This is the most hopeful news I’ve heard in months. Thank you so much.

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We're watching the last stand for Republican oppression from what I see. It's now too unpopular to be racist, homophobic, or misogynistic (abortion bans only work because Christians), so they've decided to double down on groups of people representing a tiny fraction of the population (trans people and Native Americans). Once they realize even that is alienating voters, they're going to have to come to terms with the fact they've run out of people to oppress for votes. Maybe they can turn to attacking beer and chocolate companies...

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Also big shoutout to Zooey btw <3

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This posits a hopeful view of the long term. We just need to survive and keep making good trouble in the meantime!

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Can't find the exact words for these StUpId people (I even taught my kiddo never to say that word!) but...read the world much?!


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Will this be a disaster for the Republicans? I'm not so sure. Today the North Carolina Supreme Court reversed its ruling that gerrymandering is unconstitutional. They were able to do this because in the last election gerrymandering assured that we have a Supreme Court that has a republican majority. It's not only anti-transgender legislation that is wildly unpopular with the American people. Attacks on abortion are equally unpopular. North Carolina's gerrymandered legislature assures that my vote will not count. It will never count. I am not sure the democracy isn't already dead and we just don't know it yet. But the Republicans seem to know it. They have shown that they don't care what people think as they silence or eject representatives that we have managed to elect.

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Not to defend gerrymandering, which is corrupt imho; but both sides are guilty of this, when in power. It's not a particularly Republican disease.

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Abortion polls keep moving too, which is super hopeful. I know there will be some electoral payback for these issues, I just worry that if the Dems don't make Trans rights a priority nationally, relief won't come in the most red states.

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Sink the GOP in 2024?!? Something needs to sink them a hell of a lot faster than that! The horrific damage they are doing to the trans community and the network of everyone involved and caring about trans people and families...

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I legit hope this actually leads to the GOP losing every election in the next few years. I am unfortunately pessimistic

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Thank you, Erin and thank you, Zooey! I’m the mom of a trans daughter and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your work.

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I saw a comment almost a year ago and I think it showed a lot if foresight. They said, "they would be nothing without us, we are the last leg they have to stand on and it's not even a good leg" they being the GOP and us being the Trans people they attack.

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Gerrymandering is wrong. It should not be legal. It subverts democracy. In states like mine. It guarantees that Republicans will have a supermajority. The fact that in a blue state they have gerrymandered it so that Republicans can't win doesn't balance this out nor does it excuse it. Real people are being hurt here because their voices are ignored. We can't just dismiss it because well, after all, the Democrats do this too.

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Thank you for this factual information

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