Mar 9, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

There are so few good news stories that bring me to tears of gratitude.. thank you for reporting this & inspiring me, reassuring me that there is still hope! 🫶🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💙

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Good news but an executive order can be undone easily by a Republican puke. I’m tired of people’s humanity being questioned every election, every court case, every legislative cycle.

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Absolutely, which is why Rep. Finke's bill needs to pass!

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If THEY pass an anti trans bill nationwide it’s the end of trans people in America. They pay taxes. They’re citizens. Won’t matter. The hatred knows no limits. Internment camps will be set up and executions carried out quietly

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Not going to happen with the current Senate! Let’s do everything we can to ensure 2024 will be Blue!

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My question is: what rights do the states have to maintain their own laws —- in 2024, if a new a president is elected and invokes exec order or if at some point, federal anti-trans legislation is passed, would it just be taken up in the courts for the states to fight back? Or if the law is already in place, it would be protected?

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Finally some good news!!

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I’ve been so consumed with keeping my kids medical options open, I didn’t even realize how stressful the bathroom situation was still weighing on me until I considered how wonderful it would be to live in a state where it would be protected by law. Sending good vibes to Minnesota that it passes quickly and easily. Thank you for keeping us up to speed on this Erin! We are so lucky to have you in our lives!

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This is great news. It’s only sad that some people will have to pick up their whole lives and flee, simply to exist. This sounds like the slave trade states vs. the free states all over again. People refuse to learn from history.

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That’s amazing news that I hope other states follow

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I currently live in Texas, and I'm planning on escaping soon. Thank you so much for your reporting! I know it can't be mentally healthy for you, but the service you provide is invaluable! Looks like I need to look into places in Minnesota. 🙂🏳️‍⚧️🩷🤍🩵

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Minnesotan here. If you do move do your research on what areas of the state voted blue. Some red,blue purple areas. That being said I'm very happy to live in Minnesota for lots of reasons

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