All the more important now is combining efforts of abortion, human rights, and gay activists to turn the tide.

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Trans activists keep turning decent people rightward, though.

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You went under the username "assimilation not activism" before, correct? They also used the term pooner in their comments. Do you consider yourself a pooner/AGP?

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Also is not quite explicit about basic control/elimination of health-care for women and young people. Not just for transition, hormones are part of puberty and women's health such as monthly pills often referred to as birth-control even for women unable to give birth or carry a fetus due to difficulties such a hysterectomy. Hormones for cis tweens going through difficult puberty, also brings to mind eugenics against "irregularities" such as chromosomes not matching the external body (intersex, various terms) or determining through DNA test the person carries potential for Down Syndrome or such. Elimination of "undesirables" (even if they don't breed) is all part of eugenics and their belief in an impossible "purity".

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The Houston HERO referendum in 2015 was the beginning of the modern anti-trans movement's plans, with lie-filled ads pushing the debunked "bathroom predator" myth falsely insinuating that trans people are a "danger" to women and children.

Now, it is a whole lot worse.

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Thanks for writing this, only critique is the mention of state law banning birth certificate change pre bottom surgery. Most states require actual bottom surgery from the get-go. I’m in CO and frustrated that hasn’t been changed here yet, on the other hand, my birth certificate hasn’t had much of an impact on my life, glad gender is correct on my DL, passport, student records, etc…

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Randomly following up on my comment, you can update BC in CO now without bottom surgery, very glad to have done so.

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This stuff makes me so depressed as a trans person :(

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Depressed cis person here. I see you and offer support. This shit is overwhelming.

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You are your own worst enemy with articles as petty as this

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SB393 in Texas is a Don’t Say Gay/Trans bill with no grade level specifications. The bill would also out trans students to parents and demand parental consent forms for school LGBT organizations


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Thanks Erin for bringing this all together. I think most of us knew it was never about sports or fairness but just a means to get trans discussions going that the generally ignorant public could buy into as being something needed.

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