My "deeply held biological beliefs" include a recognition that gender presents across a very broad spectrum and that it can be fluid. There's more scientific support for my perspective than theirs so let's just call this what it is, an Orwellian attempt by those in power to assert control over a minority population for political gain as they have scapegoated this population in lieu of actually governing.

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I was going to say much the same thing but decided to do it as a reply to express my second of your words.

I was going to say that since gender is driven by brain function, which is clearly biological, then my firm belief that I am a (cis) male is a "deeply held biological belief" and so exempt from the law.

It's tempting to say this just shows how astoundingly ignorant - never mind, go ahead and make that stupid - these people are that they think that the term "biology" refers only to reproductive organs and not the rest of the body.

Except that's not the point. The idea is to empower any bigot to be free to express their bigotry and engage in a broad range of discrimination and oppression simply by saying "I believe gender and sex are the same thing and there are only two."

I was a draft counselor during the Indochina War (I wonder how many here understand that phrase) and "deeply held" pacifist beliefs could exempt you from military duty. But you had to convince a usually highly-skeptical board you were sincere. It would be fun of a sort to be on a board as people seeking a "biological belief" exemption from this law tried to prove that they sufficiently understood the relevant biology to gain the protection.

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I worry about this sort of thing spreading to other states or being put into play on the federal level if they get power back

Out of principle I would be loud about my pronouns and gender identity, which would get me fired of course

I hope this is legally challenged asap, and that protests begin immediately

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Me too. I live in Missouri and the gov here loves to try and copy whatever FL does. Time to buckle up for the next fight.

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saying biology is immutable is like saying two and two is five. you can say it as many times as you like but it’s observably, glaringly not true! hormones are biology. anatomy is biology. these are material things and they are obviously eminently mutable. (DNA on its own is just a blueprint and doesn’t need to be mutable, because we all have the recipe for all the gender variations in our DNA and when we take measures like exogenous hormones we change which parts of the it get expressed.) i am literally typing this comment from the hospital in which my own biology has only today been substantially modified in a process we call “surgery” bc it turns out we can do that, actually

honestly, there’s a case for classing what is misleadingly being called called “deeply biology-based beliefs” here as straight-up religious because they’re certainly not based on science

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I am mentally screaming SO loudly right now. I happen to work in a Florida non-profit that has very comprehensive protections for trans people (and LGBTQ+ people more broadly), and it's not an LGBTQ+ org specifically, but this bill would not only impact LGBTQ+ orgs, but ALL non-profits in the state, including domestic violence centers, rape crisis centers, HIV/AIDS organizations, non-profit medical providers, homeless shelters, social service agencies, non-profit after school programs, and more. I'm sounding the alarm within my networks, and I'm fortunate that I've been working in the Florida non-profit sector long enough to have those contacts, so we'll see how much opposition we can muster to fight against this infuriating bill, but this is basically trying to extend the "Stop Woke Act" and the education bills to cover anything and everything within the state's reach. I hate this so much. I haven't had a chance to fully read the text of the bill yet, or this article, but I will be doing that ASAP. I am so over these legislators who are continuously trying to one-up each other by doubling down on the transphobia. And I'm glad that I'm trained in legislative advocacy and policy analysis and have spent the past two years doing research on anti-trans violence, discrimination, and legislation, and specifically Florida's legislation, because this is going to be an all-hands on deck sort of situation, I think.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

This could also affect federally chartered institutions like Credit Unions, since they’re non profits under 501(c)(1). It would allow employment discrimination that would felonies if those same rules were applied to clients. It’s unconscionable.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Does the drafting of this legislative language come from the ADF? It has that stench. And if so guaranteed it will pop up in other legislatures in short order.

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It does seem that way doesn’t it

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Wow. A whole new level of Horrible.

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This is a MONUMENTAL mistake on the part of the republicans. It is clear that a majority of people do not favor discrimination and I hardly think state enforced discrimination could possibly be palatable to most Floridians. They might have the votes to pass this, and their horrible governor might sign this into law, but expect an enormous backlash if they do.

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I agree that this is a mistake on the hate filled republicans. I have so much anger for the republicans that remain silent on proposed legislation filled with hate. At a minimum at least those proposing the hate are very easily identified. Those that remain silent push my anger button big time. Trying to straddle the fence and not be identified to the voters.

You wrote...."They might have the votes to pass this, and their horrible governor might sign this into law, but expect an enormous backlash if they do." Be nice to have the enormous backlash NOW.

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I live in a Queer friendly state of Oregon. I will be pressuring organizations and businesses to avoid Florida. My naive self thought once the hate filled gov took on Disney things would slow down.

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They’re never going to stop, are they? This shit is just malicious. I feel like they want a civil war.

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There needs to be repercussions for lawmakers who introduce blatantly unconstitutional bills. This is not only just f-ing insane, it’s a waste of taxpayer money to even spend any time on this. If, god forbid, it does pass, it will go to court and waste more tax payer money. Just like all the others. I live in Florida. This place sucks. Our only hope is that most of their voters are old and unhealthy (because everything healthy is … “woke”).

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We have been oppressed to a breaking point! Stonewall should be a reminder of what an oppressed and persecuted people will do when cornered. Enough has already been enough!

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Not only could this horrible bill be replicated by other states, it could also be made federal law, if the GOP gets control of all branches of government. Discriminatory policies aren’t popular with voters, but we’ve seen time and time again that it doesn’t matter to conservatives. That’s why the 2024 elections are so vitally important. What are the chances that this awful Florida bill actually becomes law there?

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Was I supposed to (according to these people in FL) know how in God's name it would be constitutional, to drive nonprofits doing essential work out of their jurisdiction? It's like they're trying to find the least legally permissible thing, just to see what else might stick, even just for the sake of making an aggressive move, acting like they don't have accountability, even though in reality they will face it.

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How can we get this picked up widely by news outlets?

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It already is. Thankfully at this point when I write, people pay attention, thanks to subscribers like you.

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Really appreciate you!

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

They just throw anything up against the wall to see if it'll stick, don't they? This is laughably unconstitutional...hey, gallows humor is still a laugh. It's unenforcable. What in hell are they going to do, throw me in jail for saying my pronouns are she/her? Write me a ticket as if I was driving without a seat belt on (which I would never do)?

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They sure know how to focus on the important issues...

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