Jan 17Liked by Erin Reed

I would like one ticket out of this reality and into a better one

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Jan 17Liked by Erin Reed

Wish us luck today.

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Jan 17Liked by Erin Reed

I’d like to see these legislatures asked in an open hearing why they hate trans individuals so much.

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Seriously? Those people are still stamping on 0.49% of the population? They should turn their obsession towards doing something that would actually help people...

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This is disgraceful. Obviously advocacy groups should fight these bills as much as possible, but based on the patterns already seen in other red states, there is unlikely to be any understanding or sympathy on the part of GOP politicians. If they had any, these bills would’ve never been introduced in the first place. Relocating to a blue state may be the only viable option if these bills pass, and even that isn’t guaranteed to be a long-term safe option.

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Knew this was coming. At this point, it's nothing more than a competition between politicians trying to outdo the others at our expense. I believe the incredible number of bills being introduced is to overwhelm the ability of the opposition to successfully fight them all. Not unlike Russia overwhelming the Ukrainian defenses with more missiles than they could possibly intercept.

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These are the sponsors of the bills: (1) Brad Hudson https://house.mo.gov/memberdetails.aspx?year=2023&district=138; (2) Mark Matthiesen https://house.mo.gov/MemberDetails.aspx?year=2023&code=R&district=107; (3) Chris Lonsdale https://house.mo.gov/MemberDetails.aspx?year=2023&code=R&district=038; (4) Ben Baker https://house.mo.gov/memberdetails.aspx?year=2023&district=160; (5) Adam Schnelting https://house.mo.gov/memberdetails.aspx?district=069&year=2023&code=R; (6) Rick Brattin https://www.senate.mo.gov/Senators/Member/31; and (7) Andrew Koenig https://www.senate.mo.gov/Senators/Member/15.

One is compelled to ask: Why are these seven middle aged white men so interested in peoples' genitals? Why are they so interested in the gender identification of children and where and how they use the rest room? What is it in these men's backgrounds that cause them to have such interest in matters of no concern to them - namely, how people identify and where they go to the bathroom? Is it prurient interest that motivates them? Are they trying to deflect attention away from their own sexual identities and activities? These are questions that need to be asked. Since they have decided to invade the private lives of other adults and children with respect to matters that do not affect them I think it is appropriate to closely examine their backgrounds. Their sexual histories. Their interactions with children. Their dating histories. Their backgrounds with pornography. All in an effort to determine what the nature of their interest in trans folks is.

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Truly vile. And I will not forget when we said right-wingers wanted to "eradicate us" (their own words) and cis people looked the other way.

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Erin: I cannot WAIT for the book you will write one day. A book that should have the NAMES & PHOTOS of every single legislator who signed on to these bills. Please let US, your followers, help you in that endeavor by collecting the information you need. History dies in darkness: these people’s names and faces should be FRONT AND CENTER when it is proven that being transgender was NEVER a choice for anyone. These people are like Nazis, but these Nazis should and will be called out for their atrocities 🤬

What can WE do, besides buying your book one day?

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They have nothing better to do?

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Replace transgender with christian, gender with religion, and watch the uproar. So tired of being the punching bag for mediocre white males.

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So let's start a boycott list of these red states and blue ones if need be. Don't buy or trade with any products from MO, or MO based companies. Don't visit for tourism, don't allow our children to attend their schools. Then hash tag the heck out of the list on all platforms. If we don't bring the fight to them, they will feel they can target anyone. What's next, dark eyed people, short people, wait didn't some racist in the 1930s in Europe start out that way.

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Hi Erin, thanks for all the hard work you do. Would you or someone on your team be available to do a live streaming show about Missouri's sickening anti-trans bills?

Also, this coming Monday, January 22nd, at 6 PM Eastern, we are hosting an attorney from Jacksonville Florida on The Cassandra Williamson Show to discuss two bills impacting trans people in the state.


Cassandra Williamson

Exe. Dir.

Transgender & Diverse Veterans of America Action Group


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F'n Nazis. These people are insane. Thanks, reich wing "think" tanks. May you all rot in hell.

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I am especially scared because I am in Missouri. It’s so easy to pick on a minority of the population who can’t fight back.

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Thank you Erin. You're doing a great job!

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