How can this possibly be even argued as constitutional??? I know politically anything is possible. But what in god’s name is their argument?

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They KNOW it's bad to be called transphobic, so they want to remove the consequences. What happens if we call religious people "mentally ill"? Because I get called that often.

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Jan 8Liked by Erin Reed

I’m speechless. Wtf. Great reporting as always, Erin. Thank you.

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This country is doomed. Planning our move to Europe in the near future.

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Jan 8Liked by Erin Reed

What the heck is “scientific beliefs”

That’s not how science works

This is sooooo unconstitutional

Also the person who wrote this bill is transphobic AF

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Awww, I’m sooooo sorry you’re worried about being defamed while you’re deliberately harming thousands of innocent people!

That must be super f’ing hard for you!

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“Free speech for me, but not for thee,” is basically their motto.

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Makes me think of that holocaust museum showing all the law changes in the run up to the camps in Germany. The state could replace transphobic with any sort of word. Talk about government weaponization, this state will be even more terrifying to live soon. The legislature will for sure ram all these bills through and the courts won’t be able to keep up.

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These bills are getting so bad that they are reaching cartoon villain status, except of course that they are very real and have the capability of doing tremendous harm. As long as the country has a functioning Constitution, I would think this is blatantly wrong and would either not pass, or get invalidated by a court.

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So do they believe that transphobia is acceptable (because they say it can have a scientific or religious basis) or unacceptable (because they say it’s defamatory to name it)? It’s OK for someone to do transphobia, but not OK for someone else to observe that it is what it is?

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So glad I'm leaving soon. I sincerely hope every LGBTQ+ person and allies finds their way out of FL. The rest of these people can rot. The people here and exceptionally unkind in the 34 years I have been here. When the only safe spots here are individual cities the best thing we can do is leave. We are outnumbered here. If they want their bland Christian Nationalist state, they can have it without us and see how well they do in a place completely empty of diversity.

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Percentage possibility that being trans in Florida will be illegal by the end of the year?

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I will call DeSantis and his 4th reichdiots, transphobic garbage, all freaking day.

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Replace the term transphobia with antisemitism and see how it sounds.

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I need to get back to working on anonymity systems, so that people can make accusations of transphobia, racism, etc. in safety. (I contributed to the design of the Mixminion remailer protocol back in the day; that never got a lot of use directly, but it influenced later protocols. There's still a lot that can be done to make mixnets more practical, secure, and scalable, and to address moderation and reputation issues in pseudonymous social networks.)

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An outrageous attack on free speech.

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