To all of those feminists out there clutching their pearls about trans folks and eager to throw them under the bus - these here are your buddies. Every middle aged white Republican male needs to be sent packing. Let them spend time shooting at beer cans in the back yard. When they're not on Grindr looking to "explore."

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Slimy. They.are.slimy. The concept of control is fascinating... along with fear. They tend to travel together and create hate.

I wish the best to the fine Stateswomen in NE this evening... may they continue to stand strong and loud!

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These anti-abortion, anti-trans bills are not popular with the general public, and it is sad and disgraceful to see attempts to advance them, regardless of the people who are hurt or put at risk in the process. Trans care for kids and especially adults should be purely between the patient and/or the patient’s family, and their doctor. Standards exist for such care, supported by major medical organizations, and those standards have been in place for a long time. The involvement of politicians in restricting such care is unneeded, unwanted, and often harmful

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Bodily autonomy and reproductive rights need to be protected at ALL cost.

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ALL costs. Yes!!

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I saw this proposed amendment when checking on LB574 the other day, it’s so skeezy. Instead of the “Let Them Grow” act it should be called the Handmaid’s Tale Act now

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Republicans = National Socialist German Workers' Party

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