Bathroom bans among other things are the extreme far rights way of making everyday life for transgender people unbearable. There has never been any kind of assault much less sexual assault, perpetrated be any transgender person in a bathroom. For something as common sense as this to have to be decided by the Supreme Court is not only a waste of time but absolutely ridiculous.

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"...the presence of transgender students might inflict “psychological injury” on cisgender peers..."

Yeah, because we all know THAT is what we need to look out for. If I roll my eyes any harder I'll injure myself.

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This is good news, and thanks for the reporting Erin. After the recent onslaught of negative news, including the US House of Representatives situation yesterday, any good news - even small amounts of it - are welcome.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

"... as well as increasing the likelihood of sexual assault, molestation, rape, voyeurism, and exhibitionism; ..."

The Idaho legislature is saying that trans girls are sexual predators, or at least significantly more likely to be so. That is the only reasonable way to read this legislative finding.

As far as I can tell they present no evidence to support this claim, because *there is none*. They just appeal to "common sense" to scare up images of brutish sexual deviants threatening the purity of their poor helpless daughters.

They view trans girls as monsters and perverts, barely even human, because the existence of trans people threatens their worldview. It's easier and more profitable for some people to attack and demonize than to understand and empathize.

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The simple statement "For years, transgender students have been able to use restrooms consistent with their gender at schools across Idaho without incident" should (emphasize "should") make this case a slam dunk. The fact the law exists at all is proof that the driving force behind it is not concern for students but hatred of trans folks (and, I'm prepared to assume, all other flavors of LGBTQIA+).

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Imma have yo read that original decision because it seems unfathomable that the judge found a way to disregard bostock. I thought bostock was rather unambiguous.

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