Is there a Christian Panic Defense? I mean, I'm terrified one of them will beat my kid to death. I'm allowed protection right? (See the idiocy of these claims)

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Excellent point since religions seem to assume that they can take exception to any law, rule, regulation and even the ten commandments of their own religion if so moved by their deity.

Seriously this is something to watch now with laws passing that kill the panic defense.

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Thank you for seeing a parent. I've lived my life, and will go swinging to protect my kids! One trans, one bi and one pan.

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I am a trans parent of two adult boys and also a grandparent.

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May 28Liked by Erin Reed

The Michigan bill did not fail, it just has not been heard in the full Senate yet (it passed out of committee in April), expect it to happen likely in June. Michigan has been dealing with mostly appropriations, but the MI Dems seem to like passing LGBTQIA+ bills in June just before their summer break. Trust me, this is incredibly annoying and frustrating.

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Thanks, I'll add a note.

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Update, MI Senate just passed HB 4718, 4 Rs voted for it Huizenga, Lauwers, Lindsey, and McBroom. I will say I am actually a bit surprised by the latter 3 R yay votes. Huizenga was the only R in the past that voted to ban conversion therapy, Huizenga also is in a contentious district in West Michigan, he won his district by 391 votes.

That said the bill now goes back to the House to be concurred in.

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Surprised that Massachusetts does not yet ban this transphobic defense. I will write to my legislators right away. Thanks for your great reporting.

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Update: my state senator says, "I have in the past filed legislation to raise this issue in MA and have learned from allies at GLAD that the surrounding legal protections in MA make this significant concern much less acute here in the Commonwealth. They also helped me understand that passing legislation could destabilize the current and positive status quo around this issue."

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Good for Minnesota for sure. I am surprised, looking at the map, that Massachusetts allows the defense, considering that it’s otherwise a highly protective state, and as such it’s virtually alone among the other highly protective states. Even NH bans the defense! What is up with MA?

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Only 50 years late, too.

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It's nice to see that some states are still capable of moving forwards instead of backwards, even if it's shameful how long it took for that progress to happen- and that more than 3/5ths of the country still isn't there yet.

Meanwhile, red states seem like they want to start issuing permits for hunting us.

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Absolutely !

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This is very important, because phobes are not especially rational when it comes to this, I know firsthand. It might be one thing if a person *intentionally* misleads someone about their gender identity, leading to intimate contact (although it doesn't truly justify violence, anyway), but as we see in your report, it might merely be *interaction*, *apart* from intimacy that leads to a crime like this. And then they get a light sentence? That's just messed up, beyond belief. And that's why this law should be universal.

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Liked and restacked.

Now if only there was something to ban "Autistic panic" defenses when it comes to bodily harm agaisnt us Autistic people...

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I am so often so proud of my home state. But when it takes until 2013 to legalize gay marriage (behind 9 or more other states) and until 2024 to ban queer panic defenses (behind 18 other states).. I just... ugh.

It's good news but jesus CHRIST why are they so behind the times

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Very good Minnesota. Lived there for a year and almost got married ... almost LOL.

Definitely needed since they've taken this fight to legislation where we can't get in front of it. I remember a sinking feeling when I was at a meeting and this lady told a story about her friend getting killed when people found out this guy was dating her trans female friend. He killed her to keep from being discovered and got a light sentence. He said she deceived him. I bet she didn't. Guess what? Everybody found out anyway, because of his horrible behavior & crime. They aren't rational AT ALL.

We are human beings, not other animals to be hunted and disposed of. Thanks for the heads-up, Erin.

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Thank you!

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Thank you so very much for covering this important legal issue. While I of course know it is not enough, it is encouraging to see protections being codified into law. Even if the new law only applies once we are hurt, laws as a whole operate to educate the public and define reasonable and unreasonable behaviors.

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I was not aware that the panic defense had been used over 350 times. That is really sad. Would I be justified in shooting someone wearing a gorilla costume because I have a fear of gorillas ?

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Hooray for Minnesota - The State Of Nice - and Governor Tim Walz! 😃👍

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