You forgot to mention that they also passed a bill issuing new license plates that now say "Live The Way I Want You To or Die."

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I'd been fearing this day for a long time. It was always the outlier on the map, and I always hoped NH would join in solidarity with its neighboring states, but deep down I knew it would not. It's more than a bit heartbreaking to see, frankly...

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The "Live Free or Die" state seems poised to become the "Leave Me or Die" state, if its governor signs these bills into law.

...also, what the absolute fuck with those Democrats voting in favor or abstaining? I know conservative Dems are still a thing- hell, the party's pretty much run by them- but 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘡 conservatives? For there to be that many (D) votes in favor of this garbage (and I'm counting the absences and abstentions among the ayes, here, because to stand by and let it happen is just as bad) speaks to there being something seriously out of whack with politics up there in NH.

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New Hamster... β€˜Live Free or Die’... The Republicans there want to "Live Free" while those who don't think or act like them die. Got it.

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I previously wrote my state senator about these bills and didn't even get an acknowledgement. My 3 state representatives are all nuts and not worth the effort. Just contacted Sununu asking him not to sign. In earlier times, I might have held out some hope, but he's clearly signaled lately that he's on the wrong side of history so it will be a minor miracle if anything positive happens.

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May 17Β·edited May 17

How does New Hampshire have a legislature with 400 representatives? Pennsylvania is second largest with 203 and a much larger population.

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Sounds like every village has its own representative. I've got to wonder what the voter maps look like.

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Folks, the trans community can't do this by themselves. They need the support of us cis-genders. Stop legislating bodies!

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there are at least two me-too violators on the Supreme Court….and they legislate our bodies

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NH should just remove the first three words from the famous state slogan.

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I've got to wonder what is it about New Hampshire history and culture that makes it a stubborn conservative holdout in the middle of more liberal leaning states.

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OH WOW this is so sad to see. We live in Mass but its scary to see this coming up this way.. I really hope they don't pass these bills. That was my biggest fear after fleeing Florida last summer that a lot of states would start following DeShitheads lead on trans laws.

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NH has always been the laggard among Northeast states wrt LGBT and especially trans rights - so this is not surprising, though it’s indeed sad. And yet it’s nothing compared to what’s coming at the national level 8 months from now, if the dismal presidential polls are to be believed (and they probably should be).

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One would hope that the surrounding states in the northeast would, if the Governor signs these cruel, dehumanizing bills, ostracize New Hampshire in some way that hits their pocketbook. These bills which are based on nothing but hate, pseudoscience, ignorance, political power and money will hopefully be looked at and the people that allowed them to pass as cowardly, disgusting excuses for human beings without a shred of compassion.

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It's hideous crap from a very large contingent of know-nothings in a large NH House. Mostly the cray-cray gets no further but fascist hysteria is ascendant so we will see. I suspect Gov. Sununu will veto this crap only if he has to. He's a cynical GOP pol from a cynical GOP family of pols.

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So then LGBTQ+ topics, including information about gender affirming care, can be deemed "objectionable materials." A proposed law in Oklahoma would designate depiction of "acts of deviate sexual conduct" as "obscene" and thus illegal. It is easy to see how that could be interpreted (by those so inclined) to include simply writing about the "act" of being a trans person.

Extrapolating from that, how long will it be until some state or other jurisdiction passes a law that the mere "act" of existing as a trans person qualifies you as a sex offender, thus mandating inclusion on a public registry of sex offenders, with all the restrictions the follow, including where you are allowed to live and what streets you're are able to travel, based on your not being allowed within x number of feet of a school.

There are already efforts (e.g., in Texas) to collect and mandate the reporting of all people receiving trans medical care, including those who may receive it out of state. That would make it a simple matter to transfer all names from a trans care list to national or local sex offender registry.

Is my imagination running wild?

(I hesitate to even ask such a question for fear of putting the idea out there. But our enemies, like ALEC and ADF don't need any help in coming up with nightmare legislation to support their christianist patriarchal agenda.)

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No, I don't believe your imagination is running wild. It's clear all these GOP goons have something up their sleeve and are catching everybody off-guard. No doubt they're meeting in DC, coming up with these things, and going back to their State to implement them. It's a huge snowball running downhill and threatening to implement a fascist regime of bullshit. I wouldn't put anything past all these thugs.

We've got to be ready for anything, and I think people are hoping things like this don't get out-of-control. Well, they've gotten that way alright. My passport is ready, and I'm going to book a flight out of here after I vote in November ... whether Cheetolini wins or not. It's clear Pres. Biden doesn't have the spoons to stop all this crap, so we need to be realistic about the possibilities ... good or bad.

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So much for the Free State Project.

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Thank you all! Join community members at the State House Wednesday May 29th 11 am - 1 pm to tell Sununu he must veto these and any other anti-LGBTQ bills that reach his desk: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7FH2ZYRe1C/

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Thanks for this info!

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Linds Jakows - Can you post this info on the Transgender NH FB page?

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These are some bullshit Democrat "allies". This is the state where a representative did a 180 and blocked you rather than explain herself, right?

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New Hampshire voters need to call out these do nothing Dems.

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