
We. Just. Keep. Winning!

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That’s 6 wins, 0 losses. They’re gonna keep trying, not to win, but only to make sure their base sees the dog chasing the car. They don’t want it to catch the car though, it would cost them way more political capital after children started killing themselves than they could ever gain with the current dog and pony show. And they know it.

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This is exactly why I’m going into law. I want to fight crap like this legislation, and who knows, become a federal judge who can cry bullshit.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

I find it "amusing" that people like Matt Walsh complain about idelogical capture of the american academy of pediatrics, when in florida they literally created the American College of Pediatricians to promote these political positions with unjust legitimacy. In roughly 2010, a friend of mine was a right wing activist and asked me to review an article he was writing to try to argue that homosexuality and trans related healthcare should be banned in the US (no clue why he asked a lefty like me to review that article). In the article he was citing the American College of Pediatricians as a legitimate source, not realizing that this was the true ideologically driven organization. Even though I pointed it out he published the article anyways because his bigotry was more important than the truth. .

I only mention it because I have seen this organization being increasingly cited in the arguments by the fascists int his country. So they have been around for a while and doing this, and those not politically connected likely don't realize how pernicious this problem is. Same with Prager U

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Thank you, Erin, for all you do. You are appreciated more than you know.

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Its been a lot of good news lately!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

It’s so nice to be getting this wonderful news, especially after the awful news out of Kansas the other day. It’s encouraging for sure! Thanks Erin for the reporting, as always. These rulings seem to concern gender affirming care for minors, but I’m hoping the viability of adult gender affirming care is being solidified/validated as well (especially considering the legislative efforts against such care that have occurred in MO and FL)

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Another one bites the dust! Line 'em up and knock' em down! Woo-hoo! And these are judges appointed by Republicans! Thank you so much Erin! I needed some good news after reading about the tomfoolery in Kansas. 🙂

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As a Kansan, I couldn’t agree more! I hope we have some good news coming out of there soon.

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So many now I’m having trouble keeping up…. Loving all this good news in my inbox. Thank you for your update as usual, Erin! 💜 -momma of a young trans kiddo in Florida

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Theses decisions are heartening . Following you on Twitter and Subscribing to you here ensures that I hear the news good or bad as it breaks .

It would be remiss of me not warn that even as we take heart and celebrate these rulings the other side , the Alliance Defending Freedom , is reverse engineering these arguments and making casting calls for future plaintiffs.

Barry Goldwater ( Mr Conservstive)warned about folks like these at the dawn of the Reagan administration


My concern about these decisions stem from the fact that they are cold comfort to any young trans individuals unfortunate enough to growing up in a non affirming family . Such was my circumstance . Resources were few and far between . There was no internet only public libraries and bookstores and for parents there was nothing zilch except conversion therapy . My parents were afraid of me and for me in that order . I survived though not without invisible scars from the trauma that reveal themselves as obscure coping behaviors . I survived because I was living my own authentic life the best way I could . Had I not been living my own authentic life the shoals of suicide would have beckoned like the sirens in Homer . I lived my life as unashamedly as I could in spite of my extreme dysphoria . My purpose was to be seen by other trans people who would realize they were not alone , taking courage and hope from me

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Not providing gender affirming care to your trans child is the real child abuse. But we are not there yet unless we make progress in wining the argument that gender affirming care is live saving to the broader society - for that we need to use all the tools at our disposal - the courts , grass root activism, legislation etc. Yes, the right will modify their strategy - but we are far more resilient than what they gave us credit for.

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This does provide a breath of relief that there are judges out there who are legitimately looking at the data and seeing how none of these bans help anyone and are a waste of money/time.

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We knew their arguments were unsound. Thankfully the judges are seeing that as well.

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Such a relief! The anti-trans brigade arguing Alice in Wonderland up is down madness really shows they are the ideological cult, if ever there was one.

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To make the issue they have, out of the fairly small number of actual transgender-identified folks, totally exposes an obsessive, deluded need to dictate a fictional scheme of life, to the marginalized individuals being preoccupied over, mentally. God forbid 0.8% of the population of people assigned male at birth, would be given hormones to physically conform to the opposite, female, sex they actually are.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

I appreciate your detailed review of these opinions, and the links to the opinions themselves.

I have to say, I pretty much thought things would go this way, and will continue to go this way, regarding medical transitioning. I thought the right of minors might take a little more argument than this, however. I'm so pleased to see that it hasn't!

I also appreciate your pointing out that the fact that decisions for Plaintiffs are coming from Trump-appointed judges. There is entirely too much gratuitous assumption that the credibility of a court depends on the politician who appointed them.

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Thanks Erin! You present the best and most succinct reporting on these issues that I can find. Your journalism art cannot be beat!

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Frankly, as embarrassing as I'm sure all these rulings are for the phobes, they should have considered that before they tried to spew their hate via law. I say, thank God for the Constitution, protecting our people from being denied their human rights.

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I’ve heard it mentioned that it may be a process of creating and voting for laws the states can pass knowing they will be overturned. All so the legislature can say we tried, but the libs (GOP appointed judges lol) overturned it.

They don’t deserve a win, but will take it as one anyway.

Like the new infrastructure money they voted against, but will greedily accept. Sorry, gone off topic.

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You have a very valid point, actually. Now the scheming right-wing politicians can tell their constituents that they were impeded by the courts, well, maybe some yahoos will actually believe that, and not that the laws were in fact invalid, but I'm still thankful for the rulings in our favor. Without that, we do not have a functional system, we'd have mob rule.

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Without a doubt I’m glad the courts are overturning these bogus laws.

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Thank you for your continued reports, especially on these heartening rulings. The trans community deserves justice and here it is again!

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I hope Walsh has an aneurysm with all these Ls.

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Great news! And great article!

The first line states these came out on Friday - Today is Thursday, is this referring to last friday or is this maybe a typo?

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I was wondering this too

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