Thank you so much for your work, it’s invaluable.

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Thank you so much for putting this together!

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@Erin, is it possible to take a poll on the following:

For many of us considering the likelihood of moving from our state to protect our children, do any of you feel that you and your families are truly safe and protected during all of this? Which states and cities please?

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FYI, GA is very likely coming, but ban has not been signed into law. Yet.... Still time to fight!

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Thank you Erin. I look forward to your words. They and you matter. Thanks again.

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So grateful for this

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Hey Erin - I am a therapist here in Iowa and I am part of the organizing coalition that is routing IA people to safe places for gender affirming care. I am not sure if you have a map for people who are providing the letters, but me and a few others are providing them same day with zero barrier. Thanks for what you do. www.waterlootherapist.com // therapistcoalition.com

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Thank you so much for making these maps. I'm a trans man who lives in Ohio and these have been very helpful in my college search.

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Hi, This article was just published in the academic journal, Health & Place: "Mapping transgender policies in the US 2017–2021: The role of geography and implications for health equity" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.102985.

I suppose it's not surprising that their maps look like yours. It's too bad they didn't cite you!

Thank you for your hard work.

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South Carolina does have a couple of subcommittee hearings (March 23rd for "expert" testimony, and March 29th for public), but it seems that once we hit April, they will have to start on the budget. I guess I don't understand the process enough to know if it's still a threat this year or not - are they provisos they can put in the budget? This seems to be a way to "sneak" some stuff in for our lawmakers.

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I thought Arizona passed a ban on gender affirming care in March of 2022 under the previous governor? Thank you for any clarification you have.

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Surgery only

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