They keep making lists of trans people and trying to force us to carry information that will identify us as trans. It’s starting to become very familiar to the pink triangle armbands that another group forced LGBTQ people to wear…

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Sure feels that way, I wonder which state will introduce pink triangle drivers licenses first at this rate.

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It not “another group,” it’s the same group in a different century. A fascist is a fascist and the modern GOP IS 20th century fascism. Armbands (licenses) are coming first, then the trains, I fear.

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Exactly, armbands are next.... We might as well just drag out the whole Nazi lexicon because short of a huge progressive victory in November that's where we're headed.

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Yep. But thus begins the Rainbow Railroad and the Resistance. These fascist pricks won't get their way this time.

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Maybe we should instead pass laws mandating that each driver's license list the number of times you've been convicted of DUI... (For those that don't know, Kim Reynolds has two and it really should be three.)

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What if half a million Iowans got both gender markers on their drivers’ licenses? It would be like Denmark in WW2 when everyone wore yellow stars.

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I wonder if the general cishet public has awareness of all of these hateful bills. If so, I wonder if it inspires them to vote these sorts of people out or not

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I literally beg my cis "friends" to show an interest in defending trans people....needless to say looking for new friends. I wish I knew what the answer was...

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Major news outlets just…. aren’t covering it. Dems are buckling. It feels like entire weight of fighting this fascist attack rests on us :(

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deletedFeb 2
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100% agree

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Gross. As if it isn’t hard enough to afford or even have access to bottom surgery, then they want to add this discrimination on top of this. They’re just trying to eliminate people getting the care they need entirely.

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I feel like right-wing hate groups are behind this, as well as other legislation in other red states, that’s why it is spearheading so rapidly. That’s also why the gender-exclusive language is so similar across all the bills. The right-wing hate groups are coming up with this.

This is fascism, pure and simple. Things are reaching the point where it’s no longer just an indignity or inconvenience, it’s a threat to life and limb. Obviously this must be fought against, but no amount of reasoning or protest seems to make much difference these days - not even general public opinion - against the anti-trans panic. if this spreads to other states, or to the federal government, I think it soon will be time to have the discussion of asylum in other countries - and specifically how the process works and who might be accepted.

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Yeah, some protest does make a difference. But it has to be the type of protest that strikes fear in the hearts of anti-trans hatemongers and shuts them down. Like this:


Or this, halfway across the world:


I am moving to Iceland sometime in the not too far distant future and will help anyone else who needs to escape the U.S.

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That's not what the people in the comments of that video said. I won't even read the other thing, because it's clear to me that militancy is the only thing that will get the Fascists' attention.

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This is like a yellow star of David that says "Jüde" on it. 😡🤬

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Anyway, I pledge to personally help anyone in states that refuse to provide correctly gendered IDs obtain one here in PA. Fascist politicians in red states can go fuck themselves.

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deletedFeb 2
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They're openly defying the Constitution. A civil war is already in progress.

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They fetishise genitalia to a level that, in a normalish world, would require intervention and therapy.

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I think they must be doing LSD now in the “writers room” at the ADF.

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Feels that way sometimes, like they just mix new bills to be as cruel as possible.

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I think ADF is more like Snidely Whiplash, seeking to tie trans women on the train tracks so a locomotive could run them over.

It's not much different than what they're doing now, right?

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They obviously learned nothing. Kim Reynolds is a lousy, nosy b-tch.

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The three people who testified in favor. I want names.

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It’s usually those registered as lobbies right? I mean a normal person with any kind of empathy couldn’t sit in a room of people opposed and just get up there and approve it

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Another day, another reason to hate the GOP.

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As a Iowan and as one that has lived here all my life I feel no longer safe in my home state.. The Governor mandating is so dumb she should be more worried about other things such as the infrastructure in the state, we have roads that are falling apart, I could go on and on of reasons this mandate is so wrong. If this happens I guess here is my papers.. So screwed up!

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God these people are raging assholes. I mean I guess an X is too much so we’re coming up with a new code because we want to identify trans people. Might as well wear a friggin pink triangle

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Something tells me this would not be compliant with REAL ID.

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