As a trans person all I can say is that I'm just exhausted. Sad and exhausted.

(I do greatly appreciate the reporting, though.)

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They won’t stop with banning medical treatments. The goal is “eradication”. We already see de facto forced registrations of trans people. Once they’re identified they will be rounded up and executed.

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Exactly. The goal of the openly fascist Republican Party is trans genocide. They told us who they are, so we better damn believe them.

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I started to have the thought that it couldn't really go *that* far, right? But then I remembered some of the throwbacks I deal with, who are just dumbfoundingly clueless about trans identity as a concept. In fact, it is seen as a threat to society, and not of course that their bigotry is the threat. I'm going to stand for individual liberty, though, no matter what garbage they say next.

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2024 will be the year I find out if I can remain in the USA.

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To me the fundamental question would be what the role of “safe” states (WA, CA, MN, MD, NY, DC, MA, etc.) might be in the event of a GOP trifecta in the 2024 elections. Would the safe states somehow be able (and willing) to resist the onslaught of anti-trans legislation that would quickly ensue, and still provide safely and legal recognition for their trans folks, or would it simply be game over?

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Federal law supersedes state law. They can come and get you.

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If we center our community attention towards a super effort to pass the Freedom Act that already passed the Senate, then so much of this anti trans legislation would simply be a drain on Republicans and snd them home licking their wounds.

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I think honestly the term "Culture War' isn't accurate. This is just a cultural genocide in attempt. We aren't battling out for supremacy in American culture right now. Right now it's literally state, federal, and private politicians and campaigners persecuting another minority group for the millionth time in the history of American rightwing politics in order to try and save a failing Republican party. We're not battling that, we're just trying to survive it. The politicians who orchestrated this belong in prison.

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The amount of time, money and effort that the extremist politicians are willing to expend to eliminate all transgender people is no different than the Hamas attack on Israel. The Republican party is full of literal terrorists with the aspiration of totally exterminating us. There are more than a few Republicans that surround themselves with white supremacists that have no problem outwardly acknowledging they are actual Nazis. It's not an if but a when the Republican party ends up controlling Congress, Senate and the White House that they will do everything they can to criminalize our very existence.

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Every time I read about or witness that conservatives' misinformative talking points are just parroting each other, it becomes more obvious that none of them know what the fuck they're talking about. Literally. It's like they get a memo and they regurgitate it without reading. They don't care what the subject or target is. It could be anything or anyone. What's the next political football? Let's toss it around until it deflates and pick up another one! They are brainless morons whose only concern is keeping their seat for as long as possible. Whatever it takes to win, to stay, to one-up each other, they will do it.

They don't care about children, they care about their careers. If they truly cared about children we would be talking about gun control, not bathroom control.

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It’s been exhausting and stressful for everyone, specially when you are in the group that’s being stripped of medical care and legally encouraged to discriminate against ..... for reasons that appear bogus. When the tipping point is reached all these discriminatory policies will be undone by future elections and courts. The only way to get out is by going through the ordeals and keeping up the fight against these inhumane practices

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Thank you.

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Great work! And, I absolutely love the cover photo with its natural trans colours.

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