Republicans are fascists following the same path the Nazis did in the 1930s. We need to address that reality.

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Can confirm I have been asked more than once "Wouldn't it be easier just to be gay?". Which is extra frustrating as bi trans woman. These proposed bills are getting more and more extreme, I watched the ND hearing yesterday about gender markers and there was not testimony in opposition. Are groups in these states out there fighting these? We need to be testifying in these committee meetings and ensuring that it is not just the religious fundamentalists who are having their voice heard.

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We have to start going after the financial assets of those who sponsor such bills most have outside business stakes and customers of these businesses are unaware what hateful stuff these people push

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I don't know where to go or when to go to protest this bill, I can't find anything relevant to that

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But conversion therapy is an internationally accepted term so I don’t know if they can get away with extending it it always refers to a form of operant conditioning B F Skinner style

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The other side is much better at using targeted ads and hijacking school board meetings and other venues then activist we have to get better also we have to stay away from leaking these actions on Hostile social media namely Twitter

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