Mar 13Liked by Erin Reed

Wow, how did we Nazi this coming?

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It definitely appears to be the old adage of "Scratch a terf, find a"

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This isn't just denying the Holocaust. This crosses the line into defending the Holocaust.

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Agreed! It denies the facts of what policies the Nazis implemented WHILE ALSO advocating for those policies. Great point

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Yet another person I can't wait to become irrelevant in the public spotlight.

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While I loved the Harry Potter books, and would never send her a nickel of my money these days, why doesn’t she just shut the fuck up. She’s like the TERF version of Trump, tweeting in her bathroom in the middle of the night.

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It's a radicalization process, honestly.

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At this point, just use Z Library if you don't want to support these authors and are afraid that you might be supporting a right-winger...

It's hard to know these days what people do with their brand and platforms...

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huh, never heard of it till now, I should probably check it out. thanks

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There's also Anna's Archive.

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No problem! It's a place where you can read the PDFs or books for free themselves; you can just download them for free.

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"When confronted with numerous scholarly sources, she instead linked to another thread that labeled the first transgender patient a "troubled male.""

I mean, this really sort of epitomizes the bullshit language games that fascists like to play, doesn't it? You declare that trans people's identities are not real and we are "confused", then use that definition to deflect when presented with evidence of actions taken against trans people. Those aren't, in the view they want to present, instances of oppression targeting trans people, because trans people *don't actually exist*.

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Yep. They choose to label us or erase us depending on what is convenient for them at that moment.

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As disgusting as it is transparent.

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We’ve always known JK and the other “Gender Criticals” (formerly known as TERFs) were ideologically and politically tied with Nazis. This comes as no surprise

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Fuck TERFs (and especially if they're Zionists)!

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I haven’t seen much cross-pollination between zionists and TERFs, is there a fundamental and historical connection the same way that TERFs are connected to Nazis? Reading about the history of rad-fems in the UK, and how unbelievably bigoted the movements that eventually grew into the TERF movements have always been, I wouldn’t be surprised! But I’m interested in details

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To be clear, I'm talking about J. K. Rowling specifically, but I don't know how many Zionists are TERFs as well.

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J. K. Rowling has come out in support of Israel and has made Harry Potter a Zionist canonically (because he just "wants a good home for the Jewish people like he didn't have").

There's also this thread (which highlights J. K. Rowling at one point):


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I think that it's very sad that she can't just let it go. Poor thing has a neurotic obsession 😢

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Yes, she definitely has issues. The problem is that she also has a wide-ranging platform. She is dangerous.

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It was only a matter of time. Scratch a TERF, find a Nazi; once they start looking for ways to eliminate trans people from society, there's really only one place that search can end. Give her another year or two stewing in her hatred, and she won't even bother with the excuses anymore- she'll just be openly advocating for genocide, like all prominent TERFs eventually do.

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Spoken like a true Nazi

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And Zionist...

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Let me get this straight. According to JK Rowling the Nazis never targeted trans people but she does, so by her own admission, she is worse than the Nazis.

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She reached rock bottom...and keeps on digging

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I'd like to thank Erin for gathering together the various linked sources on historical trans persecution. A shame about the reason it was necessary.

In a way though, it actually gives me a curious flicker of hope. Not long ago another British transphobe who once had a respected place in public life for his comedy writing skills published a memoir. One of the reviews I saw (I've not read the book, got better things to do with my life) characterised the descent into "gender criticism" as a faintly tragic study in obsession leading to self-destruction.

How long before JK Rowling's obsession leads her to Ahab's end?

Of course it's only a flicker of hope because the biggest warning from history from the Nazis is that if you push the right buttons and stoke the right grievances you can tip society at large from a relatively progressive path to an immeasurably crueller course.

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I am a communist and, as a friend of many trans comrades (many of who are also communist), I feel personally hurt by how J. K. Rowling has used her platform to denigrate others, including and especially trans people.

Horrible, horrible, horrible... I have many friends who are trans and I have two therapists who are non-binary and LGBTQ+ (yes, I have two therapists as an Autistic person). J. K. Rowling's books gaining fame and popularity is more of a case of good marketing and communications techniques than actual skill and good writing; the books haven't even aged that well. In addition, she's a big Zionist and, as someone that's Turkish, I take offense to that.

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What is wrong with this woman? This is a fact that's not even open to debate. She should double her therapy visits - assuming she has a therapist - push away from the keyboard and reflect on why this is an issue that she is obsessed with since it would not appear at least to affect her.

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I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire. Ya know, out of respect.

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She's going full Linehan. It's amazing how fast people slide down the slope of fanaticism.

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