have the numbers (or money) to fight back. I do see a wave coming, because I don't just live in the trans world. They've got a bunch of cisgender people pissed-off about them and their hateful antics.
This is true-- I'm cisgender with an adult transdaughter and 2 other gay adult kids, and I'm definitely pissed off. I've been educating other cisgender people about what's going on and trying to get them to take action. I live in MO but we are making plans to move. Not sure it's possible for us but we are fighting whether we stay or leave.
Is this what New Hampshire voters actually want? Hard-right voting in a state that's a lot closer to the political median? Imposition of explicitly Christian values on a Republican voter base that has historically been much more libertarian?
New Hampshire can either be the Live Free or Die state or the northeastern outpost of MAGA authoritarianism. It can't be both.
I guess we'll find out at the ballot box in November.
I have difficulty accepting that a majority of NH voters supports this. But NH was always the backwards, backwoods backwater of New England. I used to live in Mass and there was no shortage of yahoos in that state, but we always knew we were at least not New Hampster, as we called our northerly neighbor. The Klan used to gather on overpasses on 93 North, waving their flags at passing motorists. NH has beautiful scenery and a lot of forward thinking people. But they’ve long had a lot of a$$holes too. Meanness seems to be a primary trait of these folks.
I’m not going anywhere where I can’t pee!
Conservative states are just narrowing down vacation options for us, I guess.
No more of my tourist dollars are going to that state. Infuriating.
New Hampshire is working as hard as it can to become the shame of New England.
Good job y’all, I think you have nailed it.
Imagine thinking "we really ought to allow people to discriminate against some other humans [again]" and proposing that you've morally done a good thing.
A party so self-righteously pompous to call themselves the "party of morality" and yet regularly displays moral, ethical, and empathic bankruptcy, cruelty even, on the daily.
I live in NH and my son is transgender. I helped lobby the legislature to pass the non discrimination laws in 2018. The reversal of these laws is cruel and devastating. Members on the trans community and allies will be holding a rally on Wednesday 5/29 at the state house to try to encourage Governor Sununu to veto these hateful bills. I doubt he will listen. He’s not running for governor again. He’s a Trump sycophant trying to set himself up for a future presidency.
Yep, it's the "Leave Me or Die" state now.
This is disgraceful and sad. What is up with NH? The legislature out to be deeply ashamed of what it has done, especially given that NH sits in an otherwise very protective and affirming region of the country for trans people (the Northeast).
Are there specific penalties meted out in the legislation for bathroom violations, and how will they be enforced? Also what about post-op trans people who literally cannot use another bathroom besides their new, reassigned sex? (Both for safety and anatomical reasons)….even Iowa was willing to make an exception for those people.
Any chance the governor will have some compassion and veto this?
I'm not sure fully transitioned trans people should worry about the bathroom. Unless you obviously look like the gender assigned at birth, they have no way of knowing. All ID must match your transitioned gender, though.
Until they make it illegal to be trans, I doubt they'll look deeply into any ID issues. I do think those fools are leading up to that. How dangerous for a transwoman to be stuck in jail with a bunch of men when she has a v-jay-jay. SMFH
Project 2025, the MAGA authoritarian wet dream, is coming if he is assigned POTUS, after the election. I think that should be the correct designation, since it’s unlikely he will win a majority of the popular vote, even if he scores the majority of the Electoral College. As Rachel Maddow says: “Watch this space.”
Sigh ... what a hot mess. I'd say something obtuse about Ms. Maddow, but I don't feel like giving her attention at the moment. I do know one thing. Famous LGBTQ+ people aren't pushing back, for themselves or anybody else, very hard.
“…a hot mess.” The New Hampshire mess or the Project 2025 abomination? I have colleagues and even family in the news and entertainment biz and some are afraid of being savaged by MAGA. It’s tragic and shameful, but I do understand their perspective. That’s a hot mess, to be certain.
ALL OF IT! Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation are terrorists. They're the ones that will push all this if douche-bag gets elected again. The maggots are a hot mess as well, and I'm not afraid of them. This cowardice attitude is bullshit. Do they think we had it when we fought for our rights in the 1960-1980's? No-no, I'm not letting people off the hook like that. I've got something for their ass if they come anywhere near me. I'll die for my human rights, and people are forgetting history. When will enough be enough to FIGHT?
That is the truth, here - the very notion of a dictatorship in this country is unthinkable. DJT cannot usurp democracy itself, without sparking unrest we haven't seen since the 19th century. I don't want that to have to happen, but it's why I'm willing to give Biden a pass on the Gaza war and a handful of other issues. Defeating DJT is the paramount concern, right now.
I agree, my point exactly, and thanks for the comment. The reason for my concern is that in Florida, the bathroom law there, if I’m understanding it correctly, makes it illegal for even post-op trans people to use the bathroom corresponding to their new, anatomical sex - which is just mind-numbingly cruel, illogical, and impractical. However, to be guilty of anything there - again based on my limited understanding - you would have to be recognized as trans by someone, told to leave, and then refuse to leave, which seems like a relatively unlikely series of events, especially for someone that passes well.
As a final point - it is deeply unsettling to have this kind of hate establish a beachhead in the Northeast, which otherwise has been such a good region.
Yes, that is virtually the only way to get detected in the bathroom. They've legally appointed illegal deputies to rat folks out. Florida's Governor is crazy. Transmen fly under the radar anyway, but can you imagine the ruckus it will cause for a fully transitioned transman to use the ladies room with his feet pointing at the toilet and coming out of the stall with a full beard? Pohleece will be called and yes, I spelled their job-title like that on purpose.
I had a relative say this happened at a courthouse when a transwoman went to the bathroom standing-to-pee, and another juror was looking under the stall to see it. That relative is no longer in my life, because she agreed with the peeping Tom and also witnessed this as another juror in that trial. Those nutjobs are empowering more than GOP bigots.
Everything is going haywire, and for what? Hate-mongering? I'm disgusted.
Spreading right wing propaganda doesn’t help.
If the only way someone could be “detected” were those ridiculous examples that didn’t happen then you wouldn’t see cis women being accused of being trans- which we obviously do on the regular.
I was arguing with my cousin for 2 hours about that issue and others. Yes, it did happen. They saw her feet under the stall and complained to the clerks of the courthouse. SHE (my cousin) was one of them. That is why I dismissed her with prejudice. Come again?????
I see you slightly changed what you said and got rid of the 'right wing propaganda' remark. Either I misunderstood what you said, or you were out-of-line with me. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, but beware that I have a very low tolerance for misinforming people about what I said. I consider that microaggression and that kind of behavior has gotten out of hand around the internet.
Huh? Who are you talking about? Who is spreading right wing propaganda?
But in these crazy ass states like NH - well, anywhere now, really - do you not worry about being confronted and attacked in any public bathroom, no matter what the law says? My 18yo trans son never ever goes to the bathroom when we’re out bc of this fear, even tho he easily passes as male. It breaks my heart that he’s so terrified of simply peeing.
Keep in mind that having had bottom surgery (or any other surgery) doesn't necessarily mean someone passes. After all, it's not like most people use the genitals as the way they clock trans people in daily life
Of course not. Why would anybody think that? Transwomen are way more clockable than transmen, because they're looking at features, not genitals. Height, hands, feet, Adam's Apples, facial structure, muscular structure, hair, presentation, maybe behavior, etc. They're looking at everything BUT genitals. The world pays more attention to all that with women than men. Maybe just a tiny bit with genitals, because I do notice women looking at my imprint. God only knows what they're thinking ... LOL.
With that little thing that happened when my cousin was in court, it was a combination between the t-woman's features & what happened in the stall. Had she not peed standing up, facing the toilet, they would've just kept wondering if she was trans (or gay) and not known. She kept calling that woman a gay man. SMFH
Once more religion rears its corrupting influence to roll back protections against discrimination.
It's so upsetting, and crazy. Not since Pat Robertson won the Republican nomination have I been so ashamed of the state government
They keep adding bricks to this wall. We are gonna have a lot of ammo come time they push us into it.....
Not really. Without rights and being a small part of the population, anarchy won't do anything but get us all killed or put in concentration camps.
Before you jump on me, hear me out. Why not flip this on its head? As trans people, we have an interest in seeing that this bathroom law is enforced fairly. Since it can be really hard to tell who is trans and who isn't, everyone using the bathrooms in question should undergo genital inspections. You cannot be too careful. I suggest we gather volunteers to set up genital inspection stations at all public bathroom facilities. We set up tables outside the bathroom doors. To be considerate, we do a round stall like curtained area where genital inspection can take place in privacy. Those of us at the tables can take turns asking people to please submit to a genital inspection. If they aren't willing, the presumption is that they are probably trans. Sorry, you can't enter the bathroom without an inspection. Can you imagine what an uproar this would lead to? And this is the practical result of their laws. I live in Washington State, but it might be worth a trip to NH. Others willing to volunteer? It seems like it is time to call bullshit on all of these bathroom laws.
It wouldn't work. A lot of New Hampshire men have no twigs and berries. Like Chris Sununu.