This why no matter how you feel about Biden and the Dems, they’re the best choice if you’re trans. It’s time to solidify behind them.

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The Republicans are the best choice for straight white Christian male billionaires without a soul. The Democrats are the best choice for literally everyone else.

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Yes but apparently they don’t know that.

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Rachel...you got that right...Bill Knight just gave 2 million to help get Repubs elected in Oregon.

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Honestly... I hope it 𝘪𝘴 the hill they die on. "Here lies the GQP, choked to death on their own bile." I can think of nothing that would be more affirming, nor more gratifying.

And when they've gone the way of the Whigs before them, maybe- just maybe- we can have sanity for a little while.

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Sooo, Joe does have our backs then!!!

It’s time for all GLBTQIA+ people to have Joe’s and all Democrats back as well in this election.

Thank you Democrats in the House.

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He has our backs loosely, can't say the same for Palestinians. Butcher Biden is a fitting name. Still voting for him solely for the purpose of survival. But that's it

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Saving Democracy and the right for us all to exist in our own country, is more important. Besides they are working on it. Netanyahu likes Trump, not Biden. And Biden is not the President of Israel. And where are the rest of the hostages? Hamas has been raping and sexually torturing women and children hostages daily according to the UN, on going right now. They have tortured and killed LGBTQ+ for decades, or longer. Trump winning would not just hurt Gaza more, but ALL Muslims!! And ALL LGBTQ+.

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Finally some good news 🏳️‍🌈

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The negotiations by the Democrats in killing these anti Trans riders gave teeth to Biden's phrase in the SOTU address that he and his administration had the trans communities back. We so needed a win like this. The war on us is no where over of course.

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The Democratic resistance isn't just good policy, it's good politics. Caving in to deplorable Republican demands would make the Democrats look feckless and alienate their base while persuading exactly zero additional voters to check the D box in November.

In calling the Republicans' bluff, there were two possible outcomes. One was a government shutdown, with the blame highly likely to land on intransigent Republicans in the minds of most non-MAGA voters. The other was to pass a bill and highlight the political weakness of the radical right. Sure, the MAGA base will be even angrier about not getting their way, but they were always going to vote Republican anyway.

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Joe's already getting pounded in a big way on Gaza. He can't afford to piss off more voters in the party's base.

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Bans on funding for any organization that “promotes transgenderism”? Does that include defunding the Supreme Court in view of its decision in Harris Funeral Homes? What does "promoting transgenderism" even mean in a practical sense? And the House "Freedom" Caucus - busy trying to ban the freedom of people to seek medical care of their own choice? Crenshaw can go back to throwing out more of his beer cans - and piss off.

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Thank you Erin! You delivered like you always do! Factually and quickly. It’s a relief to know we both saw these results similarly. My trans service member siblings and me finally have a chance to breathe for a bit. And just do our jobs.

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It doesn't even matter that their proposed legislation may be unconstitutional or unenforceable as long as their voting base gets excited over the prospect of more LGBTQ bullying it's worth stopping the government for.

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This is good news….and heaven knows we need some good news after the bad stuff lately coming out of New Hampshire and Georgia. One other caveat is that the GOP has proven itself time and time again to be a deep, unwavering enemy of trans people and their participation in society. This must never be forgotten as everyone heads to the polls in several months. No doubt they will try to resurrect these riders in a future budget fight.

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Whew! Another close one. Let the MAGOT wailing and gnashing of teeth begin!

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The same tactics everywhere we look. It's tiring. When I see local progress for trans rights I can look to some good representation. We have our first trans member of the Minnesota House, Leigh Finke (Fink-y). She recently sought to ensure gender affirming care. It's HF2607 in Committee. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=House&f=HF2607&ssn=0&y=2023

If passed Minnesota will have secured gender affirming care. Many Minnesota House Representatives have signed onto this bill. Including mine. I've communicated that I'm seeking deliberate pushback at Republican speakers at committee and elsewhere. They used WPATH Files and Finnish study Kaliala nonsense in the committee hearing. I heard it on video. They're everywhere, doing as much harm as possible with what Erin shares is wrong.

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Erin...in all of your posts I am educated. While I celebrate big time reading this one I was so educated. I had no idea about the embassy pride flags or the way they get around the bans on pride flags. "Ultimately, the final spending bill released contained only a single anti-LGBTQ+ rider: a ban on pride flags being raised or displayed above foreign embassies. The policy, while certainly qualifying as anti-LGBTQ+ and a regression to Trump-era policies, notably does not bar personal displays of Pride flags by embassy workers. In the past, some embassies have gotten around such bans by not “flying a flag over the embassy” but rather, painting portions of the embassy in rainbow colors or draping flags on the side of buildings."

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Thank you so much for updating all of us on LGBTQ+ issues. What you're doing is amazing and I really appreciate you.

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Respect. Humans deserve reapect. The Republican bullies in Washington know nothing of respect. All humans deserve the same respect, regardless of their beliefs. How can we be a nation that welcomes all to its shores but put children in harms way? By denying they and their parents the same respect we extend to immigrants (another silent minority) we put them in harms way. Transpeople are humans too, not animals. I realize that for th republicans it's about the money. But we send millions no billions to help other countries and yet we want to condemn our own suffering children to further abuse and most likely death at the hands of bullies. This is not the America I grew up in.

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When are they going to realize that the majority of people don’t care about these issues. Most don't consider them issues. They would be better served going aroundan finding out what the issues are that they do care about

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deletedMar 21
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Nice way of expressing it...:)

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