Apr 23·edited Apr 23

I'm proud of Maine legislators and Governor Mills. I have friends in Maine who will drectly benfit from this progressive action.

Thank you Erin for your detailed coverage. What a treasure you are!

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So grateful to read this good news! I am so glad to put Maine back on my list of places I'd like to visit! Bravo to Maine's legislature and Governor!

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I love this so much!!! Thanks for your excellent and thorough reporting!

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I feel like we really don't credit Reily Gaines enough for what she is really famous for: getting angry because she shared 5th place with a transgender woman in a collegiate swimming event, and leveraging that into a career as a genocidal propagandist.

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Way to go, Maine! Everyone deserves bodily autonomy, and no one deserves to have some zealous bigot half a continent away meddling in their private affairs, medical or otherwise. You can't give ground to terrorists- once they figure out their tactics work, that's the new normal.

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This really makes me wonder why HIPPA doesn't say that PHI (protected health information) may ONLY be shared with medical professionals or insurance companies with signed consent forms?

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It's good to know not all politicians have been bought off. And not all of them can be run off. Thank you to Maine's governor and the legislature. Thank you for being true allies.

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This is great news. I’m assuming Maine will be dark blue on Erin’s map going forward? The big question, as always, is if or how these safe-state laws might hold up under an onslaught of anti-trans laws by a future potential GOP administration and Congress.

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This is wonderful news!! Maybe other states will follow suit and LOTT will just end up looking like the terrorist she is.

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In addition to the good news, and your thorough and informative reporting of it, I really appreciate your well-crafted writing.

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Deep appreciation for the legislators who voted for this bill. Death/Violence threats have dramatically risen since Nan 6 against lawmakers—including against Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans who vote against the facist agenda. Hope is also an act of resistance.

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Amen to the previous response. States' Rights is about the sovereignty of its citizens to exercise the right to govern themselves without interference from the federal government or other states. We need more states like Maine.

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I am so encouraged to hear that these trans and abortion sanctuary laws are in place. Thank you for writing on this important move forward for people.

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Good job Maine and Erin for reporting it. I dinged those 2 people on X. I wonder if anything will happen? Probably not. Did it anyway. LOL

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Hooray for our brave Allie’s in Maine!!

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